Arggh, I need a little help in KOTOR

Nov 22, 2004
Well I am pretty much in the beginning of the game, I have been in the sewers for a while now and I have no idea what I should be doing or how to get it done. I had Mission and now I have Zaalbar and I think I am looking for a Rancor? Does thins make any sence, you guys got any tips? thanks if you do and if you don't...well um, I don't know.
Its been so long since I've played KOTOR1, let alone the beginning.. But yeah, your looking for a rancor at the end of the sewers iirc, its a fairly large room with a bridge in the middle, and the rancor is on the otherside. Now, as to how to get there I have no idea. /shrug
Hope you got the PC version. Better graphics (despite little control scalability) and an extra planet that, frankly, gives the game a whole new dimension.
Thanks, I finally figured it out, but how do I killl the Rancor, that fat bastard whipes me and my whole crew out with on swipe of his (or her) mighty paw.
You need to put a grenade and the rancor scent into the corpse.. or is it bones? I don't remember, I'm actually playing KOTOR2 right now.
There's a couple ways to beat him. Aevron mentioned the way you're "supposed" to do it; I, being the stubborn + foolish sort (and not terribly bright to boot) did it a different way. It's been a few years, so don't know if I have all the details right, but I did something like pop out of the tunnel, shoot him a few times, pop back in the tunnel, repeat x 100. There might have been more to it ... can't remember if you can sneak around and if I had to do that to distract him back from the tunnel. Anyway, after a long, long time, I finally killed him.

Also, the game really picks up and gets exponentially more fun after the first planet. Stick with it and you'll be treated to one of the most satisfying game experiences ever.
I just put a crapload of mines all in one spot on one side of the room, then attacked him to get his attention, and ran away. Rancor steps on mines, rancor goes boom.
Or just keep shooting at em and running back inside that little tunnel until he walks away again.
I had a ton of grenades and just spammed all of'em with all 3 toons.. And he died like, really fast.. lol
I used frag mines and frag grenades with myself as the bait. He dies fairly quickly.

Really good game, I wish there was another out there that was like it.

Edit: For Kotor 2 check out The Sith Lords Restoration Project (they're almost done). Time constraints meant Obsidian or Lucas Arts had to cut content. These guys (TSLRP) decided to complete the game on they're own using scripts, audio and data files found on the original disk (missing coversations, missing maps, huge pieces of the story, etc...). When all is said and done, there's probably another 2 or 3 hrs of the game.
Remember, you can pause the game and select commands for your party members, then unpause and they will execute the commands simultaneously...
poison grenade and some rancor scent thing in the big body in the room
he eats it, and he chokes