Are Asus G series anygood?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 18, 2010
Okay the hardware looks great on paper.

I request people that own one, not have just browsed the internet, provide feedback.

I am looking at Asus 15.6" G series laptops.

I am excited about the Core I7 Quad they have in them in addition the GTX460/560Ms in most. Or the I5 if it is strong enough for gaming being dual core and all.

What I would like to know:

Screen Quality -
Sound Quality -
GPU power in both forms 460 vs 560m (I read that the 560M is slower than the 460?? but only other opinions)
Overall machine quality and reliability

Does the price tag justify the hardware and reliability?

Does the ports on the right handed side tend to get in your way? I dont think they would for me but then again I just looked at the pictures so I dont know.

Also lastly how heavy are they realistically and what specific models do you think I should pay attention to.

I know that is a lot of questions but if you have time and are bored and want to provide feedback I am sure tons of other people might have these same questions but never ask.

Have a great happy and [H] day!
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I have an older (about 2 years now) model of the G60V so while I can't give specifics on the new lines performance I can tell you I have never had a problem with my laptop that wasn't due to my own stupidity. I do perform a yearly fresh reinstall which is incredibly easy as the laptop comes with a pre-partitioned boot sector you can full reinstall off by holding a function key. As for weight I am a college student and my G60V goes with me to every single class every day in my backpack and it weighs to me about the same as a textbook.
A couple of notes: My model vents hot air out the left and if I were left handed I probably would have melted my mouse by now. I can keep ramen hot with the exhaust off my laptops for hours. Not really an issue just something to be aware of. In addition you can't put this thing on your lap or any other soft surface that will block it's airflow but that goes for most gaming laptops. During extended gaming sessions the keyboard can also get pretty hot. I've heard the G70's eliminate a lot of the heat issues with their dual rear vents and I'd definitely consider one of those if I was to buy a laptop now myself.
Edit: To answer a few of your questions: The right side ports aren't an issue. I keep my mouse about 4 inches from the right side of my keyboard naturally and that is more then enough room to access the ports without the wires getting near my mouse. The price tag definitely is warranted by the reliability. I know a lot of people on campus here who have ASUS computers and I've yet to hear a single complaint from anyone. As to the graphics card comparison : . They have all the stats you will need.
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I've heard the G70's eliminate a lot of the heat issues with their dual rear vents and I'd definitely consider one of those if I was to buy a laptop now myself.

They really didn't fix the heat issues, it is better now. However, the only real change is that it vents out the back instead of the side.
Well of course there is still heat it's just less of it rises up through the left side of the keyboard thus making things more comfortable for the user.
I love my G73JH. It runs surprisingly quiet for a gaming laptop. It hasn't been perfect (I bricked it with a firmware update - no warning given that you can't flash firmware from an NTFS partition) but it has run just about everything I've thrown at it pretty well.
I have to agree with Daggah. I have a G73JH and it is a great laptop. Bought it as a recertified item on Newegg. Best money I ever spent on a laptop.
I love my G73JH. It runs surprisingly quiet for a gaming laptop. It hasn't been perfect (I bricked it with a firmware update - no warning given that you can't flash firmware from an NTFS partition) but it has run just about everything I've thrown at it pretty well.

I haven't bricked mine yet, but I absolutely love it, almost all games at max settings, :D
Love my G73JH as well (A2 model). Every once in a while I get a fan noise, but it's just dust build up (blast of air gets rid of it every time).

One thing that does really bug me about the design is that it pulls air through the keyboard for the intake. So playing with the lid closed can build up temps much higher than with it open (when I use an external monitor or my T.V.). But all that means is that I keep the lid slightly cracked up and the temps are back to normal. When I retire my 17" laptops, I generally use them as HTPC's (Dell 9300 is under my T.V. right now), so I'll have to figure out the intake thing then. But until then I can live with it very happily.

Also, I HATE the touchpad on the G73. It's by far the worst touch pad I have ever used. Not sure how they are on the 15" machines, but if they're anything like the one on my G73, they're garbage. You'll want an external mouse, which mine came with so I don't really see it as a valid complaint. But if it hadn't included the external mouse, I would have been pretty upset.

If you're thinking of getting an Asus G series laptop (73/53 series and above), don't hesitate over build quality or performance. They're top notch in both. I'm not a fan of the build of the 72's and lower (a little too much glossy plastic for me), but they're also very admirable machines. Just know that they're probably heavier and bulkier than most of their competitors.

Edit: More in line with directly answering your questions:

The ports on the right side were a bit annoying at first, but then I find ports on either side of the laptop to be a bit annoying. I much prefer the ports to be on the back, but the design of the cooling on this laptop means that there is no room on the back for the ports. I got used to this (most of my USB cables that plug into the right are now natively bent straight back so they don't get in the way).

The price for mine was well worth the hardware I was getting. I believe the price I paid (with 1 day shipping) was $1612, brand new. I think the model was 1499 or 1549 (I honestly don't remember) and the shipping (to Alaska) was a pretty chunk of change. Now, the G73JH-A2 is obviously over priced for the hardware (It is well over a year old now), but I've definitely gotten my money's worth out of it and I probably won't upgrade until next summer (2 year personal life cycle or there about).

The machine is heavy. There's no getting around that. Mine is a 17" and you're looking at the 15", so there's a bit of weight saving there. But I can't imagine there's a whole lot of a difference. The charger for mine is also REALLY heavy for a power adapter. I haven't weighed it personally, but I've heard that it's 12lbs.

If you're looking for an on the go computer to play games, the G series may be a bit bulky for that. But not so much so that it's obnoxious. When I'm staying somewhere for more than a week, I'll travel with my G73. But for quick trips, the bulk isn't worth having it. I'm sure the G53 would be a lot more managable.
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Thank you all for the inputs I am going to be looking into a G series now in 15" unless for some odd reason a 17" is better and cost the same or less but damn they are HUGE. There is no where on earth I am looking to replace my signature desktop with a laptop and that is totally impossible anyways.

I am also a network engineer and Cisco guy so the portability of the 15 is more in line with my work. The power pack not worried about. The thing will always be plugged into the PDU strips in the racks anyways if Im working on a project.

What do you guys/gals think about the GTX 460m vs. GTX560m argument? What is better overall?
What do you guys/gals think about the GTX 460m vs. GTX560m argument? What is better overall?

if the price difference is with in 80 i would get the gtx 560m.

but the more important thing is to make sure it has a sandy bridge cpu ie 2630qm.