Asia Is Ramping Up OLED Production


Mar 3, 2018
2 recent reports from Digitimes suggests that OLED TVs and smartphones are going to be a more common sight in 2019. Citing Digitimes Research, one report claims that Samsung is "trying to make a comeback" in the high end TV market by rolling out Quantum Dot OLEDs sooner rater than later. The report says that LG's OLED shipments nearly matched Samsung's Quantum Dot LCDs, despite being significantly more expensive, and that Samsung plans to push quantum dot LCDs down into the "$1000-$1500" TV segment. Meanwhile, LG wants OLEDs to make up 20% of their revenue by 2020, compared to 10% last year, while other display and display controller companies are apparently entering the OLED market this year. All that extra supply and competition should drive down the prices of OLED displays in general, but what that means for the PC monitor market remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, Sharp has rolled out its OLED panel line designed for handsets, the sources indicated. Sharp, under the Foxconn (Hon Hai) Group, is also seeking to enter the supply chain for the future iPhones featuring OLED displays, the sources said. AU Optronics (AUO) with its flexible OLED panel technology is also likely to cut into the supply chain of Android phone vendors, the sources continued. BOE reportedly has started supplying OLED panels for Huawei's smartphones. The market for OLED displays has long been dominated by Samsung Display, which, however, will be encountering the growing competitiveness from fellow flat panel companies this year, the sources believe. On the demand side, smartphone vendors are set to promote their mid-range models featuring OLED displays in 2019, indicating OLED panels will no longer be for flagship devices only, the sources said.
Should also drive down the price of older LCD displays. Another win for the consumer....
There's OLED and there's Samsung's OLED, which isn't OLED as you know it. Just saying. OLED backlight isn't what most people think OLED means (vs. say, LG, which is much closer to true OLED).

Samsung, the Nvidia of TVs.
I did not think that Samsung's Quantum dot (QLED) is the same as all.

Or, is Samsung now making LG?
Looks like they intend to combine the technologies together some how to increase brightness. I'm not sure how that would even play out and I fear for dark uniformity and such when you try to add some type of backlight to a phosphorus display. Hell, like I stated I don't even know how they intend to mash them together and I am skeptical.
"The report says that LG's OLED shipments nearly matched Samsung's Quantum Dot LCDs, despite being significantly more expensive"

Wow. That's encouraging - sometimes people are willing to pay for quality.
This should be a boon for HDM tech also. Inexpensive, high resolution, thin, and flexible displays hopefully will push the tech away from "head gear" and product a production that looks more like high tech goggles.
Oh wow an OLED thread where I get to post first about the BOOGYMAN! No one has mentioned it yet! Wait for it... the BOOGYMAN lurks around every corner and instantly destroys every and all OLED!
Oh wow an OLED thread where I get to post first about the BOOGYMAN! No one has mentioned it yet! Wait for it... the BOOGYMAN lurks around every corner and instantly destroys every and all OLED!
I can smell your oled burning in across the Pacific!
Oh wow an OLED thread where I get to post first about the BOOGYMAN! No one has mentioned it yet! Wait for it... the BOOGYMAN lurks around every corner and instantly destroys every and all OLED!

Hush, if you say its name it will appear on every OLED screen around the block.
Hush, if you say its name it will appear on every OLED screen around the block.

This is the image that instantly gets burned into every OLED display when you turn it on for the first time:

My current monitor is a 30" 2560x1600 from back when that was the largest size and resolution available (save for that one-off IBM/ViewSonic high-res beast). So, it's been over ten years, and maybe over 15 years. I wonder if the OLED technology has progressed enough to last that long. It would be nice to have a 4k monitor with deep blacks.
God ive been wanting OLED forever now!


QLED is actually pretty legit looking, though I don't feel its price either. I was checking out some TV's lately and latest crop of Sammy QLED perhaps looked better than Sony and LG OLED which were right next door. I personally don't feel either is worth the cost and will wait for it to come down. I'm in nor hurry. Also I'll never buy anything Samsung as they have the worst service of any company so I vote with my wallet.
In all fairness, the price between highest end QLED (or whatever) Samsung and OLED LG isn't all that big. But, maybe we're all fools for spending that much on a TV anyway (??), regardless of brand.