Are these hose endings done/cracked? [Corsair H100i]


Jan 20, 2002
This is a shot of my Corsair H100i hose endings on the radiator, are they shot?

Not necessarily. The rubber part you can see there is, I assume, intended to stop the sleeving over the rubber hoses from fraying. The hoses themselves seal on the barbs via other means.

So, while it's not a good sign, it's not necessarily the end of the world, either.

Edit: I'd probably start thinking about replacing that cooler, though. Unlike a big dumb heatsink, AIOs have a finite lifespan, and if this one is old enough for the rubber parts to start cracking like that, you've probably got your money's worth out of it.
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What RazorWind said .. except for maybe the money's worth part. While it's an AIO by family grouping it is really a CLC and CLCs are generally more expensive then good air coolers that will cool as well or better at same or lower noise levels .. and last many times longer.
Had a h100i for 4 years and it looked like that for maybe two years of use. I had taken apart another corsair aio with similar construction and these rubber thingies don't do much. They are supposed to keep pressure so that the hose stays on the barb but the hose is already super tight on them anyway. Put a zip tie on them if you want to be super sure it won't leak. You could try to rma it, if it's free, just to get a newer unit with a newer pump, but otherwise I doubt it's a serious issue. It doesn't look good, but that's about it.