Are some USB 2 hubs better than others?


Limp Gawd
Jun 7, 2004
I've got a Shuttle SB61G2. Has two USB 2.0 ports on the front, and 4 on the back. That said, with a Logitech MX700 base, MX900 base, printer, an remote control receiver, a logitech wireless controller receiver, and a logitech orbit webcam, my USB ports are full!

Back when USB 2 was still fairly new, I bought a couple of powered (seperate AC adapter included) USB 2 hubs for different PC's. They were only $20 and backwards compatible, so they seemed like a good deal. But when I recently used one with the orbit webcam, I couldn't get the camera to "turn" like it will when directly connected to the PC. Since the two receivers seemed to work find on it, I left them on it. But obviously I'd like a USB 2 hub that works with whatever I connect to it.

Are some USB 2 devices more demanding? Is that why some units work when not on a USB 2 hub? Or do I just have an inferior unit, and a better hub would work fine? My PCI slot currently has a TV tuner in it, but I just got an external solution I could try. And then I could put one of my USB 2 PCI cards in the slot and get 4 more connections on the PC. That might just be the best way to go.

Any info. on USB 2 and hubs is appreciated. I know a lot about PC's, whether building them, troubleshooting, etc. But I've never had too much USB trouble except when it's self inflicted. ;)
Yeah. That's what I figured. I'll probably remove my Hauppauge PVR 250 MCE card this afternoon, try the external tuner, put a 5 port USB 2 card in the PCI slot of my Shuttle, and have enough USB 2 ports for a FEW more days. ;)
Well If you have a powered USB hub there suppost to be better then the ones that just hook up to the PC's USB.