Aria Heatsink clearance


Limp Gawd
Aug 3, 2004
How much room is above the socket in antec arias. I need to know if I can get my SLK947u in there. Also how much room from the right edge of the socket and the left edge, thanks for your time :)
wondering about same BUMP!

BTW. if its same height as ALX800....ity should clear.
my friend's aria barely fit in a zalman7000 so i doubt it could fit a slk947 + fan
No, it's too tall and too wide as well. Best alternatives are the ALX-800 & Swiftech MCX-6400V for A64..
ALX800 and Abit VA-20 combo fits exactly....and I mean...EXACTLY. if you put a fan grill......its flushed to PSU already.

...i guess that answers my question...if SLK is even a mm or 2 taller than ALX800....trouble.
From the top of my socket to the top of my thermoengine with a globalwin 80mm on top is a shade under 3 inches. Is that too tall?. Cause im thinking about the va-20 and aria combo as well.

I bought a GIGABYTE ati radeon x800 with an MSI RS480-IL micro-atx motherboard... and the gold heat-sink on the card prevents it from going in the PCI-e slot. Is there any way around this? everything in the case would work perfect except for that.
If the slot is next to the CP socket versus that last slot against the wall then the only option may be to get a thinner heatsink. You'd have to measure the space between the top of the gpu and the card next to it.

If the slot is next to the case wall I say just get a dremel like some guy here in the forums did to his Shuttle case and cut out some of the sidewall.
Get a Zalman or Glacialtech Northpole cooler. Either that or use some pliers to bend the heatsink.