Are there any good gaming 939 boards left?


Aug 7, 2004
I've been searching the major online retailers (newegg, ZFF) and I haven't been able to find any good gaming motherboard. People continue to suggest I purchase a DFI Lan Party board but its pretty much out of stock everywhere or on eBay used/marked up. I'm not looking for the best gaming board out there, but I do need a board that can handle itself under stress. I have a 7800 GTX and the issue I have with every board I've found is that gaming performance isn't good and I don't want my motherboard being the bottleneck for my system. Are there ANY good or better gaming boards at any online retailer?
+1 if you can find it, the ultra d allways seemed easier to come across.
.... if you're looking for a new Ultra-D, I have one that I bought from Newegg awhile back, but never used. It's just sitting around and I would like to sell it because I no longer have a 939 CPU or any DDR. You can send me a PM if you would like to know more.
Asus A8N SLI premium or Asus A8NSLI32 deluxe best 939 board out there. specs in sig, im also running a 7800 gtx runs great no problems and great overclocking board too.