Are there rumors about NVIDIA Price drops soon, specifically on the 8800 GTX


Apr 21, 2005
Are there rumors about NVIDIA Price drops soon, specifically on the 8800 GTX
I'm looking to upgrade in the next months and am wondering if I should wait or not. I've come into some money (tax return) and want the best I can get. I don't want to get it now though if there will be a 6 month update out in the next month or so.

Thanks all
We have the 8800 Ultra being paper launched tomorrow and X2900 is coming out later this month I believe, so we should see any price drops coming soon. I’d wait for the X2900 intro to see how it performs anyway before upgrading. That’s what I plan on, unless the 8800 Ultra looks to be kick butt, and not $1000!
I'm waiting for that too but I'm not too hopeful. 8800 Ultra is priced much higher and R600 turned out to be slow as a mule so I don't expect any price falls on GTX.
so this sounds like, "take a chill pill, wait 2 weeks and come back looking then"

Thanks for the info!
I just purchased an 8800GTX so the answer is most likely yes :mad:
Not really sure. But I don't see any motive for Nvidia to lower the MSRP on the GTX anytime soon.

The 8800 Ultra reportedly has an ultra high price tag and is only intended for limited production.

The 2900XT appears to be very competitive against the GTS, but not the GTX.

The 2900XTX, I hear may not launch until Q3.

Really nothing that challenges the GTX in that $600 area at the moment.
Are there rumors about NVIDIA Price drops soon, specifically on the 8800 GTX Reply to Thread

No, not really. But I will go ahead and start one.
I heard from a site from a guy's girlfriend's sister's dad who works for compusa but was the owner of Intel back in the P3 days that the 8800gtx is going to drop $20.

There you go.
Not really sure. But I don't see any motive for Nvidia to lower the MSRP on the GTX anytime soon.

The 8800 Ultra reportedly has an ultra high price tag and is only intended for limited production.

The 2900XT appears to be very competitive against the GTS, but not the GTX.

The 2900XTX, I hear may not launch until Q3.

Really nothing that challenges the GTX in that $600 area at the moment.

Same with Intel, no reason to drop MSRP...but they did.
Same with Intel, no reason to drop MSRP...but they did.

Yeah on low and mid range CPUs. Their top end Core 2 Extremes are still $1,000. And those prices aren't coming down until they unleash some new Core 2 Extremes in Q3.

Not really sure the GTS prices will drop much either, since they don't have anything to replace them with in the $300 and $400 price ranges. Not until Nvidia does a refresh or unleashes the next generation later this year.

(ps: And AMD had done some drastic price cuts themselves just a couple weeks prior.)
Yeah on low and mid range CPUs. Their top end Core 2 Extremes are still $1,000. And those prices aren't coming down until they unleash some new Core 2 Extremes in Q3

(ps: And AMD had done some drastic price cuts themselves just a couple weeks prior.)

lol. AMD noob is complaining... just for your information, Intel has the Q6600 expected to drop to around 290 in Q3, and the E4300, E6xxx series prices have all dropped, including the E6700, which is second to the extreme edition. Plus, lest we forget, the extreme edition has always been 1000 dollars, no matter how old or new. Intel makes sure that they distinguish their highest line against their more mainstream.

Anyway, I'm hoping the 8800GTS prices will fall. I thought the 8600Ultras had an MSRP of 180, but I guess it was just some crappy rumor or something. I guess I'll hold out too. Maybe the X2900XT will be cheaper? :p (probably not :mad: )
lol. AMD noob is complaining... just for your information, Intel has the Q6600 expected to drop to around 290 in Q3, and the E4300, E6xxx series prices have all dropped, including the E6700, which is second to the extreme edition. Plus, lest we forget, the extreme edition has always been 1000 dollars, no matter how old or new. Intel makes sure that they distinguish their highest line against their more mainstream.

Anyway, I'm hoping the 8800GTS prices will fall. I thought the 8600Ultras had an MSRP of 180, but I guess it was just some crappy rumor or something. I guess I'll hold out too. Maybe the X2900XT will be cheaper? :p (probably not :mad: )

Your first sentence confuses me a bit. I'm not complaining about anything and I'm a long time AMD buyer that just bought my first Intel chip a few months ago. *shrug*

My point is that prices will be competitive in most areas. But generally the very top tier, highest end stuff, prices usually stay where they are. GTX prices generally have always stayed pretty high for Nvidia. AMD's FX series usually stays pretty high. The Core 2 Extremes stay high. Etc. Just the way those things go usually.
I guess I should have questioned if there will be a refresh too. Something like an 8900 or 8950 type update. If there is only an 8800 Ultra then maybe NVIDIA is slowing their update process and going to take longer between major updates.

Now this reminds me of what AMD did and allowing the Core 2 to pass it up.

That being said, I hope I'm not seeing any writing on the wall.
I guess I should have questioned if there will be a refresh too. Something like an 8900 or 8950 type update. If there is only an 8800 Ultra then maybe NVIDIA is slowing their update process and going to take longer between major updates.

Now this reminds me of what AMD did and allowing the Core 2 to pass it up.

That being said, I hope I'm not seeing any writing on the wall.

I heard rumors about a refresh in the form of the 8900s months ago. But still absolutely nothing even remotely firm on that. I think I'm doubtful that Nvidia is gonna do that now.

Refresh might of happened if ATI released their stupid cards at the beginning of the year and Nvidia wanted to one up them again. But with ATI's constant delays, well ATI did enough to defeat itself.

But you mentioning the 8900s did remind me of some other rumors of a dual GPU 8800 supposedly coming out. Also nothing really firm on this. But that possibility is out there too.

But I do hope ATI recovers. A one horse race wouldn't be good for us.
It's not worth the wait imo... I just bought a 8800gtx and I still don't see any reason not to. I did buy eVGA so if by chance the 8900 gets released in 3 months I can step up.

If you are in the market for a $500+ video card just buy a 8800gtx now...

If you were planning on buying a GTS, then hold off until the ATI launch and you may get a better value.
Any current 8800 series card price drop will depend on extactly what of a product the 8800 Ultra is. Is it a boutique or mass consumption product? So far only theories, but I'm hopping its like last year. I remember people saying that the 7950GX2 would be rare as hens teeth and cost over $1000. Fortunately the reality turned out to be different.

I just don't see another 7800 512 GTX part for the simple reason of why. I the X2900 is a dog, why bother, unless you really do make money on these things. But if the X2900 is a killer product, and a better price point, then no way would nVidia embarass themselves with a $1000 part that doesn't perform as well as say a $600.

We should know in about 13 hours about the Ultra anyway!
Based on Nvidia's actions during the G70 era, I highly doubt they'll do this, but they could:

-Nvidia drops the 8800GTX price levels down to the 2900XT levels, and introduces the new 8800 Ultra at the current 8800GTX price level.

If they did that, they would effectively dominate the enthusiast level market, as the 8800GTX is a beast of its own class. However, Nvidia likes their profit margins on their flagship cards, so I wouldn't put it past them.
I've got my new rig almost completly put together right next to the one im running now. The only thing im waiting on is the 8800GTX to lower in price and the damn HDMI input to be fixed on the fp241wz. I already lost $75.00 by not waiting on the e6600. I won't make that mistake on the video card. Although I will admit...the wait is killing me!!