Ashton Kutcher: Technology Ambassador to Russia

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
If you ever look at press releases and stories like this and wonder how the hell Ashton Kutcher is a tech ambassador to anywhere, well… this is how it happens. I guess all those camera commercials and Twitter followers paid off.;)

Among the luminaries headed to Russia with Cohen are actor Ashton Kutcher; EBay CEO John Donahoe; Shervin Pishevar, executive chairman and founder of Social Gaming Network; Twitter co-founder and Square founder Jack Dorsey; Mozilla Foundation chair Mitchell Baker; and Cisco System CTO Padmasree Warrior. They will meet with Russian ministers of health and education, advisors to President Dimitry Medvedev, leaders of technology companies and more. They will tackle issues such as encouraging entrepreneurship and e-government initiatives and combating child trafficking and corruption.
He's going to teach tweeting..........only claim to fame is his "wife".:eek:

They should have sent Danica Patrick.
Sigh........:rolleyes: Money and fame over common sense and intelligence......some things never change.

Aston is about as talented as Britney Spears. How the fuck he (or she for that matter) got so famous is beyond me.

I agree.........only thing I liked him in was the first "cheaper by the dozen" with Steve Martin......and mainly because he got owned by the dog when the girl soaked his underware in meat...........:D
His character was so easy not to like.
"They will tackle issues such as encouraging entrepreneurship and e-government initiatives and combating child trafficking and corruption."

Technology Ambassadors do this stuff? Man the economy really has people wearing a lot of hats in these small countries.
I agree.........only thing I liked him in was the first "cheaper by the dozen" with Steve Martin......and mainly because he got owned by the dog when the girl soaked his underware in meat...........:D
His character was so easy not to like.

"Easy on the LeBaron!!!!!!"

"Paparazzi are everywhere. I just don't see them."

You're right; that was a good role as I already kind of disliked him and even moreso during that role. :)
He's going to teach tweeting..........only claim to fame is his "wife".:eek:

That and hosting Saturday Night Life three times, being an overall pretty good comedian, the star of several movies and playing a roll on a seven season long sitcom. By himself, he's worth millions of dollars.

I think having a hot wife is just a perk of the millions of dollars and fame. Seriously, how many guys will tons of money and fame don't have a hot wife? I mean, Bill Gates managed to land an ex-super model and he's far far less of a looker than Ashton Kutcher is.
That and hosting Saturday Night Life three times, being an overall pretty good comedian, the star of several movies and playing a roll on a seven season long sitcom. By himself, he's worth millions of dollars.

I think having a hot wife is just a perk of the millions of dollars and fame. Seriously, how many guys will tons of money and fame don't have a hot wife? I mean, Bill Gates managed to land an ex-super model and he's far far less of a looker than Ashton Kutcher is.

Shit, I would say Demi Moore's only claim to fame as of late is Ashton Kutcher. She has been out of her hay day for 10+ years now. I'm not a huge Ashton Kutcher fan, but he has done a lot of successful shows and movies.
John Donahoe - EBay CEO
Shervin Pishevar - Excecutive Chairman of Social Gaming Network
Jack Dorsey - Twitter co-founder
Ashton Kutcher - Twitter user
Mitchell Baker - Mozilla Foundation Chair
Padmasree Warrior - Cisco System CEO

One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things doesn't belong...

I'll give you a subtle hint. It's BOLD.
hmmm... i never knew i could put "twitter user" on my job applications.. fuck i cant because i never used twitter! thats why i cant be a national ambassador? SHIT!
Ashton Kutcher?

Who's claim to fame is "Dude, where's my car" and "Punk'd"


I'm surprised he can tie his own shoes. I made the mistake of watching him get
interviewed on a talk show once. The guy's not the best and brightest.

I guess it just proves that mediocrity reigns supreme.
Kutcher makes me want to stab my eyes out with his immense stupidity on movies. How the fuck did he become an actor anyways?
How the fuck did he become an actor anyways?

Guessing no serious actor wanted to look like a complete dooshbag on film like he does.

A line from Tropic Thunder comes to mind: "You went full retard, man. Never go full retard. You don't buy that? Ask Sean Penn, 2001, "I Am Sam." Remember? Went full retard, went home empty handed..."