Aquacomputer Quadro Pump Control Question


Apr 18, 2000
Recently pickup a Quadro for fan and pump control. I'm using a EK D5 pump with pwm. Connected the pump's pwm to one of the Quadro fan headers but the Aquasuite software doesn't show pump rpm in the default fan gauge or allows for control. No problems with connected pwn fans. What am I doing wrong?
You're connecting it to a fan header (all the QUADRO has), so it shows up under fans. Just rename the channel so you know what it is and control it from there.
The pump should show as fan 4 (in this case) but I'm not seeing the pump rpm or being able to control the pump %. The pump remains at its default 100% like the pwm is not connected to the Quadro's fan header.
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Make sure you haven't offset the connector by a pin or something (I've done this before) and if that's not an issue, try connecting it to a motherboard fan header to see if you can read the RPM or control the pump that way. If neither works, your pump may be bad.
Checked and connected the pwm to the MB pump header and was able to see/control the pump in the bios. I wasn't sure if there as a software setting I'm missing in Aquasuite or something.

I guess the EK pump is not compatible, dunno.
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I figured out that if the pump pwm is connected to fan headers 1-3 as labeled on the Quadro then the Aquasuite will allow for % control but still doesn't show rpm. If connected to header 4 no % control or rpm.