ASRock X79 Extreme 11

Well, I swapped out my Team Group 2400mhz RAM and tested with some old ones I had lying around. The board now works! If it doesn't like that RAM why would it give a video card error? Strange.

So I was setting up my LSI 8x RAID 0 and everything went fine. But in the config utility there was nowhere to select the stripe size. Should I assume that LSI only uses a default stripe size?

Oh BTW the LSI controller on boot is pretty slow. Takes 20+ seconds just to load up before the BIOS even posts.
Vega can you disable the LSI controller in the bios so it doesnt take so long to boot up,,,getting mine tommorow
Vega can you disable the LSI controller in the bios so it doesnt take so long to boot up,,,getting mine tommorow

It won't take that long if nothing's attached to it, but if you have 8+ drives, it needs some time to bring everything up.
Well, I swapped out my Team Group 2400mhz RAM and tested with some old ones I had lying around. The board now works! If it doesn't like that RAM why would it give a video card error? Strange.

So I was setting up my LSI 8x RAID 0 and everything went fine. But in the config utility there was nowhere to select the stripe size. Should I assume that LSI only uses a default stripe size?

Oh BTW the LSI controller on boot is pretty slow. Takes 20+ seconds just to load up before the BIOS even posts.

Incompatible RAM does STRANGE things. I can't speak for that controller, but every other LSI I've ever used let me change the stripe sizes. In fact my 8308ELP is quite old but gives me choices ranging from 4k-256MB.
Incompatible RAM does STRANGE things. I can't speak for that controller, but every other LSI I've ever used let me change the stripe sizes. In fact my 8308ELP is quite old but gives me choices ranging from 4k-256MB.

Dan, or anyone else that knows LSI RAID controllers, could you please help here with the chip on this motherboard (do I have to buy hundreds of dollars of software to get this chip running properly?):
Dan, or anyone else that knows LSI RAID controllers, could you please help here with the chip on this motherboard (do I have to buy hundreds of dollars of software to get this chip running properly?):

All the onboard LSI's I've worked with were in servers which came with the appropriate software. I never had any performance problems with them. They also typically used SAS drives or SCSI drives back in the day. Firmware and performance with SAS is a whole different animal.
The board also appears to be E-ATX so it's a lil wider than ATX but holds the same height - that right there surprised me, which also causes the first PCI-E from the top to be uncomfortably close to the RAM slots... why not go atx-xl?>>>>>>>>>

At first they did advertise this board as Extra Large atx and now its E-atx 12x10.5
Sorry to hear your sata port popped off that easily. Hope your rma goes well.
I hate when new boards have this many issues including that LSI problem that VEGA is having trouble with.
Hopefully this doesn't turn out to be an ASUS STRIKER Nightmare situation.
Still waiting on additional parts to start my build with this MB and I'm getting negative vibes as of now, but I will admit the board is very nice looking.
Board it working great for me also. Although I do have a few complaints. Board is super tight/cluttered on it's items. They really should have made this a larger board size like the Big Bang XPII. The AE11 has the power and reset buttons, and the debug LED directly under GPU #4. Really silly location. Also, this board has the tightest RAM slot to PCI-E #1 slot spacing I've ever seen. I had to remove the back-plate off 7970 Lightning #1 and cut the edge of my RAM heat-sinks in order for them to fit. Now that is just ridiculously close spacing.

AE11 is handling my 3960X very sweet! Got it up to ~5.1 GHz. It's amazing how much cooler SB-E runs versus IB. My 3960X stays under 65 C in Prime95 with the following settings:

This is a bit nicer overclock than I could get this chip to do on both the RIVE and the Big Bang XP-II. Maybe an ASRock convert. :D

Vega can you post some picture about ram "Dremeling"? (i would like do buy the new corsair dominator platium...)

at the end what about sas performance (even if i will use these ports with sas traditional disks)


Can anyone confirm that there AE11 works in pcie 3.0 with 670 or 680 in 3way or 4way sli?\
mine locks up!!!
vega, are you running your memory at 1659 mhz only.
For example I read that the qpi link should be double of your memory speed unless this something old that I read up on.

I also read that using windows raid is a bad option as it stresses the cpu. hows your bench scores on the cpu with the windows raid running?
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Vega can you post some picture about ram "Dremeling"? (i would like do buy the new corsair dominator platium...)

at the end what about sas performance (even if i will use these ports with sas traditional disks)



This board has a mind of its own when it comes to memory.
Well, except for those cheap samsung 4 gig sticks they work in any board at sick speeds for $50 for 8 gig :)
If you want corsair I would buy these as they are confirmed to work on this board.
No, my memory is running at 1104.1 MHz (2208.2 effective). 9/11/11/28/1T.

As for Windows stripe RAID, I tested CPU usage both with the LSI hardware RAID and letting windws do it, and CPU usage was the same. The LSI chip is just a HBA, it really doesn't do any computing when it's in hardware RAID mode. Hence the same CPU usage between the two setups. IT mode with Win 7 stripe is the way to go. The RAID guy's over at XS say the same.
The Noctua D-14 will in no way fit on this board properly. Having it sit horizontal or vertically results in the first PCI-E slot to be blocked off.

I was having a difficult time figuring out how to offset OC, but this morning, I tried a manual OC and it seems to do slightly better than the xpower II I had. Oh and that SB fan - loud as hell!
I suggest a liquid cooling system like the corsair ones

I'm thinking at this Corsair ram
. They work greet on my new Asrock z77 exreme 9

You better check the QVL before you buy that ram.

QVLs are simply a listing of who paid the board manufacturer money to plug them for an advert. They're to be ignored. So long as voltage is 1.5 it should work.
Can anyone confirm that there AE11 works in pcie 3.0 with 670 or 680 in 3way or 4way sli?\
mine locks up!!!

I'm looking for this answer also. Vega, do you know if pcie 3.0 is working effectively
with Nvidia cards?
There are users posting 4-way EVGA 680 classified setups with the E11 so I don't see why it wouldn't. GPU-Z will show PCI-E 3.0.
Vega, just ordered my AE11 to replace my RIVE. Finally will get PCI-E 3.0 running on my GTX 670's at long last.
How are the Vertex4's working out on that board? Thought about selling my 3's and upgrading to the 4's but I heard there were some inconsistent issues people were having with those drives and with this LSI chipset on the forums?

*** EDIT ***
Read your post on the same thread where you are flashing in IT mode and letting windows setup software RAID and performance is great. Glad to hear the Vertex 4's are working out for you well!

Overall would you say you like this board a lot better than your RIVE?
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RIVE has a lot more BIOS tweaking features to get a CPU up under LN2 to 6 GHz plus but, regular systems don't need that. My E11 actually is able to run my 3960X at a higher clock than my RIVE was. Just changed a few settings and I'm running 5.1 GHz. Couldn't be done on the RIVE. I'm really impressed with the E11.
I know I was chatting with you with my 4-way 670GTX 4GB setup (now down to three cards, sold one). Your impression so far is that the PLX chip/switches aren't having a negative overall effect on your setup? I liked the diagram you posted up above by the way. Just curious on that front if things are working out well in your games and so forth.

I plan on taking some before and after benches...
Got my extreme 11 and it's working pretty well. One question I have, when I load my OCCT and start to stress test, my clock speed goes up to only 4.7GHz (multiplier manually set to 4.8). After the test it will go up to 4.8 then back down to 1200mhz. This didn't happen on my RIVE and I used mostly default settings on that one too. I'm guessing there is a setting somewhere I need to flip but not sure what it is.

this boarrd worth the money? (i will use it with SAS traditional drive)


Got my extreme 11 and it's working pretty well. One question I have, when I load my OCCT and start to stress test, my clock speed goes up to only 4.7GHz (multiplier manually set to 4.8). After the test it will go up to 4.8 then back down to 1200mhz. This didn't happen on my RIVE and I used mostly default settings on that one too. I'm guessing there is a setting somewhere I need to flip but not sure what it is.

Hey Clayton long time no talk to. Did you fix your OC? It sounds like you need increase you Core Current Limit. For 4.8ghz you can set it to 300.

How is your 670 3-way working out? The Extreme 11 is giving me @ 5-15% more performance than the RIVE with my 670 4-way (depending on game). My 3930k is being able to be OC up to 5ghz @ 1.40v with temps up to 72c with my H100.

Has anyone seen any waterblocks for this board yet?
Hey Clayton long time no talk to. Did you fix your OC? It sounds like you need increase you Core Current Limit. For 4.8ghz you can set it to 300.

How is your 670 3-way working out? The Extreme 11 is giving me @ 5-15% more performance than the RIVE with my 670 4-way (depending on game). My 3930k is being able to be OC up to 5ghz @ 1.40v with temps up to 72c with my H100.

Has anyone seen any waterblocks for this board yet?

Hey man same here. I turned off speed step and all of my CSTATES and that seemed to help even out my frequency. I'll look at my core current when I get home.

I've put in a fourth 670 in again and so far it's working out well. Got a free copy of Borderlands 2 with it so I'm satisfied. I'm enjoying Skyrim on my three 30" displays.

What is your load line calibration set to with your OC? I have my LLC set to level 3 and my vcore is at 1.43 for 4.8GHz. I believe I could tweak this around to get 5GHz easy, but I bumped it down to 4.8GHz and haven't had time to mess with it.
Couldn't make up your mind with 3 or 4-way eh. Don't worry I sold my 2 680s at a loss to buy my 4 670s just because one of my 680s was a dud and couldn't OC for crap. Should have just RMAd it and bought 2 more 680s. Still kicking myself for that one. One good thing is my 670s run cool as hell even OC and sandwiched together on air.

I bumped up the LLC to 2 for my 5ghz OC so I will get less vDroop and a more stable OC. Bios is set to 1.40. 3930k during load is showing 1.392 in CPU-Z. These are amazing volts for a 5ghz OC. AE11 has been amazing, plus i think i got lucky with this 3930k chip also.

I'm buying a water loop now. Shooting for a 5.2 or 5.3ghz OC depending on how much volts are required, but 5ghz @ 1.4v is promising. Need to figure out a way to cool VRMs though. I'm still seeing a CPU bottleneck in a few games like BF3 & Metro 2033. Are you seeing a CPU bottleneck in the games you are playing?
I don't play much BF3 or Metro 2033 (although I have both). I'm mostly playing Skyrim which with my mods is heavy on the GPU.

I may try LLC level 2 and bump my CPU up to 5.0GHz at 1.44 and see if its stable. My temps are pretty low with a custom loop and all. I disabled SpeedStep and all CStates. Did you do this as well or just play with the vcore and core current limit?
Yes I disabled all the Cstates also for my 5ghz OC, Multiplyer 50, LLC 2, enabled Internal PLL Overvoltage, disabled HT, CCL 300. I left VCCSA, VTT, & PLL on auto and the AE11 bumped up the voltage automatically to give me a stable OC.
Ahh you shut off HT... that may be why 1.4v is possible at 5GHz. I probably won't shut off my HT yet unless my games don't mind (which I imagine they won't). With my custom loop and HT off I imagine I could hit 5.3GHz easily.

I do run some virtual machines on it so the extra threads would be nice to have. Will try it both ways. Do you notice your 4-way being smoother with HT off?
Yes HT off helps me hit a little higher OC. HT on or off feel the same to me when gaming. Have you noticed any difference? I decrease CPU rate and turn on HT for other applications. Also how are you cooling your VRMs?
HT does hurt your OC. That's a fact. It also doesn't do you a lot of good when it comes to playing games. Game's don't generally scale all that well past 4 cores / threads. This is why the 2500k was such an outstanding processor for gaming and why the Core i3 2100 was so nice on a budget.
I did some work with trying to hit 5.2GHz with HT off.... I could get it to post at 1.5v with level 2 LLC. That seemed like a lot to me, wasn't Prime95 Small FFT stable for sure.... Need to do more playing to see if I can find a stable voltage with that. Should I try to lower the vcore a bit and go with level 1 LLC? I imagine that will put a strain my board though...

I got 5.1GHz stable with HT off at 1.48v with level 2 LLC. I can probably lower the voltage here a bit so that is what I'll try next.