Arctic Cool VGA Silencer = Awsome


Jan 31, 2003
I just installed the vga silencer rev 3. I bought it for $10 from SVC. I'am so damn happy i did and i bought the OCZ ramsinks and got some Vantec Aluminum heat spreaders for my ram.

My whole system runs so much cooler.

Before // 37C-40C idle // 47C-50C load //

Now // 27C-30C idle // 32C-35C load //

Big difference. And now I can overclock so much more.

I'm over 15,000 3dmark01 now.

Any Questions or Comments? :)
Your 3DMark03 score seems a bit low. I just ran it a minute ago on my machine and got 5800 marks. I was using some USB devices at the time also which usually knocks down on my benchmark scores because of using CPU cycles.
i just ran it and got 4402. I didnt update my sig at the time. Sorry.

Is that low still?? It could be the CPU tests. The FPS are really low at like 6-20.

But my processor is pretty good isnt it??
You must have had the worst case ventilation ever if it dropped your temps that much. :eek:
Rizen: How do you have such high 3dmark03 scores but so low 3dmark01 scores? I was just curious.

I have 1 fan in the front and 1 on the side that blowing in and 2 in the back blowing out.
And now the VGA Silencer blowing out.
Scheizekopf said:
i just ran it and got 4402. I didnt update my sig at the time. Sorry.

Is that low still?? It could be the CPU tests. The FPS are really low at like 6-20.

But my processor is pretty good isnt it??

Well i'm not much of a 3dmark fan so i dont know whats high and whats low because i dont keep up on all that crap but it just seems like yours is really low compared to mine considering we both have the same relative speed processors and yours should be faster in most gaming environments such as 3dmark03. Instead i'm ahead of you by over 1,000 marks. Maybe my 5900XT @ 440/800 is just hella faster then your 9600XT OC?
Scheizekopf said:
Rizen: How do you have such high 3dmark03 scores but so low 3dmark01 scores? I was just curious.

I have 1 fan in the front and 1 on the side that blowing in and 2 in the back blowing out.
And now the VGA Silencer blowing out.

3dmark01 is more CPU dependent than 3dmark03 which is primarily all video card. That would explain why mine is higher then yours and why his is higher then mine. He has an overclocked 9800 pro.
My 3DMark03 is so high because I have a hugely overclocked 9800 PRO, but a 2.3 GHz Athlon running on a 153MHz bus.

To be honest the 3DMark2001 score was taken on my (now deceased) 9800 PRO with the XT hack running at 412/360. With the new PRO at 435/400 it should be higher. I'll run it in a bit :)
I can't wait to pick up a 6800 GT and OC it and then push my 3.0c up around 3.7Ghz and see what i get then. I've to stop being lazy and install the new cooling stuff i bought. This AeroCool HT-101 looks pretty :).
I just ran 3DMark2001. I am tuning the computer again so the CPU is at (an apparently stable) 2345MHz, RADEON 9800 PRO is at 435/400. I pulled 14,979, up from 14,1xx.

The 14,1xx was at 2300MHz and a RADEON PRO flashed to an XT at 412/360. For comparison purposes, I only got about 10-20 3DMarks more by increasing my CPU from 2300 to 2345 in 3DMark2003. :eek:
Rizen said:
For comparison purposes, I only got about 10-20 3DMarks more by increasing my CPU from 2300 to 2345 in 3DMark2003. :eek:

Thats because like i said before, 3dmark03 is almost entirely GPU dependent.
burningrave101 said:
Thats because like i said before, 3dmark03 is almost entirely GPU dependent.
Yeah I know, but that small of a difference still suprised me! Hehe.
At first I thought that the external heat exhaust idea was something that would help a little bit, but once I installed mine I could notice a huge decrease is overal system case temps! And I'm not just saying this to promote this product, I mean all VGA heatsinks should be designed this way.
with zalman cooler on my 9800pro and cat 4.6 :

3d2001SE : 17828
3d2003 : 6220
i'm still getting great results.

temps are really low compared to what they were.

Every temp has dropped: mobo, cpu, video card, and case.

Best $10 spent on the computer i think.