ARCH linux on eee pc 1000ha


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 25, 2005
I installed archlinux on my eee pc. Everything works great, very fast and easy to install. Drivers were very easy to find. After using this I think I am going to remove Ubuntu on my desktop.

Okay I do have one question though. When I full screen a program, the top of the window only goes to the bottom of the menu bar. I would like it cover the menu bar completely so that I have use of that extra couple of mm or so. If I hide the top menu bar, maximized programs still leave a gap at the top. Any way to do this? I want use of the entire 10" screen.

Also, if later I decide that I would rather use a different window manager besides gnome, how easy is it to unistall and replace with something else? How similar is fluxbox?
To change desktop environments just install the new one and put it in your .xinitrc file. for fluxbux you would put "exec fluxbox" as the last line and comment out whatever else you have exec
Also, if later I decide that I would rather use a different window manager besides gnome, how easy is it to unistall and replace with something else? How similar is fluxbox?

You don't have to remove a window manager or desktop environment, but if you want to, then

sudo pacman -Rs [name of package]

Fluxbox is quite different from GNOME. It has a far more minimalist approach. Give it a try, you might like it!