Army of Two - The 40th day: crap crap crap


Sep 5, 2001
I never saw much about this game on the forums here, but last weekend I finished it with a friend of mine and I had some thoughts that are just burning to come out.

Here's a disclaimer: potential spoilers ahead, and I have very little positive to say about the game.

TL;DR version - I think the game is dogshit.
Unforgiveable dogshit

First off:
Plot - Essentially non-existent. I'd have preferred the frat boy douchebaggery from the first game, varied locales, and an outrageous but well defined story. Instead of what I was offered here in the sequel, which was amazingly weak, lame, and dumb dumb dumb.

I understand there is a story, what I don't understand is why the developers offered absolutely none of it while the game was being played.

You are required to find radios scattered throughout the levels to be let in on what is going on in Shanghai. Like ODST, but waaaay less interesting. If you were to not find them, or simply not feel like pausing your game to let an in-menu audio file play, then you would not be given an inkling of the plot. You could conceivably play through the entire game, up to the last boss, and after his bullshit biblical babbling diatribe, still not have known his reasons for invading shanghai, where the attackers were from, or why they were doing what they were doing.

The one plot reveal is the end boss's speech. Short of his cliche ridden rant about the world and it's sorry state of affairs, that's it. Then you're given two shitty morality choices, and to my experience, one ambiguous, highly stupid, and disappointing ending.

Second: Gameplay - not in all my gaming years, have I fought the controls to try to eke what enjoyment there was to have out of a game, like I had to for this one. Press A to sprint, roll, dash to cover, vault over cover, and grab your partner. I can not count to you the number of times my friend or I died trying to pull one or the other to cover to heal.

- Or trying to heal while in cover only to have your character stand straight up and catch a headshot
- Or sprinting to cover only to jump over it and into the line of fire
- Or getting caught on a piece of scenery and getting killed
- Or trying to crawl to your teammate and having the character bounce between animations so that aiming is impossible.

It goes on. Coincidentally, I also recently played Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard. Funnily enough, the control complaints in the 40th day are essentially the same as in Matt Hazard. That game is currently $6 used at This amuses me.

: Miscellaneous bitching - Numerous times in the game, you are supposed to receive guidance or directives via an in-game characters voice over. They are impossible to hear. The zoo keeper who guides you speaks in a thick chinese accent while you are participating in a small scale WWIII, and you can't understand him for shit. Go to the menu and adjust the audio mix you say?

The audio menu is one slider; no seperation for music, sound effects, or in-game voices. Awesome.

The weapon upgrade system in this game, is a mix of fantasy bullshit that makes no sense. In the first AO2, it was ridiculous, yes. In this one, it makes no fucking sense whatsoever. A sampling:

"Would you like to upgrade your M4 Carbine?" sure.
"How would you like to slap a better stock and a drum magazine on there?" great.
"How about using a steak knife as a bayonet?" sounds awesome.
"Now, bolt this AK47 barrel on the receiver of your M4 and go kick some ass!" Cool, wait. what?

Their idea of weapons customizations is a mix of neat ideas mixed without absolute physical impossibilities. The 'bonus' weapons from a design contest EA held look like something you'd draw in 4th grade that a Gundam would hold.

I could go on but it just gets dumber from there.

In summation, they took the varied locales, interesting story, douchebag dialogue, and clunky yet manageable controls from the first one and swapped them with an uninteresting environment, a poorly telegraphed story, brooding characters, and even worse controls. They essentially gutted everything I liked about the first one and replaced it with fat, brown, steaming turds.

If this is the way the series is going I won't buy a third one until it comes free with a burger king value meal.

That's all I got.
I played this over the weekend and am pretty much in agreement with you. The fact that there is absolutely no story whatsoever is more unforgiveable considering the nothing-cutscenes are unskippable.

The first level is just horrible. There are lots of buildings being destroyed (buildings that look like they come from some PS2-era game) but you are never told who is attacking or why. I got quickly tired of being forced to watch the same awful-looking buildings getting blown up for no apparent reason, in between fighting some nondescript military force. The game didn't get ahy better as I went further.

After I finished the zoo level I promptly said, "fuck this" and stopped playing. The weapon customisation and the neat still-drawings that detailed the consequences of your "morality" choices were the only things I liked about the game.
Oh god, how could I have forgotten the unskippable cutscenes! I must have blocked that from my memory after all the punishment that game gave my brain. That should be in the developers handbook, listed under "cardinal sins". Borderlands, Dante's inferno, and Eat Lead did it too.

It's the worst when it comes at a checkpoint. You die, watch the cutscene, die. Cutscene.

Makes me want to peel my brain.
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I'm enjoying it. I also don't seem to have an issue with the controls. The Cutscene thing is annoying but overall I've played much worse.
lol...I just beat this game last night with my buddy. The game really is a steaming pile; I'm pretty sure they didn't even bother to play-test the game after they finished. Terrible fps drop even though the game has worse graphics than some PS2 games, clunky controls, can't skip cutscenes and they love to put them in right before a big fight, and the worst part is they have a pretty intensive weapon modding system and the dumb game doesn't save your loadout until you hit a checkpoint and it only gives you new items after the checkpoints meaning you can easily waste 5-10 mins pimping your gear out, only to die to the next enemy, and have to re-do it all over again.

I'm just glad my friend bought the game for us and not me :D.
You forgot to mention the horrible coop split screen of tunnel vision. Seriously...vertical split screen? Its an fps I need to see my sides more then the ground and the sky, fucking horrible.
You forgot to mention the horrible coop split screen of tunnel vision. Seriously...vertical split screen? Its an fps I need to see my sides more then the ground and the sky, fucking horrible.

The split-screen is horizontal if you play at standard definition. Equally horrific as the game then looks no different from any run-of-the-mill PS2 game.

Oh, and Army of Two isn't a FPS...
I'm enjoying it. I also don't seem to have an issue with the controls. The Cutscene thing is annoying but overall I've played much worse.

I can see not having a problem with controls throughout most of the game, for sure. And depending on what difficulty the game is being played on, there might never be one. I should have clarified my previous sttement.

Theres a difference between having a problem with controls meaning 'the game is unplayable', and having a problem meaning "this could have been done much better". My complaint falls into the latter category. While I was still able the beat the game on 'contractor', the experience in doing so was less than ideal. The harder the difficulty, and the farther you go into the game, the controls will get in the way, and especially at the last area right before you C4 the door to get to the last boss/cutscene

Both Army of Two games are control-scheme poor, but this one seems even clunkier than the first. Compared to other A list third person games, this one ranks at the bottom as far as control schemes go.

Oh and as it regards the weapon system. I really can't believe they didn't catch that it was an awful idea to reset your loadout after you died if you hadn't you hit a checkpoint. They really buggered the checkpoint system. Unskippable cutscenes, reseting your weapon cusomizations, and putting the checkpoint in some odd places really drove my friend and I mad. I didn't play the game on local co-op so I was unaware of the split screen issues, but that vertical split thing was awful when Halo 2 did it, I can't imagine playing this game like that.
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The broken checkpoint system was one of the major complaints of the first Army of Two. It is truly baffling that they didn't appear to even try to rectify it this time around.

I think this game has relegated Army of Two to Shovelware Franchise status.