Arctic Freezer 7 Pro + AS5 Conundrum


Limp Gawd
Jul 29, 2004
Last night I installed an Arctic Cooler Freezer 7 Pro on my Conroe. I dug out some Arctic Silver 5 compound and applied a rice-sized blob of it to my cleaned CPU - like I've done on all of my previous CPUs - then installed the HSF on top.

Anyways, reading some threads I've only just realised that the Freezer Pro comes with some of its own compound (mx-1) already in place. Whoops! :rolleyes: Fortunately, I haven't turned my PC on yet, so none of the compound has been "used" as such...

Would you guys recommend I re-install the HSF? If so, should I just take it off, clean the AS5 off my CPU, then just replace the heatsink back on top? Should I try and clean any AS5 residue off the other compound stuck to the bottom of the Freezer heatsink as well? Or is all this not really worth doing (will it make much difference?)?? :confused:

Cheers guys! :cool:
Clean both surfaces with acohol, then do the rice grain method of AS5 installation and try again :). If you hadn't have mounted the cooler then you could have left the HSF side untouched, but there's no telling how the 2 compounds will react over time...

Ahhh I'll never forget the day I applied some AS5 under a heatpad.
Do you think I have any chance of removing the AS5 off of the MX-1 compound using alcohol, then stick with the latter? It's just that the MX-1 is "stuck" to the HSF, and it has a more rubbery, putty consistency, so may be seperable from the AS5 paste. Also, it appears to be better at conducting heat than the AS5, according to a thread further down on this board...
The truth is it does make a difference but ita only about 3-4c , whic is negligible , it does make a difference if you are going to overclock it.

I have installed about 7 freezer 7 pro's and its only till two weeks ago i too realised that it has some real good compound already on it.

The choice is yours , if you need that extra difference then go for it but if it doesnt matter or bother you then leave it.
How in the holy hell could you not notice there was pre-applied thermal paste on the freezer..
merlin87 said:
Maybe he didnt notice it and was excited to run the thing.
You have to remove a clear plastic cover from the base before installing..
joemama said:
You have to remove a clear plastic cover from the base before installing..

yeah I was thinking the same thing, talk about a brain fart ;)
You may as well clean off both compounds and start over, AS5 will perform better than the heatpad anyways. If you can't rub it off, just use your fingernail and scrape off the pad. Any residue should come off with some Q-tips and rubbing alcohol.
Zero82z said:
You may as well clean off both compounds and start over, AS5 will perform better than the heatpad anyways. If you can't rub it off, just use your fingernail and scrape off the pad. Any residue should come off with some Q-tips and rubbing alcohol.
It's not a "heatpad" and in some tests it actually outperforms AS5.
In that case, just try wiping off the AS5. Shouldn't be too difficult, just make sure to use something that won't leave any dust on it. A plastic card would do nicely.
Zero82z said:
In that case, just try wiping off the AS5. Shouldn't be too difficult, just make sure to use something that won't leave any dust on it. A plastic card would do nicely.
Nah, if he's already installed it once the whole thing is screwed and he needs to clean everything and start over with AS5. I still can't believe he didn't notice the dark silver goop on the bottom of the sink. :wtf:
joemama said:
Nah, if he's already installed it once the whole thing is screwed and he needs to clean everything and start over with AS5. I still can't believe he didn't notice the dark silver goop on the bottom of the sink. :wtf:

It's not really that hard to believe :rolleyes: Basically, there were two of us installing it. I applied the AS5, then held all the cables out of the way, whilst my brother took the HSF out of its packaging and fitted it. I didn't stop him to question whether it had thermal paste on it in the first place. It'll teach me not to check first...

Anyways, I decided to leave both compounds on in the end. Results have been great this last few days: my CPU is idling at around 28 degrees C, then whilst priming it for a few hours it maxes at around 42 degrees (E6600 running @ 3ghz). So far so good :)