ASP VBS WTF? please help! :)


Limp Gawd
Jul 14, 2003
so we got this new server at work, and all the websites were transferred to it. well, one part of our site, which is a stock photo site decided not to load. it gives me this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/resources/showCat.asp, line 18

the line of code it's referring to is just the connection:
"ObjConn.Open "DSN=photos;Trusted_Connection=yes"

this is an old script which includes the '' file... i have never done anything that used this file, so that may be the problem. but i don't see where it connects to. please help :(

here is the code for the page:
<% Option Explicit %>
<!-- #include file="" -->
	Dim ObjConn
	Dim ObjRS
	Dim catID
	catID = Request("catID")
	If catID > 6 OR catID < 1 Then
		Response.Write("<p><font face='Arial, Helvetica, Verdana' SIZE=2>Sorry, there are no stock photos matching that category</font></p>")
		Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
		Set ObjRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
		ObjConn.Open "DSN=photos;Trusted_Connection=yes" "SELECT * from photos, categories WHERE categories.catID=" & catID & " AND photos.catID=" & catID & " ORDER BY filename", ObjConn
	End If
	Sub showPhoto(RecSet)
		Dim link
		Dim thumb 
		Dim count
		Dim columns
		columns = 3
		count = 3
		If Not RecSet.EOF Then
			Do While Not RecSet.EOF
				If columns=3 AND count MOD columns = 0 Then
				End If
				link = RecSet("filename") & ".jpg"
				thumb = RecSet("filename") & "_tn.jpg"
				Response.Write("<td VALIGN=Bottom><center><a href=" & link & " target='photo'><IMG SRC=" & thumb & " ALT='" & RecSet("ALT") &  "' BORDER=0></a>")
				Response.Write("<BR><FONT FACE='Arial, Helvetica, Verdana' SIZE=1>" & link & "</FONT></center></td>")
				If columns=3 AND count MOD columns = 2 Then
				End If
				If columns=5 AND count MOD 5 = 4 Then
					If Not RecSet.EOF Then
						End If
				End If
				count = count + 1
				If count = 15 Then
					columns = 5
				End If
		End If
	End Sub

and here is the code for the file... dunno if they're all the same, or what pretty much anything in that file does.

' Microsoft ADO
' (c) 1996-1998 Microsoft Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.
' ADO constants include file for VBScript

'---- CursorTypeEnum Values ----
Const adOpenForwardOnly = 0
Const adOpenKeyset = 1
Const adOpenDynamic = 2
Const adOpenStatic = 3

'---- CursorOptionEnum Values ----
Const adHoldRecords = &H00000100
Const adMovePrevious = &H00000200
Const adAddNew = &H01000400
Const adDelete = &H01000800
Const adUpdate = &H01008000
Const adBookmark = &H00002000
Const adApproxPosition = &H00004000
Const adUpdateBatch = &H00010000
Const adResync = &H00020000
Const adNotify = &H00040000
Const adFind = &H00080000
Const adSeek = &H00400000
Const adIndex = &H00800000

'---- LockTypeEnum Values ----
Const adLockReadOnly = 1
Const adLockPessimistic = 2
Const adLockOptimistic = 3
Const adLockBatchOptimistic = 4

'---- ExecuteOptionEnum Values ----
Const adRunAsync = &H00000010
Const adAsyncExecute = &H00000010
Const adAsyncFetch = &H00000020
Const adAsyncFetchNonBlocking = &H00000040
Const adExecuteNoRecords = &H00000080

'---- ConnectOptionEnum Values ----
Const adAsyncConnect = &H00000010

'---- ObjectStateEnum Values ----
Const adStateClosed = &H00000000
Const adStateOpen = &H00000001
Const adStateConnecting = &H00000002
Const adStateExecuting = &H00000004
Const adStateFetching = &H00000008

'---- CursorLocationEnum Values ----
Const adUseServer = 2
Const adUseClient = 3

'---- DataTypeEnum Values ----
Const adEmpty = 0
Const adTinyInt = 16
Const adSmallInt = 2
Const adInteger = 3
Const adBigInt = 20
Const adUnsignedTinyInt = 17
Const adUnsignedSmallInt = 18
Const adUnsignedInt = 19
Const adUnsignedBigInt = 21
Const adSingle = 4
Const adDouble = 5
Const adCurrency = 6
Const adDecimal = 14
Const adNumeric = 131
Const adBoolean = 11
Const adError = 10
Const adUserDefined = 132
Const adVariant = 12
Const adIDispatch = 9
Const adIUnknown = 13
Const adGUID = 72
Const adDate = 7
Const adDBDate = 133
Const adDBTime = 134
Const adDBTimeStamp = 135
Const adBSTR = 8
Const adChar = 129
Const adVarChar = 200
Const adLongVarChar = 201
Const adWChar = 130
Const adVarWChar = 202
Const adLongVarWChar = 203
Const adBinary = 128
Const adVarBinary = 204
Const adLongVarBinary = 205
Const adChapter = 136
Const adFileTime = 64
Const adDBFileTime = 137
Const adPropVariant = 138
Const adVarNumeric = 139

'---- FieldAttributeEnum Values ----
Const adFldMayDefer = &H00000002
Const adFldUpdatable = &H00000004
Const adFldUnknownUpdatable = &H00000008
Const adFldFixed = &H00000010
Const adFldIsNullable = &H00000020
Const adFldMayBeNull = &H00000040
Const adFldLong = &H00000080
Const adFldRowID = &H00000100
Const adFldRowVersion = &H00000200
Const adFldCacheDeferred = &H00001000
Const adFldKeyColumn = &H00008000

'---- EditModeEnum Values ----
Const adEditNone = &H0000
Const adEditInProgress = &H0001
Const adEditAdd = &H0002
Const adEditDelete = &H0004

'---- RecordStatusEnum Values ----
Const adRecOK = &H0000000
Const adRecNew = &H0000001
Const adRecModified = &H0000002
Const adRecDeleted = &H0000004
Const adRecUnmodified = &H0000008
Const adRecInvalid = &H0000010
Const adRecMultipleChanges = &H0000040
Const adRecPendingChanges = &H0000080
Const adRecCanceled = &H0000100
Const adRecCantRelease = &H0000400
Const adRecConcurrencyViolation = &H0000800
Const adRecIntegrityViolation = &H0001000
Const adRecMaxChangesExceeded = &H0002000
Const adRecObjectOpen = &H0004000
Const adRecOutOfMemory = &H0008000
Const adRecPermissionDenied = &H0010000
Const adRecSchemaViolation = &H0020000
Const adRecDBDeleted = &H0040000

'---- GetRowsOptionEnum Values ----
Const adGetRowsRest = -1

'---- PositionEnum Values ----
Const adPosUnknown = -1
Const adPosBOF = -2
Const adPosEOF = -3

'---- enum Values ----
Const adBookmarkCurrent = 0
Const adBookmarkFirst = 1
Const adBookmarkLast = 2

'---- MarshalOptionsEnum Values ----
Const adMarshalAll = 0
Const adMarshalModifiedOnly = 1

'---- AffectEnum Values ----
Const adAffectCurrent = 1
Const adAffectGroup = 2
Const adAffectAll = 3
Const adAffectAllChapters = 4

'---- ResyncEnum Values ----
Const adResyncUnderlyingValues = 1
Const adResyncAllValues = 2

'---- CompareEnum Values ----
Const adCompareLessThan = 0
Const adCompareEqual = 1
Const adCompareGreaterThan = 2
Const adCompareNotEqual = 3
Const adCompareNotComparable = 4

'---- FilterGroupEnum Values ----
Const adFilterNone = 0
Const adFilterPendingRecords = 1
Const adFilterAffectedRecords = 2
Const adFilterFetchedRecords = 3
Const adFilterPredicate = 4
Const adFilterConflictingRecords = 5

'---- SearchDirectionEnum Values ----
Const adSearchForward = 1
Const adSearchBackward = -1

'---- PersistFormatEnum Values ----
Const adPersistADTG = 0
Const adPersistXML = 1

'---- StringFormatEnum Values ----
Const adStringXML = 0
Const adStringHTML = 1
Const adClipString = 2

'---- ConnectPromptEnum Values ----
Const adPromptAlways = 1
Const adPromptComplete = 2
Const adPromptCompleteRequired = 3
Const adPromptNever = 4

'---- ConnectModeEnum Values ----
Const adModeUnknown = 0
Const adModeRead = 1
Const adModeWrite = 2
Const adModeReadWrite = 3
Const adModeShareDenyRead = 4
Const adModeShareDenyWrite = 8
Const adModeShareExclusive = &Hc
Const adModeShareDenyNone = &H10

'---- IsolationLevelEnum Values ----
Const adXactUnspecified = &Hffffffff
Const adXactChaos = &H00000010
Const adXactReadUncommitted = &H00000100
Const adXactBrowse = &H00000100
Const adXactCursorStability = &H00001000
Const adXactReadCommitted = &H00001000
Const adXactRepeatableRead = &H00010000
Const adXactSerializable = &H00100000
Const adXactIsolated = &H00100000

'---- XactAttributeEnum Values ----
Const adXactCommitRetaining = &H00020000
Const adXactAbortRetaining = &H00040000

'---- PropertyAttributesEnum Values ----
Const adPropNotSupported = &H0000
Const adPropRequired = &H0001
Const adPropOptional = &H0002
Const adPropRead = &H0200
Const adPropWrite = &H0400

'---- ErrorValueEnum Values ----
Const adErrInvalidArgument = &Hbb9
Const adErrNoCurrentRecord = &Hbcd
Const adErrIllegalOperation = &Hc93
Const adErrInTransaction = &Hcae
Const adErrFeatureNotAvailable = &Hcb3
Const adErrItemNotFound = &Hcc1
Const adErrObjectInCollection = &Hd27
Const adErrObjectNotSet = &Hd5c
Const adErrDataConversion = &Hd5d
Const adErrObjectClosed = &He78
Const adErrObjectOpen = &He79
Const adErrProviderNotFound = &He7a
Const adErrBoundToCommand = &He7b
Const adErrInvalidParamInfo = &He7c
Const adErrInvalidConnection = &He7d
Const adErrNotReentrant = &He7e
Const adErrStillExecuting = &He7f
Const adErrOperationCancelled = &He80
Const adErrStillConnecting = &He81
Const adErrNotExecuting = &He83
Const adErrUnsafeOperation = &He84

'---- ParameterAttributesEnum Values ----
Const adParamSigned = &H0010
Const adParamNullable = &H0040
Const adParamLong = &H0080

'---- ParameterDirectionEnum Values ----
Const adParamUnknown = &H0000
Const adParamInput = &H0001
Const adParamOutput = &H0002
Const adParamInputOutput = &H0003
Const adParamReturnValue = &H0004

'---- CommandTypeEnum Values ----
Const adCmdUnknown = &H0008
Const adCmdText = &H0001
Const adCmdTable = &H0002
Const adCmdStoredProc = &H0004
Const adCmdFile = &H0100
Const adCmdTableDirect = &H0200

'---- EventStatusEnum Values ----
Const adStatusOK = &H0000001
Const adStatusErrorsOccurred = &H0000002
Const adStatusCantDeny = &H0000003
Const adStatusCancel = &H0000004
Const adStatusUnwantedEvent = &H0000005

'---- EventReasonEnum Values ----
Const adRsnAddNew = 1
Const adRsnDelete = 2
Const adRsnUpdate = 3
Const adRsnUndoUpdate = 4
Const adRsnUndoAddNew = 5
Const adRsnUndoDelete = 6
Const adRsnRequery = 7
Const adRsnResynch = 8
Const adRsnClose = 9
Const adRsnMove = 10
Const adRsnFirstChange = 11
Const adRsnMoveFirst = 12
Const adRsnMoveNext = 13
Const adRsnMovePrevious = 14
Const adRsnMoveLast = 15

'---- SchemaEnum Values ----
Const adSchemaProviderSpecific = -1
Const adSchemaAsserts = 0
Const adSchemaCatalogs = 1
Const adSchemaCharacterSets = 2
Const adSchemaCollations = 3
Const adSchemaColumns = 4
Const adSchemaCheckConstraints = 5
Const adSchemaConstraintColumnUsage = 6
Const adSchemaConstraintTableUsage = 7
Const adSchemaKeyColumnUsage = 8
Const adSchemaReferentialConstraints = 9
Const adSchemaTableConstraints = 10
Const adSchemaColumnsDomainUsage = 11
Const adSchemaIndexes = 12
Const adSchemaColumnPrivileges = 13
Const adSchemaTablePrivileges = 14
Const adSchemaUsagePrivileges = 15
Const adSchemaProcedures = 16
Const adSchemaSchemata = 17
Const adSchemaSQLLanguages = 18
Const adSchemaStatistics = 19
Const adSchemaTables = 20
Const adSchemaTranslations = 21
Const adSchemaProviderTypes = 22
Const adSchemaViews = 23
Const adSchemaViewColumnUsage = 24
Const adSchemaViewTableUsage = 25
Const adSchemaProcedureParameters = 26
Const adSchemaForeignKeys = 27
Const adSchemaPrimaryKeys = 28
Const adSchemaProcedureColumns = 29
Const adSchemaDBInfoKeywords = 30
Const adSchemaDBInfoLiterals = 31
Const adSchemaCubes = 32
Const adSchemaDimensions = 33
Const adSchemaHierarchies = 34
Const adSchemaLevels = 35
Const adSchemaMeasures = 36
Const adSchemaProperties = 37
Const adSchemaMembers = 38

'---- SeekEnum Values ----
Const adSeekFirstEQ = &H1
Const adSeekLastEQ = &H2
Const adSeekAfterEQ = &H4
Const adSeekAfter = &H8
Const adSeekBeforeEQ = &H10
Const adSeekBefore = &H20

Const adCriteriaKey = 0
Const adCriteriaAllCols = 1
Const adCriteriaUpdCols = 2
Const adCriteriaTimeStamp = 3

Const adPriorityLowest = 1
Const adPriorityBelowNormal = 2
Const adPriorityNormal = 3
Const adPriorityAboveNormal = 4
Const adPriorityHighest = 5

'---- CEResyncEnum Values ----
Const adResyncNone = 0
Const adResyncAutoIncrement = 1
Const adResyncConflicts = 2
Const adResyncUpdates = 4
Const adResyncInserts = 8
Const adResyncAll = 15

Const adRecalcUpFront = 0
Const adRecalcAlways = 1

please help :( what's wrong with it? could it be a hardware issue? what would have happened that the DSN just went a missing? thanks...
sounds like the new server does not have the DSN defined for the database called "photos". looking at the rest of the connection string, it looks like that user credentials are being passed either by domain logon or integrated with the DSN setting in the server.

some google-ing on creating a DSN for your particular windows server should point you to a resolution. you'll probably have to set the username/password in the wizard for creating a DSN.

hope this helps!!

ps ... the adovbs file is a common thing to allow more descriptive names (ie: global variables) to the simple integers that ADO objects use to make certain settings (read/write capabilities, cursor direction, etc.)
I don't see the server identified in the connection string, either.

I'd expect to see PROVIDER=Something, which indicates what OLEDB provider you'll use. And DATA SOURCE=something, which indicates the name of your server.

DSN=means that you're using a DSN that's configured in the control panel, and I think that's a bad practice for web servers.

Why are you using ODBC instead of OLEDB?
mikeblas said:
I don't see the server identified in the connection string, either.

I'd expect to see PROVIDER=Something, which indicates what OLEDB provider you'll use. And DATA SOURCE=something, which indicates the name of your server.

DSN=means that you're using a DSN that's configured in the control panel, and I think that's a bad practice for web servers.

Why are you using ODBC instead of OLEDB?

this isn't my code, this site is years old. i've only ever used OLEDB. this is why it's so frustrating to try to figure out why it's not working, cause i don't know how it worked to begin with! lol.

so how would i go about making a new dsn that will work with this? it's just a directory of stock photos, divided into a few different categories and there is a small blurb about each one. the info is all already in an access database. will i have to change something on the server? or can i define it in my code?

thank you for all the help!
siliconcenturion said:
so how would i go about making a new dsn that will work with this? it's just a directory of stock photos, divided into a few different categories and there is a small blurb about each one. the info is all already in an access database. will i have to change something on the server? or can i define it in my code?

thank you for all the help!

On the webserver, go to
Start - Admin Tools - Data Sources(ODBC).

Select the System DSN Tab, Click Add, Select the correct type of Database driver (usually Access or SQL Server, Give it the name "Photos" and provide the server connection info.