Aquaero English instructions?

I already have one, just want to know more about it and make sure I have everything hooked up right
Yep! I had help from top nurse, I was going to do it myself but she saw my order at sharka and flashed it for me. I thought that was awesome and it was done by a pro
Shoggy said:

But please note that this manual is ~9 months old. A LOT of new features are not mentioned and also many menues have a new structure etc.
If you are planning to buy a Aquaero, that old manual is no good choice to make a decision.

And it's also written in German Engrish. Wonder if they'd send me a free Aquaero if I offered to rewrite the instructions for them.
BellaCroix said:
And it's also written in German Engrish. Wonder if they'd send me a free Aquaero if I offered to rewrite the instructions for them.

Sorry but I already tried ;) They didn't seem to understand what the big hoopla was all about. However, if you know German and you were willing to translate the version 4.xx firmware and AquaSuite manual that might be a different story. :D
I know a guy who visits Germany every year (he's a chaparone for his alma matter's German club/class/whatever and takes the little ones around Germany (except Aushwitz)).

Eventually I'll have an Aquaero and will probablly tap him to do some translating for me, how many pages is the Aquasuite manual? Maybe I'll have him work on it in his spare time (for a couple beers or something) and post it.
BellaCroix said:
I know a guy who visits Germany every year (he's a chaparone for his alma matter's German club/class/whatever and takes the little ones around Germany (except Aushwitz)).

Eventually I'll have an Aquaero and will probablly tap him to do some translating for me, how many pages is the Aquasuite manual? Maybe I'll have him work on it in his spare time (for a couple beers or something) and post it.

Good idea! Contact Chris Moeller at Aqua Computer and see if you can work some kind of deal out. :D
Top Nurse said:
Good idea! Contact Chris Moeller at Aqua Computer and see if you can work some kind of deal out. :D

Are you guys talking about the actual program or just the docs? My friend is no code monkey and I wouldn't trust him rewriting a piece of software.

And I thought you said AC wasn't interested in "de-engrishing" the instrutions, that they didn't see what the problem was.
BellaCroix said:
Are you guys talking about the actual program or just the docs? My friend is no code monkey and I wouldn't trust him rewriting a piece of software.

And I thought you said AC wasn't interested in "de-engrishing" the instrutions, that they didn't see what the problem was.

The documents.

Well that would be because the other stuff has already been translated. This hasn't AKAIK. Since Chris is the one who gets stuck doing that and he is in charge of marketing perhaps he would be interested in off loading some work. :D
There numerous free translation sites on the net. Just download the German manuals and copy and paste, thats what I have been doing and it works.
Only one problem left: there is no german manual for a 4.0 Aquaero or the Aquasuite software :D
Shoggy said:
Only one problem left: there is no german manual for a 4.0 Aquaero or the Aquasuite software :D

Touche', but Aquasuite is not that difficult to learn.
theseeker said:
There numerous free translation sites on the net. Just download the German manuals and copy and paste, thats what I have been doing and it works.

I have tried that in the past. The problem I always run into is that terms which are common in a particular industry may take years to become common in the native tongue of different languages. So what I end up with is some kind of babel that doesn't make a lot of sense. As they say the devil is in the details :eek: