Apple's Approval Process Has Gone Too Far

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Apple’s approval process has gone too far and Gizmodo ain’t gonna take it. Oh no, they ain’t gonna take it. They’re not going to take it, anymore. The App store is so condescending. Their gall is never ending and you wont get nothing, not a thing from them. Dee Snider approves of this message.

The App Store approval process has always been mysterious, slightly ridiculous and mildly infuriating. But with the summary execution of Google Latitude as well as every Google Voice app, it's finally gone too far.
They denied the Google Voice app because of the free sms feature built in. It affected all of Apple's business partners... I'm sure all of the providers around the world, not just AT&T would have a HUGE problem with that...
LMAO, you've just outdone yourself, Steve! Amazing!

Back on topic, I predict... I predict... Apple's approval process is going to backfire like a mothafucker someday... oh yes...
I wish Google would pull everything apple and AT&T off google, youtube, and whatever other property google owns, and see what happens.
Can i survive another day without hearing something about the fruit phone thats why i am at this forum.
Can i survive another day without hearing something about the fruit phone thats why i am at this forum.

QFT. I couldn't care less about it... Samsung Omnia HD+Nimbuzz+Google Latitude+bizillion _Useful_ apps = Win :D

Is there a really good reason for one to buy an iPhone, other than to show it off?
--- Out of my experience of phones, and I've had several Windows Mobile phones - Q9, Q, Treo 700wx, etc... the Iphone is the best one for exchange sync, and it has Cisco vpn software prerolled into the OS, so I can use my "remote desktop" software and manage my windows based servers here w/o having to have a laptop handy at all times. There are some useful features of the Iphone, but I agree that most people who have them only use 'em as a status symbol.
I hope Gizmodo realizes that both apps really do undercut Apple's partners. Google should see this as a sign to integrate these things into their android phones. Oh yeah amooth move Gizmodo for making the article NSFW.
S60+Nimbuzz+Google Latitude+bizillion _Useful_ apps = Win :D

Is there a really good reason for one to buy an iPhone, other than to show it off?

Fixed. :)

And no, no *good* reason to buy a phone that limits you out of the box and forces you to circumvent terms of service to get any USEFUL functionality from it.

S60 all the way guys, doesn't matter what device whether it be an N82( what I own ) or an N95, an N97 or something else running S60 like the OmniaHD!

S60 ftw!
Am I supposed to want Google's Latitude on my phone?

I understand a great injustice has been committed by Apple for not instantly approving all things Google, but that Latitude stuff is creepy.
Apple are nothing but cyber bullies and geek thugs. Worse then any corporation that I know of.
Who the fuck is fucking with my HOSTS file? Why is there Apple bashing on my Gizmodo page?
there better be some new kick ass phone next year that is not from apple out for AT&T so that I can upgrade to it. It's too bad I couldn't just put webos with a splash of android for openness into the iphone 3gs hardware (preferably with the latest samsung processor). I'd be pretty happy.
--- Out of my experience of phones, and I've had several Windows Mobile phones - Q9, Q, Treo 700wx, etc... the Iphone is the best one for exchange sync, and it has Cisco vpn software prerolled into the OS, so I can use my "remote desktop" software and manage my windows based servers here w/o having to have a laptop handy at all times. There are some useful features of the Iphone, but I agree that most people who have them only use 'em as a status symbol.

Wow thats lovely, thanks for sharing.
They denied the Google Voice app because of the free sms feature built in. It affected all of Apple's business partners... I'm sure all of the providers around the world, not just AT&T would have a HUGE problem with that...

Heaven forbid you actually use that unlimited data package you MUST get when you buy an iPhone...

I would get an iphone if it was on Sprint, I refuse to give AT&T another cent. I am about to say screw Apple too, propriatary/locked hardware/software is like renting the phone, you don't own it you are just using it for a while.
Heaven forbid you actually use that unlimited data package you MUST get when you buy an iPhone...

I would get an iphone if it was on Sprint, I refuse to give AT&T another cent. I am about to say screw Apple too, propriatary/locked hardware/software is like renting the phone, you don't own it you are just using it for a while.

i love my 2.5g iphone on t-mobile...

it really is a great device, easy to use, responsive, etc... i also have a G1 and i like that phone equally as much as far as the software, the phone is a bit clunky as far as thickness and the usefulness of the slide-out keyboard....

every winmo phone i have owned i have usually thrown through a wall, into a pool, or some other horrible death that i enjoyed very much... needless to say, not a fan of the winmo
And this is a problem? If you want your entire life run through a Google portal, grab an android phone. I personally agree with the guy earlier in the thread that was loving on S60..
And this is a problem? If you want your entire life run through a Google portal, grab an android phone. I personally agree with the guy earlier in the thread that was loving on S60..

+1 - I've been enjoying a Nokia E51 for quite a while now. Small, tough, lightweight and very stable. Not to mention the plethora of apps on offer. Will be keeping an eye on Android, though.
Blehh.. I'm not a huge fan of Android. It offers no advantage over S60 but the Google name.. and personally I'm not the one that wants to help them on their quest to know every single move we make and thought we have (their personal goal).
I think MS should start approving apps for its operating systems and ban Itunes, Safari, etc...
Somewhat surprisingly the FCC decided to have at it and requested more info from Apple as to why they pulled the app.

In its letter to Apple, the FCC asked for the reason behind the rejection and the decision to remove the third-party application. It also asked whether Apple acted alone or in consultation with AT&T, and what role AT&T plays in the approval process for iPhone apps.
I can see who that turns out:

Apple: "AT&T told us not to, we were going to keep on the cutting edge for our customers but their holding us back again, just like MMS and copy and paste"