Apple Says No to Sex and Violence for Its Streaming Service


Aug 20, 2006
“No Sex Please, We’re Apple.” The WSJ is reporting that Apple’s upcoming streaming service will be strictly family-friendly, shying away from gratuitous sex, profanity, or violence. The programming will even try to stay away from political and religious subjects. Some employees say it’s just an expensive version of NBC.

WSJ notes that Tim Cook said the company’s Vital Signs show — based on Dr. Dre’s life — was “too violent” after watching it a year ago. “Apple can’t show this,” the report mentions. That’s not all. Bryan Fuller, the showrunner for Apple’s reboot of Steven Spielberg’s Amazing Stories, left the firm earlier in the year after a major conflict over Apple’s focus on family-friendly content.
Didn't expect this from Apple. When every other service seemingly has to include sex and profanity in their shows just because they can, this is a breath of fresh air.

What percentage of Netflix shows are not TV-MA? Very few.
But something that an adult can enjoy, that isn't also mild porn.
They're not trying to appeal to adults - there is a whole generation that grew up watching YouTube rather than traditional TV based services about to get their first cashier/local type jobs that will easily be able to afford $10/month. This and the under 30's is Netflix's target, not the middle aged and older folks who are not so doped up on hormones that they have to see titties all day, 'erry day. Netflix wants to be the Gen. Y and Z's first choice for entertainment, replacing cable TV. Thanks to the internet, they can establish a monopoly that cable execs used to have wet dreams about.

You see this trend playing out in other areas as well such as gaming. The average age of the NFL viewer is 50. The average age of the Overwatch League viewer is 23. Where do you think investors are dumping their money right now?
No sex and no violence in a world were people think harsh words and even bad thoughts equal violence. That leaves absolutely no content to be allowed at all... At least any that will have any viewers/listeners at all...
But something that an adult can enjoy, that isn't also mild porn.
WTH are you watching on Netflix? Most of the shows I've seen have little (if any) nudity. I've seen nothing on their that wouldn't have fit in on HBO or Showtime (even if this was 1995 instead of 2018) and some of it could easily be on network TV (e.g. Kimmie Schmidt or Fuller House<gag>)
So I guess this means that there no chance that Apple would make shows like The Expanse or The Man In The High Castle.
Actually I think there’s a huge untapped market for “clean” content. You’ll be surprised to see this be a huge in terms of subscribers I think.
I know back in the Steve Jobs days, Apple and Disney were pretty close. Disney is about to open a new streaming service.

Makes me wonder if there won’t be some connection here, maybe not here at the start but eventually
Apple should take a look around the other streaming services and look at what their successful shows are. It’s a lot of adult content by their definition. If they want a family service, they should go all in on making a kids service.
Well Gee, does that mean every single rated R movie and most rated PG-13 are going to be removed now? I bought Starship Troopers on iTunes a long time ago back when Apple didn't suck quite as bad. I hope its still there.

Maybe they will make a Rated G version of the Star Wars movies...
I like this. I personally prefer "clean" shows. I tried watching Daredevil on Netflix, but the violence and gore was just too much for me. I would like to see more good programming, that isn't designed for 5 year olds, but still safe for me to watch with my 5 year old.
Most computer animated films will fall under that umbrella. Are they only going to show Sesame Street?
Am I the only one who grew up watching horror movies from a young age?
I turned out quite alright.

I like both clean shows and adult shows.

Why doesn't Apple just sell two packages and let people choose?
Am I the only one who grew up watching horror movies from a young age?
I turned out quite alright.

I like both clean shows and adult shows.

Why doesn't Apple just sell two packages and let people choose?
We already have HBO, Netflix, Showtime, etc. Why does Apple have to provide one sort or the other? Obviously, they see a market for exclusive "family friendly" programming and are pursuing it.
I like this. I personally prefer "clean" shows. I tried watching Daredevil on Netflix, but the violence and gore was just too much for me. I would like to see more good programming, that isn't designed for 5 year olds, but still safe for me to watch with my 5 year old.

I have a 4-year old, but I have to say, I don't share an expectation that the things I want to watch will be age-appropriate for him. So he and I watch Sophia, Elena, Manny, Paw Patrol, etc. He does not watch the "scary" stuff I watch. "Scary" might be violent, or monsters, or whatever.
We already have HBO, Netflix, Showtime, etc. Why does Apple have to provide one sort or the other? Obviously, they see a market for exclusive "family friendly" programming and are pursuing it.

They don't have to. I'm just saying they'll get a bigger customer base if they offer two packages.

Package one: 100% pure family fun
Package two: the above package and everything else

Either way I'm not going to sign up for the service.
Not because it's what they don't offer, it's because I don't have kids and have zero use for the service.
family friendly is code for denying the 'male gaze' and censoring 'guns imagery'. Like family friendly groups have any power that doesn't come from an intersect with progressive objectives.
But clean content that doesn’t suck.
Bro. From Thanksgiving to Christmas, Hallmark Channel is King. Other than TNT on Christmas for A Christmas Story.

Bro, go watch some Golden Girls and get in touch with your roots.
Didn't expect this from Apple. When every other service seemingly has to include sex and profanity in their shows just because they can, this is a breath of fresh air.

What percentage of Netflix shows are not TV-MA? Very few.

If all you watch on Netflix is TV-MA shows, that's all they're going to recommend. You need to understand what a Recommendation Engine is. And that's why you can select from multiple accounts, to make sure you're watching the right content.

There's plenty of content for all comers. Apparently Apple doesn't feel confident in their ability to build such an engine, and wants to take the easy way out. So fuck em, I like to watch both.
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