Are Juniper SSG5's useful anymore?


Jul 30, 2009
My work is trying to sell something in the neighborhood of 470 of the buggers... They thought they had some interest when we started to decommission them but now that we have most back at HQ interest has all but dried up.
I donno, maybe it's that they are trying to sell the WHOLE lot of them in bulk or perhaps they just need to limit to "packs of 10".

What it really comes down to is this... Are these juniper SSG5's even useful anymore?
I guess that is a loaded question as I still see that they are sold online brand new for ~$300-600. But they are fairly old routers from my understanding...
As I understand it, they are the last vestige of the NetScreen brand that Juniper acquired but still a current model. I manage an organizaion of 5 of them. Almost as flexible as an ASA and just as old. If you are patient, You can find them on Fleabay for $100ish. IMHO, for that price, there are more useful options.
Its pretty old, only has 10/100 ports and a max throughput of about 100-150Mbps for firewall performance. Looking at Ebay prices they go for 80-ish bucks each. IMO if you wanted them for a lab I would recommend SRX series devices since they run the normal JunOS operating system. For home use at 470 each I would say its a bit overpriced.

SRX 100H2 for example is around 100-250 that is faster and better for learning Juniper due to recent OS.

The datasheet on SSG5 is

Link from ebay, $80 to purchase
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For home use they are still very useful, I am using one now as my firewall and love it. I used to own the segmentation platform for a medium sized enterprise and used various sized SSGs, including ISG2Ks.

We were moving to SRX but Juniper still has a HUGE install base of ScreenOS devices.

So short story, very useful and still active.
They are what they are, dull boring dumb as a bunch of rocks but reliable as hell.

We have an SSG at the very perimeter of our network simply to act as a "doorman" to inbound and outbound traffic before our smarter stuff sees it - it's never skipped a beat.
Currently have one as my home router. Far better choice IMO than the consumer grade stuff being sold today and about the same price as new consumer stuff if you buy on the secondary market. The 10/100 ports are far faster than any ISP's offering in my area. And my former job used Juniper firewalls including SSG5s so using it is simple.

If your workplace can sell them on the secondary market in lots of one, will probably have better luck. For enterprise use, the 10/100 ports and Juniper's cost for software support probably limit the market for large blocks of them.
Thanks guys!
that helps a bit :)

...wonder if I can talk them into letting me have a couple :D
Good for branches and low traffic sites. Good little routers, but they are becoming "last generation" compared to everything else out there.
Yes I figured that, which is why we are trying to offload them... I'd hate to send them to a recycler if they are still useful to anyone.
Its pretty old, only has 10/100 ports and a max throughput of about 100-150Mbps for firewall performance. Looking at Ebay prices they go for 80-ish bucks each. IMO if you wanted them for a lab I would recommend SRX series devices since they run the normal JunOS operating system. For home use at 470 each I would say its a bit overpriced.

SRX 100H2 for example is around 100-250 that is faster and better for learning Juniper due to recent OS.

The datasheet on SSG5 is

Link from ebay, $80 to purchase
I tested this on a 150 Mbps cable connection and it didn't anywhere close to that. In real world for me it was 60 Mbps sustained and about 75 Mbps burst.
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