Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon

Played 2,5 hours so far, I love it. PC version runs great. I would say average of 80PFS @ 5760*3240 (DLDSR) so far. FPS can tank in fights and there could be some frametime issues when you fight the tutorial boss (stay near him, do melee attacks!), but everything went well on the other missions. Am very satisfied so far. In terms of performance and support on PC, definitely the best Fromsoft game so far, especially at release.

Actually, I like the visuals of the game. Dirty apocalyptic machine porn. HDR is just perfect IMO. Would disable Depth of Field, because it makes the background very blurry.
From typically uses depth of field to increase the perception of distance, and I think it works in their case. It's not like a full field blur effect that games had a habit of doing back in the gen 7 console days to hide bad graphics and draw distance.
From typically uses depth of field to increase the perception of distance, and I think it works in their case. It's not like a full field blur effect that games had a habit of doing back in the gen 7 console days to hide bad graphics and draw distance.

I kinda like DoF sometimes, but definitely not in Armored Core 6 (so far).
Anyone play with a kb/m yet?
I knew I forgot to ask something. FS isn't exactly known for their excellent controls on the PC ports. Elden Ring was unplayable for me without autohotkey key swaps. Dark Souls 3 is even worse, can't even play it at all, autohotkey won't even work!
I just played the first mission, game runs great, and looks pretty great too, obviously not a graphics powerhouse but for a game like this it's right where it should be. The combat helicopter took me about 5 tries, definitely don't have the mechanics down yet. My 3080 runs it on high settings (set by game) at 4k really well, mostly over 100fps so far. I gave kb/m a go, and the controls feel great, I'd say it's up to the user, though I haven't tried a pad yet. In ER the main reason I couldn't play with kb/m was the camera always rotating behind you, which is not the case here. From what I can tell accuracy is not much of a factor, as you lock onto targets, so kicking back on the couch with a pad may be preferable, will definitely give it a go on my C7, the blacks will probably make it worth it.
In ER the main reason I couldn't play with kb/m was the camera always rotating behind you, which is not the case here.
There's a camera mod fix for that on nexus mods. It was a necessity for me. The camera at times in ER was some of the absolute dumbest shit I've ever experienced in any game ever
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There's a camera mod fix for that on nexus mods. It was a necessity for me. The camera at times in ER was some of the absolute dumbest shit I've ever experienced in any game ever
Which is odd, because as far as I remember this was a built-in option that you could toggle in the Dark Souls trilogy. Even useful with a controller when you use one that has rear paddles to never take your thumb off the right stick.
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I don't know, l tried playing DS3 after ER and couldn't even do it. Played just past the first boss and refunded. What I found weird in ER was you could only bind one action to 1 mouse button and one keyboard key. ER also required a rebind of pretty much all my mouse buttons, never had to do that before.
Which is odd, because as far as I remember this was a built-in option that you could toggle in the Dark Souls trilogy. Even useful with a controller when you use one that has rear paddles to never take your thumb off the right stick.
There's an option in ER too, but it doesn't eliminate it.

But yeah using a rear paddle for running/dodging was an absolute game changer.
Hm strange, all my stuttering in combat I mentioned earlier only happening with DLDSR at 5760*3240. At 5120*2880 or native 4K it's smooth as butter no matter what. Replayed the various missions including the tutorial mission. It's not a VRAM thing. Never had this issue in other games. First world problems ;)

Well then, 5120*2880 it is. Btw, you need to play aggressive, melee and and staggering is key to success. I'm playing with controller and once you get used to the movement etc. it's crazy how easy the tutorial boss is.
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Hm strange, all my stuttering in combat I mentioned earlier only happening with DLDSR at 5760*3240. At 5120*2880 or native 4K it's smooth as butter no matter what. Replayed the various missions including the tutorial mission. It's not a VRAM thing. Never had this issue in other games. First world problems ;)

Well then, 5120*2880 it is. Btw, you need to play aggressive, melee and and staggering is key to success. I'm playing with controller and once you know get used to the movement etc. it's crazy how easy the tutorial boss is.
I've had games have issues with "non-standard" resolutions in the past.
Well, I was having fun until I got to the Wallclimber mission, damn juggernaut is a bitch and a half. I couldn't beat him in like 10 tries so I went back to buy some stuff and try again, and couldn't even get to him in a few tries so I just said eff it for the day.
Well, I was having fun until I got to the Wallclimber mission, damn juggernaut is a bitch and a half. I couldn't beat him in like 10 tries so I went back to buy some stuff and try again, and couldn't even get to him in a few tries so I just said eff it for the day.

Just constantly fly above/behind him and shoot his back.
Runs flawlessly on my 3070 at 1440p but it's very obviously a previous gen title, not that it matters, or needs to, for this game. I'm just excited to play a real AC game for the first time in nearly two decades.

Beyond that, I'm going to bombard the shit out of the screenshot thread in the coming days. Partially because I'm taking a lot of screenshots but mostly because the UI is so awkward that it can be time consuming, lol
I'm trying!
Corner him as much as you can too, hug his sides, switch to top firing missles systems to avoid his shield and help build stagger. Shotgun works pretty well too.

Took me 4 tries and 1 respec to beat him.
I hope this will play well on my Steam Deck. Currently its my only PC ATM :) Sold my computer in my Signature below. But I will wait for BF sale or something.
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I hope this will play well on my Steam Deck. Currently its my only PC ATM :) Sold my computer in my Signature below. But I will wait for BF sale or something.
from what I've read it seems like Souls vets should have an easy time with this game...instead of the Souls formula of starting out weak and building your character into a beast, with AC6 you start out as a's basically about tweaking your mech...and there are 3 endings that require 3 full playthroughs (you can't backup your save on PC and get all 3 endings in 1 playthrough)...and NG+ is basically the exact same with some slightly different missions...the end goal is really to get an S rank in all the missions and pvp + customizing your mech down to the tiniest detail
Mouse and keyboard controls are surprisingly good. Runs OK. I was cruising along until I got to the boss at the end of chapter 1. This dude is kicking my ass.

Turning off depth of field is an absolute must. It makes everything in the distance look like a blurry mess. Whoever decided this graphical "feature" should be in the game needs to be fired immediately.
Man this game goes from ez mode to impossible in no time. This Balteus fuck is ridiculous.
Weird game, it reminds me of Terminator Resistance graphically and in atmosphere. Story is non-existent, I have no idea who am I, why am I here, and why am I stealing IDs of all things?! Or where is here for that matter. Am I supposed to have played the previous games for context, or are all From Software games this vague? This is the first one I played.

Combat seems more luck based than skill so far. And what is even the point of locking the most basic tutorials behind the first boss?!
Game worth playing for someone who has never played Armored Core game and generally doesn't like any souls like game nonsense?
Weird game, it reminds me of Terminator Resistance graphically and in atmosphere. Story is non-existent, I have no idea who am I, why am I here, and why am I stealing IDs of all things?! Or where is here for that matter. Am I supposed to have played the previous games for context, or are all From Software games this vague? This is the first one I played.

Combat seems more luck based than skill so far. And what is even the point of locking the most basic tutorials behind the first boss?!

This is basically a soft reboot of the franchise (something FS has done a few times with AC). Story wise, From never really tells direct stories. It’s always hidden in details around the environment, in item descriptions, hinted at from dialog, etc.

There’s really not much luck to the combat, it requires a lot of movement and reflexes. The training missions seem more about giving you a feel for different weapon types and AC builds than being a straight-up tutorial. FS tends to expect the player to learn the game the “hard way”.
Story wise, From never really tells direct stories. It’s always hidden in details around the environment, in item descriptions, hinted at from dialog, etc.
That actually makes me feel better about not having played their games. Knowing that I'm not missing out on the greatest stories ever told.
LOL...that guy had no idea. The first phase you have to fight right next to him.......
Asmongold is everything that's wrong with gaming channels on youtube.

Managed to beat Balteus on my 7th try but the Smart Sweeper at the end of the first mission of Chapter 2 is absolutely whooping my ass.

The way this game encourages changing your build so you can change tactics while maintaining your progress makes me look forward to the challenge of the bosses. It's punishing at times and that's the point, but it doesn't take glee in that and compels you to try again.

I've played difficult games before but this feels like such an honest approach that the challenge spikes don't make me frustrated but, instead, motivated.
If people need more than ~1hour for a boss they have the wrong build or completely wrong strategy. The build is more important though.

Smart Cleaner and is all about hoovering above him and hitting him with bazookas and lasers. Literally a 1-2min boss.