Are you satisfied with your PS3 purchase?

I won a 60 gig PS3 in a local raffle contest and for Christmas received the 360 HD DVD drive for my 360.While Blue Ray does look very nice, HD DVD is superior imo, both for image and color qualirty(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is a MUST import HD DVD).

I've got Resistance and Full Auto 2 for my PS3 and so far enjoy them alot.While i do like my 360 better than my PS3, i don't think either wil fade away any time soon.I thought i was going to get a Wii for Christmas also, but thankfully got the Zune i wanted instead.

While i do believe the PS3 won't suffer the horrible fate everyone thinks it will suffer, i firmly do believe that HD DVD (at least at this point) is clearly poised to win the next gen HD disc war.After comparing both BluRay and HD DVD side by side on 42 inch 1080p lcds(with 8 discs 4HDDVD 4 BluRay) it becomes clear at least for now, which the better format is.One thing that BluRay touts that is absolutely meaningless is "Lossless audio".All LA really does is take up lots more room on the discs and is not superior(in actual use) to the other digital formats, such as DTS and True HD.At least for now, don't believe the hype.
Psychotext said:
Then the scaler in your westinghouse is very, very broken.

Bingo. I fired up both, and there is a MASSIVE difference between the two
UltimaParadox said:
Wow I had a friend who complained about this, but that definetly sucks

there is at least a solution. sorta...

If you connect it with both the HDMI cables and the composite cables, you can switch off the hdmi and act like it's an SDTV, and then it's ~almost~ the same as the PS2. Sadly, the PS2 still looks better, since you can use component, but oh well.
Kurgen said:
I won a 60 gig PS3 in a local raffle contest and for Christmas received the 360 HD DVD drive for my 360.While Blue Ray does look very nice, HD DVD is superior imo, both for image and color qualirty(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is a MUST import HD DVD).

I've got Resistance and Full Auto 2 for my PS3 and so far enjoy them alot.While i do like my 360 better than my PS3, i don't think either wil fade away any time soon.I thought i was going to get a Wii for Christmas also, but thankfully got the Zune i wanted instead.

While i do believe the PS3 won't suffer the horrible fate everyone thinks it will suffer, i firmly do believe that HD DVD (at least at this point) is clearly poised to win the next gen HD disc war.After comparing both BluRay and HD DVD side by side on 42 inch 1080p lcds(with 8 discs 4HDDVD 4 BluRay) it becomes clear at least for now, which the better format is.One thing that BluRay touts that is absolutely meaningless is "Lossless audio".All LA really does is take up lots more room on the discs and is not superior(in actual use) to the other digital formats, such as DTS and True HD.At least for now, don't believe the hype.

My friend has a 40inch lcd, we tried a hd-dvd player with the 360 and the blueray, the blueray looked a little better. There are some movies that have not been upconverted properly example taleganights that came with the first ps3's, my friend thought dam blueray sucks, he went to the store and they told him telegaknights sucks, it's the worst blueray movie ever. So not all movies are created equal. Honestly if you have hd-dvd running at 1080i and blueray at 1080p unless you are close to the screen you will not notice much difference. I suspect blueray may have an edge because it can hold more memory media it is able to adapt to future's needs, so in the future you might see more extras on the blueray, more content. HD-DVD is pretty good priced with the 360, I would consider it dirt cheap since you can adapt it to a pc, mac and such, in two years time will tell when both hd and blueray become more affortable.
ellover009 said:
My friend has a 40inch lcd, we tried a hd-dvd player with the 360 and the blueray, the blueray looked a little better. There are some movies that have not been upconverted properly example taleganights that came with the first ps3's, my friend thought dam blueray sucks, he went to the store and they told him telegaknights sucks, it's the worst blueray movie ever. So not all movies are created equal. Honestly if you have hd-dvd running at 1080i and blueray at 1080p unless you are close to the screen you will not notice much difference. I suspect blueray may have an edge because it can hold more memory media it is able to adapt to future's needs, so in the future you might see more extras on the blueray, more content. HD-DVD is pretty good priced with the 360, I would consider it dirt cheap since you can adapt it to a pc, mac and such, in two years time will tell when both hd and blueray become more affortable.

Actually, 5th element is the worst blu-ray. it's the old transfer, and it's not upconverted at all :p

I'm going to buy stealth or some other HD movie to see on blu-ray, having trouble finding one with a good transfer
Found a 20 gig at Circuit City. Then went to Target and picked up Resistance: Fall of Man. Personally I find the "buttons" on the system gimmicky. It uses the same tech as those toy chicks that chirp. You know two pieces of metal, you put your finger on them to complete the circuit and boom, action happens. Beyond that, I think the the Playstation Network isn't as bad as most people say, it's no Xbox Live, but it will do. I hated that I can't d/l something and then play a game at the same time, I guess its cuz the PS3 only has 1 true core compared to the 3 on the 360. I dealt with it, and played Rayman on Wii while waiting for the Motorstorm demo to d/l. When the game finished d/ling, I tried out Motorstorm, I genuinely enjoyed it. The graphics are decent (don't like the fact that the grass shrubs are 2D sprites and not fully rendered polygons) and the game is fun. Sound track is good, but I wish you can use your own music (again, probably because of the 1 true core). The physics are awesome and the 1st person view in that game really brings you in. I then fired up Resistance, graphics are decent, not close to Gears in any way. I find the textures look really ugly up close, kinda N64-ish type of blur. Just to make sure it wasn't me, I fired up Perfect Dark Zero and went up against the nearest object, and the wall stayed nice and sharp. Back to RFoM, and doing somthing simular is like covering your glasses in vasaline and leaning your forhead against the wall. When it comes to gameplay, I found the game to be very fun and really tries to bring you into the world, personally I find british accents describing the current situation in any intro, hack and kinda corny, but I looked beyond it. The game is kinda like a mash up of Call of Duty and Half Life 2. Almost everything has physics, the glass shatters around the area you hit it (very neat) and signs the you wouldnt think would move do. I think RFoM is a great game, and would of enjoyed it even if it wasnt a launch game.

I do have some major gripes with the system though.

1. It ruins the graphics on PS1 and PS2 games. Fired up Parrappa the Rappa and it was a pixelated mess on the PS3 but ran it on the PS2 (sans Texture smoothing) and it looks fine. Did the same thing on Ratchet Deadlocked, and again the game looks like ass. When I called Sony to RMA my system (more on that later) they said that a software fix was on the way.

2, I don't think Blu-Ray will win. Reports have shown that their are 10x more HD-DVD players in homes then Blu-Ray players. Even with the PS3 I don't think Blu-Ray has a chance, and feel that it may go the way of UMD, MD, and Beta.

3. Even the $500 system is overpriced. I don't care if Sony thinks we the people are getting this tremendous bargain. $500-$600 for a videogame system is ridiculous. No games need 50 GBs of storage, dual layer DVDs would of been fine (Gears comes on a DVD and it's graphics are sharper then RFoM) I'm convinced the only reason the system is so overpriced is because of the Blu-Ray. If Sony made it an option like the Xbox 360's HD-DVD, then Sony could of had each system $200 cheaper, matching the 360's core and premium packs. Heck Sony could of marketed the 20GB system as a true deal, as Sony 20 GB model cost less then MS' 20GB model, and with the ability to play simalar game (granted the PS3 versions have slightly worse graphics and FPS, but you delt with that on the PS2) if Sony stuck with DVD they would win this generation hands down. But instead they wanted to trojan horse Blu-Ray into gamers living room and charge their customers for the opportunity.

4. Geforce Graphics. I love my 7900 GT, but I will be the first person to admit, ATI's card just put out a better picture. If it wasn't that the 7900GT's were such a great bargain, I would of gotten an X1900. Anyway, the PS3's graphics chip(RSX) is roughly equal to a geforce 7800 GTX (at least thats what an nVidia spokesman told me at E3). The chip in the 360 (XENOS) is about equal to an X1900 XT. So just in terms of performance the Xenos is more powerfull then the RSX, it doesn't blow it away, but it is more powerfull. But, the best part about ATI cards is how much crisper their image is compared to nVidia's cards.

What I love about the PS3 is not the hardware. But the customer service. Yup, the PS3 I initially purchase kept shutting down because the fan in it refused to spool up when the temps climed. Called Sony and within 3 Days I had a brand new PS3. They initially said, it would be 7-10 days, and I didn't get too upset, because well my 360 and Wii have better games then the PS3, so I'll play those till they get it back to me. Funny thing is I started wanting to play Resistance. I was so thankfull that they got it back to me so quick. Sony didn't question me with stupid questions (is your system getting enough air, did you wet your system, did you drop it, did you wrap it in a blanket, did you put it in an entertainment system...I went through that BS with my 360). Instead they were quick to reply and wanted to get me gaming again asap.

When my 360 had issues the idiots at MS said to wait a few weeks and play it as it is to see if the problem goes away. Stupid MS!!!! Thankfully Nintendo systems are reliable so I dont have to deal with BS.

My other love is the fact that it will accept any laptop SATA HDD. Very nice and much better then waiting for a bigger proprietary HDD (looking at you MS) or dealing with 512mb of internal memory (stupid nintendo)

Unfortunately repair Customer Service does not a succesful system make. I really don't see the PS3 being #1 this time. Way too much negative press, way overpriced, graphically inferior to key competion. I don't think it will be the end of Sony, and I see the PS3 completing this generation (kinda like the Saturn did) but I do see this as the start of Sony's downfall. What can fix it? I say get rid of the Blu-Ray and/or lower the price of the system's by $200. Republish your launch games on DVD, and release a separate Drive for Blu-Ray. Spin the massive restructuring of the PS3 by saying the system with blu-ray built in was a holiday launch limited edition as well were the first set of blu-ray games.

I think this whole generation is going to be tight, but I see the 360 as the winner, followed closely by the Wii (a lot of Wii60 owners) with the PS3 being a not too distant 3rd.

Well, hope some one reads this. I spent a lot of time and would like to get some reactions.
blueray is a tough competitor to take down, a lot more companies that invested good money in it, they are certainly not going to let this technology easily after pumping so much money on it.
a lot more than on hd-dvd, I feel like hd-dvd is a little half baked, if they added a little more storage it would have kicked. One of the major players in blueray is apple wich are some of the trend setters, Disney, samsung makes some of the best lcds, they have a lot of support.
This is for HD-DVD
Things I don't like about MY PS3.

My PS3's remote connection "sputters" once in awhile. In a 1.5 hour session of resistance CO-OP, my sister and I each had separate issues where the controller simply stopped responding to my button presses.

I have also had this happen to me during GT:HD with both controllers near random sections of track, only once or twice in a 1 hour session, but enough to find me in a will and my time wrecked. Both controllers were charged the night before to full capacity. No other bluetooth devices in the house save for the Wii which was off at the time and the controllers put away.

Another thing that bugs me is the fact the salesman at the store WARNED me that if my controller would fail to hold a charge they'd replace it on the spot with a new controller. While it's a nice gesture, the idea that the controller's battery will die gave me chills like the Laptop battery recall and spontaneos combustion.

Another issue I have is the PS3's Digital out seems to "crackle" from time to time. I reconnected it back to my HD Cable box and had no issues with sound, so the issue is definitly with my PS3. Thankfully it doesn't really sound like it during gaming, but during menu selection it is a bother.

The text input method is annoying. I find whenever I have to press double letters I either wait or press space (start or triangle) then backspace to remove the space in order to type quickly. Getting a wireless keyboard on boxing day should fix that, but another purchase nevertheless. I'm getting close to $1k in spending on this thing and still haven't hit the same "fun potential" as spending half as much on a Wii and a bunch of games and controllers. (4 wiimotes, 4 nunchuks, 2 classics, 2 points cards... 2 games...)

Lastly WTF is this garbage of including ONLY a composite cable with the 60GB PS3??? I mean thank god I already have this stuff at home, but that's a pretty shitty way of promoting your already OVERPRICED system. By the time it's all said and done, I'll have invested MORE than $1000 just to see 1080, digital out along with some media to USE that resolution.

Lastly... It's big. It's HUGE. It's my PS3. It takes up so much damn room it isn't funny. It generates a LOT of heat, I had a but of a plastic bag that I forgot to remove at the back of the PS3. It melted. Having the Wii and PS3 side by side, I can't help but think of the G3 commercial Wii vs PS3, apple commercial style.
The same thing was said about Beta-Max. All the support in the world won't help if no one buys your product. Personally, I think that both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray will go the way of the dodo for movies. But if I had to pick an HiDef movie format FTW, I'd pick HD-DVD. But in terms of use as a storage medium Blu-Ray may win out. You do know that Beta-Max survived long after it was dead for the consumer. Television studios continued using Beta because of more storage and higher quality video.
I love this thing,in fact I am using it to post this. The bluy ray is the best picture i have ever seen. I have her hooked up to a 57 inch mits DLP and I have to say that I have never seen better. Blue ray is here to stay boys and girls
Oh and I do not look at this thing as 600 dollar console. I see it as the best blue ray player you can buy since I was in the market for it. Tell me where on earth you can buy a blue ray player that doubles as a gamming console and internet surfer for a msrp of 600.00
jacuzz1 said:
I love this thing,in fact I am using it to post this. The bluy ray is the best picture i have ever seen. I have her hooked up to a 57 inch mits DLP and I have to say that I have never seen better. Blue ray is here to stay boys and girls

I don't think anyone familiar with either would claim that blu ray or hd-dvd don't look spectacular. "Here to stay" would mean however that blu ray will succeed solely on the merits of its specifications. Betamax was better as well, but did that cement its victory? The winner of this new war might be one, or both, or more likely...neither.
As a Blu-ray player, yes! No question it delivers, picked up "Ice Age: The Meltdown," unbelievable quality! I jumped on HD DVD first with the Toshiba HD-A1...IMO it's really much better!

Gaming on the PS3, is a let, had issues with 1080p scaling down to 720p after the System Update @ 1.32, issue with the SIXAXIS.
Juan Sanchez said:
I do have some major gripes with the system though.

1. It ruins the graphics on PS1 and PS2 games. Fired up Parrappa the Rappa and it was a pixelated mess on the PS3 but ran it on the PS2 (sans Texture smoothing) and it looks fine. Did the same thing on Ratchet Deadlocked, and again the game looks like ass. When I called Sony to RMA my system (more on that later) they said that a software fix was on the way.

2, I don't think Blu-Ray will win. Reports have shown that their are 10x more HD-DVD players in homes then Blu-Ray players. Even with the PS3 I don't think Blu-Ray has a chance, and feel that it may go the way of UMD, MD, and Beta.

3. Even the $500 system is overpriced. I don't care if Sony thinks we the people are getting this tremendous bargain. $500-$600 for a videogame system is ridiculous. No games need 50 GBs of storage, dual layer DVDs would of been fine (Gears comes on a DVD and it's graphics are sharper then RFoM) I'm convinced the only reason the system is so overpriced is because of the Blu-Ray. If Sony made it an option like the Xbox 360's HD-DVD, then Sony could of had each system $200 cheaper, matching the 360's core and premium packs. Heck Sony could of marketed the 20GB system as a true deal, as Sony 20 GB model cost less then MS' 20GB model, and with the ability to play simalar game (granted the PS3 versions have slightly worse graphics and FPS, but you delt with that on the PS2) if Sony stuck with DVD they would win this generation hands down. But instead they wanted to trojan horse Blu-Ray into gamers living room and charge their customers for the opportunity.

4. Geforce Graphics. I love my 7900 GT, but I will be the first person to admit, ATI's card just put out a better picture. If it wasn't that the 7900GT's were such a great bargain, I would of gotten an X1900. Anyway, the PS3's graphics chip(RSX) is roughly equal to a geforce 7800 GTX (at least thats what an nVidia spokesman told me at E3). The chip in the 360 (XENOS) is about equal to an X1900 XT. So just in terms of performance the Xenos is more powerfull then the RSX, it doesn't blow it away, but it is more powerfull. But, the best part about ATI cards is how much crisper their image is compared to nVidia's cards.

What I love about the PS3 is not the hardware. But the customer service. Yup, the PS3 I initially purchase kept shutting down because the fan in it refused to spool up when the temps climed. Called Sony and within 3 Days I had a brand new PS3. They initially said, it would be 7-10 days, and I didn't get too upset, because well my 360 and Wii have better games then the PS3, so I'll play those till they get it back to me. Funny thing is I started wanting to play Resistance. I was so thankfull that they got it back to me so quick. Sony didn't question me with stupid questions (is your system getting enough air, did you wet your system, did you drop it, did you wrap it in a blanket, did you put it in an entertainment system...I went through that BS with my 360). Instead they were quick to reply and wanted to get me gaming again asap.


Reactions you shall get.

1. Sony actually said a software fix was coming? Thank you GOD! YAY!

2. I agree. I actually don't think either will, to be honest, but at least now i have both.

3. I also agree. However, it ~is~ still a good deal, even though it's too expensive. I lknow that sounds counter-intuitive, but it's true.

4. We'll have to see... Don't know what to say here yet

5. I agree, their customer service reps, and the year warranty, are quite nice. :)
Being an ex best buy employee I would say KEEP the 2 year replacement plan. its not a service plan it is a replacement plan. If you check the fine print you will see that you can CASH IN your replacement plan at any time for best buy credit which means at 1 year and 11 months you cash in your replacement plan and get 599.99 best buy store credit and give them back your ps3. Then go to the gaming section and buy a BRAND new revised(probably) and possibly cheaper PS3 and get a new replacement. Rinse and repeat.....

Yes this works and is perfectly legal according to there rules. Peole just don't realize it.
^ That sounds too easy. Is that a U.S. thing?

Up here anything over $200 CAN falls under Service Plan. Sure you can get it replaced but they said you'll have to go through the "process," meaning they have to send it out for repairs three time which also means 2 months waiting period.

This is what Best Buy told me.
bembol said:
^ That sounds too easy. Is that a U.S. thing?

Up here anything over $200 CAN falls under Service Plan. Sure you can get it replaced but they said you'll have to go through the "process," meaning they have to send it out for repairs three time which also means 2 months waiting period.

This is what Best Buy told me.

Im not joking it really is that easy. Here is the reason why. Best buyCANNOT service playstations or even xboxs for tha mtter. They are proprietary. So they have to make a special exception for video game consoles and offer a REPLACEMENT plan even though it is over there 300 dollar limit. If you have doubts then ask a salesman, "is this a REPLACEMENT plan or SERVICE plan. They will say replacement. Then read the fine print in the brocure regarding "cashing in" your replacement plan. If you are still in doubt walk up to customer service and say, "if I am not satisfied with the merchandise for any reason can I cash in my replacement plan and get my money back?" They will say yes. If they say no ask for a manager because they are lying. Trust me I work for BB for years and I know every bit of detail regarding this.Best Buy Service plan is complete trash and a waste of money but there replacement plans are GOLDEN. NEver pay for anything. Just cash it in before it expires, return your item, and get your money back.

Heck I cashed in a replacement plan on a 230 radar detecter a year before it expired becuase I was sick of having to return it for being broken. Not only did I get all of my money back for the iten but I got the money for the unused time on the replacement plan itself.

The key thing here is that they make an EXCEPTION for video game consoles and allow REPLACEMENT PLANS for them even though they are over the 200/300 dollar limit. The only reason they do this is because they are NOT ALLOWED to service them.

Standard policy for a SERVICE plan is to repair 3 times and on the 4th time doa repalcement however they do NOT sell service plans for game consoles. They are replacement plans because they are not allowed to service them. They just get shipped back to microsoft and sony after they replace them.
Hmm... do I need the original packaging to cash in? I inadverdantly bought a Creative MP3 player a couple months ago along with the replacement plan, can I just give them the unit and head phones, the pamplet w/receipt and say I'm not satisfied and they will just give me store credit? I don't even use the damn thing anymore.
AeonF1 said:
Hmm... do I need the original packaging to cash in? I inadverdantly bought a Creative MP3 player a couple months ago along with the replacement plan, can I just give them the unit and head phones, the pamplet w/receipt and say I'm not satisfied and they will just give me store credit? I don't even use the damn thing anymore.
Yes you do NOT need the original packaging. Just the item and accessories. They should also reimburse you for part of the replacement plan cost. If they hassle you just show them there own brosure for the rpelacement plan and cash in clause.
Service plans - Consumer Reports advises against extended warranties from retailers, basic thinking is that the chance your device will break and the repair will cost more than the warranty is very very small, you would be better off putting the money into the bank just in case you need to get your device serviced one day. (they wouldn't cram them down your throat if they weren't going to make a killing on almost all of them)

Backwards compatibility - Games that are not 480p look bad when scaled up, games that are 480p look the same (anyone have a list of interlaced/progressive ps2 games?). Now anyone hear of any games that don't work at all?
I never owned a ps1 or ps2, so this is not an issue for me.

Westinghouse scaling - Not good, don't use it, my tivo s3 handles this for me. My ps3 outputs in 1080p or 720p depending on content (480p for standard dvds). My Westinghouse LVM-42W2 was made to show HD content, it is an HD Monitor, so that is what I do my best to watch on it, HD and HD only. (it has changed the way I watch TV)

PS3 as blu-ray - I was underwhelmed with Talladega, movie was ok (and I like will Ferrell and John C. Reilly), bluray dvd was nothing special, no better than upconverted standard dvd.

Ice Age the Meltdown on the other hand is really breathtaking, like your first Discovery HD viewing all over again. I can't stress this enough, if you want to know why you would move away from regular DVD this is it (at least for me).

Now, overall satisfaction - I am a pc gamer, last console I owned was pong (I am not kidding). The currently available retail games (i.e. full) are not good, R:FoM is fine, and I like the sudoku and blast factor, but everything else I would want is basically an inferior 360 port. I went ahead and bought it, was going to use it with my TiVo S3 as an HTPC replacement.

So far that has not worked out for me, the fact that I cannot play media from the network is absolutely ridiculous, people calling this a digital media center are dilusional and must be getting paid by Sony. The fact that a tivo series 2 that is FREE with service will stream music and pictures over the lan but my $500 digital media center won't is horrible. I am assuming this will be fixed in the 'march update' along with similar video file problems.

I have not gone with the linux route yet, and won't until it is really turn-key and not so complicated (WAF and what-not). I expect a *Made for PS3* distribution to be able to install and play music and video with no additional (and complicated) steps.
I can build a windows pc and have it play almost any media file by installing FFDShow and AC3Filter. Why can't I do the same (or something similar) with a *made for ps3* linux distro?
Also, if I am supposed to install linux to watch media over the network then why doesn't it have real access to the hardware, so I can play 1080i content without tearing and stutters?

Anyway, overall satisfied with blu-ray and the games that are available (not the amount but the ones that I have), but I think I will be much happier in March.
I hit up the Toys R Us in Time Square this past Friday, hoping to bag a Wii, and it turns out they had like a dozen 60GB PS3's instead! I stood in line for like 30 minutes tops, and got myself a PS3 ! Totally wasn't planning on it, but I considered it a Xmas present for myself.

I also bought Ridge Racer7 (which is 1080p native) and Resistance. Can't say I'm terribly impressed with Resistance, it looks like it can be done on the 360 graphics-wise. The single player game itself is definitely solid, but the 40 person multiplayer is too chaotic to be fun. Ridge Racer is gorgeous and is super-fun. Not a killer app or anything, but I got what I expected. Gran Turismo HD is absolutely phenomenal at 1080p, and also very fun to play.

My gripes:

-Fonts a bit smallish in 1080p mode (especially in the web browser). On a 42 or 50 inch TV, this may not be an issue
-Playstation Store uses a web interface (read:crap)
-Can't do background downloading.
-Can't play your own music in games
-Can't access PS Network functions in-game. For example, I cant pause a game and send a friend a message.
-PSP Remote Play feature is cool, but useless
-Battery life on the controller could be a little better

My likes:

-XMB interface is clean and great looking
-Bluray movies look awesome in 1080p (depending on the movie, that is. try to get a movie that was encoded in VC-1 or AVC, not MPEG2)
-Gran Turismo HD
-The start-up sound
-Controller is super lightweight
-The motion sensing on the controller is pretty cool
-Clean cabling. HDMI, Power, that's it.

Was it worth it? Probably not. Was I going to get one at the same price later on? Yes, most likely. I'm happy with it so far.
I would say I am slightly disappointed. I love the system, but there just isn't a huge selection of games to choose from yet. I have a 360 as well though and it gets most of my gaming time at the moment. I am still really excited about the future of the PS3 though. Plus, I knew the launch wasn't going to be that great, so I really can't be too disappointed.
ellover009 said:
One of the major players in blueray is apple wich are some of the trend setters, Disney, samsung makes some of the best lcds, they have a lot of support.

Random comment, I was actually very surprised that Dell is supporting Blu-Ray. In my opinion, Apple/Sony etc. aside, Dell would be the biggest factor if Blu-Ray stays, at least in the computer arena. I know maybe 1 person with a Sony laptop and only 2 people with macbooks, (I see a lot of them, but don't know them personally) but I can name at least 10 of my friends who own a dell laptop or desktop. In fact, the desktop I'm typing on right now at my parents' place is a dell.
if you all are looking for a good blu-ray movie to watch, throw in X3, The Stand. It's AVC encoded, DTS-ES HD, and damned good to boot.
I'm still on the fence about keeping my PS3... the more issues I encouter, the less faith I have on the quality of the equipment (especially compared to my old PS2, of which I had the first gen and slim, the first gen is still playing games at my friend's house).

First I'm getting random disconnects of bluetooth. It'll happen once or twice in an hour and has ruined a few lap times on the GT HD demo. After experiencing the Wii's version of bluetooth connectivity, I have to say Son'y implementation to be piss poor.

Second although unproven at the moment is the dreaded "battery death" of my controller. I'm watching that battery life like a hawk, and also am wary of Sony's track record with batteries. If my controller spontaneous combusts and takes out the PS3 and Wii I will cry.

Third is annoying if you hadn't had experience with a PSP. It's the "the media (avi/mp3) must be in it's proper folders ie video/music before the PS3 can read a disk. Pretty damn pathetic on Sony's part.

Fourth is requiring ANOTHER purchase of a card reader just to transfer my saves from my PS2. On second thought I may be able to transfer it to my USB stick then to my PS3, but if you aren't saavy enough, it's a $20 piece...

Fifth is how crappy FFXII looks now on the PS3. In other words the poor PS2 emulation. There goes my desire to finish the game on PS3. I wonder what my GT4 will look like even though it supports 1080i...

Sixth Resistance is so and so... after playing Gears of War, it's just crap... I wanted CoD3 to have some sort of multiplayer like the 360 but only online is disappointing. Games in general have been disappointing...

Seventh although it's a cheap blue ray, the tiny section in all the Best Buy's I've visited have made me think twice about my purchase... heck my cousin's wall of HDDVD's has more selection. Also the "quality" of the titles are in question. How many and which ones are optimized, which are just jumping on the bandwagon. It's enough to make me wonder and NOT buy anything...

I haven't returned this one yet, but the reasons are mounting... It'll take a crazy announcement in the next two weeks to convince me to keep this because at the moment I can't see this staying with me past New Year's...
I know how you feel, specially with all the people bitching about all the flaws of the system makes it seem like it's the wost thing in the world, it's called buyers remorse. I had pretty good luck with mine so far, No disconnection problems, not playback problems since I have a receiver than upconverts. Resistance looks freaking awesome in a big screen, anything at around 34inch is a wash, you get to 40inches and up and you can pick up quite a bit of detail. Just wait till Q2 of 2007 till the 1080p become even cheaper. Whats tough is some of the people in this thread don't even own ps3's, they go online, read about someones problems and they call it a bad product, well I have not heard of many ps3's dying like the 360's ring of death, they are updating this system constantly. I am not afraid that the 360 will do better because it is doing better, hell i'm going to also pick one up once a game I want comes out aka gta4, fable 2, Banjo Kazooie. In japan the ps3 already outsold the 360 by a large margin, this leads me to believe that ps3 game support is not going to die. Hopefully they release motorstorm soon, that game is so much fun.
No, I sold it to a friend for retail price after having it a few weeks.

I may buy one further down the line.
I just picked mine up this week, already have a 360 and Wii, and I dont have any particular loyalty to any of these vendors. So far -- I really wish there were more games out Im not going to pretend that doesnt bother me because it really does. Aside from this I have played resistance, while although it doesnt look quite as good as Gears of War it definitely plays smoother and aiming is easier due to this. Madden 07 plays better on the PS3 imo than the 360 however may look nicer on the 360 but Ill have to play it a little more to determine this (Madden Wii is the most fun by far though). GTHD looks amazing and I wish the full game was out because I would definitely own it at this point. I picked up an HDMI cable tonight and am now running at 1080p, it looks amazing, I wont pretend it doesnt (in games that support 1080p). I had an issue at 1080i via component with screen shuddering for some reason, but with the HDMI cable it seems to have vanished at 1080p. I havent tried blu-ray yet but ive had the system less than 24 hours now so Ill try and rent a movie tommorrow night on my way home from work and post thoughts. Its also very quiet in comparison to my 360 which is definitely a plus if using it as a blu-ray player, interestingly enough I found a roundup earlier of blu-ray players and the ps3 and the ps3 came out on top (partially due to its price). Im pretty content so far, I just cant wait for RE5, FFXIII and so on, I enjoy each console for their own reasons but I cant say Im disappointed at all in my PS3. Given I havent played the hell out of it and live at work, I really cant say I have had any problems but havent played as much as some of the guys who are discussing theirs. I played my first game after my 1.32 firmware update so it may have fixed some issues as well. Controller gets more than adequate battery life from what Ive seen, I really cant explain enough how much Im enjoying it so far but my sessions have been in moderation. I hate that I have no patience because I can get a 3 foot HDMI cable for 6 dollars at work and I just spent 40 so I could have it tonight. Instant gratification is an evil thing!
I really am trying to put up with it...

I was enjoying playing GT:HD today and was doing the Ferrari time trials when the disconnect hit me just before the first turn. I was trying to brake and the last input it recorded was accelerate full throttle. Right into the wall. Great way to wreck a fun session.

I passed got a qualifying time, but the effort wasn't there for me. On browsing my rankings I had anywhere from 170-580 with the final time trial just shy under 1000. Such a small thing, but it'll take you out of your "zone" when it happens and then it's just not fun. I ended up playing sudoku and had no will to fire up resistance coop with my sister when she asked about it. That's what I'm talking about when the "gaming" experience is kinda lacking, little things like that.

Especially when the Wii is out in full force, 4 controllers, everyone playing and if shit like that happened it would wreck the session.

I'm hoping a patch may come out to address this because I have no clue what's causing it. I've resorted to making sure all cellphones, my headset, my wiimotes, my wii are unplugged or off when I start up the ps3 and nada, it still randomly disconnects my controller. So the only thing I can do is blame the system. I've already confirmed with my cousin that his PS3 does this as well with both of his controllers, so I think it's a defect.

Buyer's remorse would be a lot easier to handle if the system didn't cost me a grand.
Slade said:
I'm hoping a patch may come out to address this because I have no clue what's causing it. I've resorted to making sure all cellphones, my headset, my wiimotes, my wii are unplugged or off when I start up the ps3 and nada, it still randomly disconnects my controller. So the only thing I can do is blame the system. I've already confirmed with my cousin that his PS3 does this as well with both of his controllers, so I think it's a defect.
I dont get that happening with my PS3, id send your system back,
Yes send it back. Mine has performed flawlessly on wifi and while gaming. My kids wi seems a little iffy on occasion but the Sony has been very good.
What the heck? You people playing GT:HD You guys get more then 1 track + 1 shitty car?? :confused: :confused:
Jasonx82 said:
What the heck? You people playing GT:HD You guys get more then 1 track + 1 shitty car?? :confused: :confused:

afaik you do only get one track (but you can run it backwards), but you get 10 or 12 cars, and after you unlock all the cars you get 'drift' as an addition to the regular time-trial. I am pretty much done with unlocking it now after 3-5 hours (could have taken less time), but I will probably keep running it occasionally to drop my times.
Jiffylush said:
afaik you do only get one track (but you can run it backwards), but you get 10 or 12 cars, and after you unlock all the cars you get 'drift' as an addition to the regular time-trial. I am pretty much done with unlocking it now after 3-5 hours (could have taken less time), but I will probably keep running it occasionally to drop my times.

how do you get more cars? :eek: :eek: this is new to me ive been playing the same car over and over.. :rolleyes:
Jasonx82 said:
how do you get more cars? :eek: :eek: this is new to me ive been playing the same car over and over.. :rolleyes:

Just beat the target time with the car you use, then exit. It unlocks a new car to try.
10 cars in total.

Takes about 45 mins total to unlock every car if you are an average driver.
Jasonx82 said:
how do you get more cars? :eek: :eek: this is new to me ive been playing the same car over and over.. :rolleyes:

Just beat the target lap time in the top right corner. It isn't at all hard, I beat every target on my first lap by at least 3-4 seconds. It should only take about 30 mins to unlock everything. When you unlock the Ferrarri and beat the target lap time you then get tuned versions of all ten cars which are much faster.