Apple Rumors-Weekend Edition: NFC for iPhone 6, $400 iWearable, New Construction

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
We have a few Apple rumors for y'all today. Sources told Wired that the new iPhone will finally contain Near Field Communication (NFC) technology which will certainly boost the mobile payment market to new heights. Meanwhile, Re/Code tells us that the wearable (iWatch? iGlass? ) to be announced on 9/9 will have a price tag around US$400. Finally, Yahoo says that there's a new "mysterious structure" being built at the event location. Are you looking forward to the announcements or is it "nine nine nevermind" to you? :)
Does Apple think people are stupid? People are hesitant about spending $250 on a top tier Moto 360 so what makes them want to spend $400 for pretty much an iPad Nano with wrist bands?
According to what I heard on the latest Gillmore Gang podcast, NFC has not much to do with the US of A but everything to do with China!! Apparently NFC is everywhere in China and pretty much needed to do anything, such as using the transportation systems.
Does Apple think people are stupid? People are hesitant about spending $250 on a top tier Moto 360 so what makes them want to spend $400 for pretty much an iPad Nano with wrist bands?

I agree. $400 is a non-starter price to all but the most ardent Apple hipsters.
Does Apple think people are stupid? People are hesitant about spending $250 on a top tier Moto 360 so what makes them want to spend $400 for pretty much an iPad Nano with wrist bands?
Yes. If Apple knows anything, they know their legions of customers.
Does Apple think people are stupid? People are hesitant about spending $250 on a top tier Moto 360 so what makes them want to spend $400 for pretty much an iPad Nano with wrist bands?

No, apple "Knows" people are stupid.
for $400, that watch better be ground breaking. Margins are probably huge if they can sell it at that price, and they're probably betting the isheep will buy it.

what hurts all smartwatches these days are the fugly designs and wristbands