Assassins Creed 2 a slightly more varied borefest


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 6, 2008
I've played about 5 hours of this so far and just can't see myself playing it any further. All of the problems from the first Assassins Creed have migrated to its sequel - repetitive gameplay, unskippable cutscenes, very little amount of actual 'assassinating' name it, it's here. All of the lame sidequests are back, with the only difference being you receive money instead of "information" about your next mark. If you fail one of these tasks, the game sends you back to the beginning of the task without any chance of being able to exit it and come back later. If you want out of some stupid race / time trial, you have to exit the game completely and load from a savepoint.

The vast bulk of the game still consists of climbing buildings. Despite how awesome the graphics looked in the promotional stuff for this game, the environments are bland and character faces are pretty ordinary with some dodgy lip-synching.

Fans of the original will probably love this as it's essentially more of the same with a little bit of new stuff in there, but there isn't enough here to impress those who were less than impressed with AC1. Ubisoft obviously haven't paid much attention to what gamers didn't like about the first game, since it scored obscenely high ratings by the "professional" gaming review outlets, and releasing the same game in new areas and some new abilities will guarantee the same positive reviews again.

Oh, and the Da Vinci inventions are only able to be used in certain missions and for a singular purpose only. Anyone looking forward to sailing around on Da Vinci's Flying Machine to their heart's content will be disappointed. True to form, the new features fall flat of Ubisoft's overselling of them pre-release...just like every other big game they release (Far Cry 2 anyone?).
I thought the first game was so terrible.I played it for a little while and took it back to the video store.The game sucked it felt clunky to me and the gameplay was down right boring
I thought the first one was ok, but stopped playing it a few hours in. I still planned to get this one hoping they resolved some of the common complaints, but scratched it off my list after playing Batman AA. Playing Batman AA made me realize how terrible the first one was and I no longer had any motivation to play the sequel.
The only thing that sucked about #1 was the side mission that were required. #2 however doesn't have this problem so im officially convinced the OP hasn't played the game.
I hated the first one after the first 3 or so hours but I'm loving every second of the new one, so I really have no idea wtf you're on about. While some of the textures are flat and shitty, overall the game still looks great and the free running aspect has only been improved since the first one. The combat is more fun, and the story/missions are wayyyy more dynamic and interesting than the ones from the first one. So again, what?:confused:
Well, I haven't played the second one, but was excited by the reviews. I thought the first was a *technical* masterpiece, though the gameplay was mind numblingly boring and repetitive.
/not agreed.

Assassins creed 2 is amazing. The intro was utter crap but when it got down to the story line, I actually started to care about the family and DaVinci.

This game has got me HOOKED. I just can't stop playing it, because I want to find out more about the story, it's pretty amazing.

Combat is nothing short of spectacular, just an overall improvement over the first game and I HATED the first game.
I just finished the first one tonight, and I thought it was awesome. I'll be picking up the second one no doubt. From what you and everyone is saying, if I enjoyed the first one (which I did, a ton), then the second is even better.
I happen to love AC2. And yeah, you can't use the flying machine more than once, but I seem to have no problem using my hidden gun any freaking time I want to... pretty much more than makes up for the flying machine thing. The game improves on its predecessor 100%, there is so much to do.

If it's boring to you then don't play it. You probably knew what you were getting yourself into it. Can't force yourself to like something.
/not agreed.

Assassins creed 2 is amazing. The intro was utter crap but when it got down to the story line, I actually started to care about the family and DaVinci.

This game has got me HOOKED. I just can't stop playing it, because I want to find out more about the story, it's pretty amazing.

Combat is nothing short of spectacular, just an overall improvement over the first game and I HATED the first game.

That's good news for me, then, because I hated the first game too. It was beautiful to look at, and a clear piece of technical mastery, but as far as game design goes, it fell flat on its face.
I echo the sentiments of the sane individuals posting in this thread. The game is a monumental improvement over the original and the story alone is worth a play through, the gameplay just makes it that much better.
Is there a demo for this game on Xbox? I'd like to give it a try first. I was bored out of my mind by the first one. There needs to be a CoD:MW2 demo as well. It seems like so many are getting that for Xbox, but I can't aim for shit in a FPS with my console controllers.
I stated I played the game for at least 5 hours. Learn to fucking read.
You started a thread with your chest puffed out, like you were providing a PSA to everyone else, and had your thunder need to cop an attitude to ruin it any farther or make yourself look any worse.
were you payed to post this?
non-skipable cut scenes? what you dont like stories in a game or something? why dont you go play some more MW2 multiplayer :p

and yes you can abort a mission in the middle of it.. by pressing start and pressing abort memory sequence :p
Paid 20 bucks for it brand new (Wooo trade in credit at best buy! )

Fricking awesome. heh
God the combat is SOOO addicting later on in the game when you're surrounded by 7+ guys.

I can't get enough of counter. It's soooooooo f**King satisfying.
were you payed to post this?
non-skipable cut scenes? what you dont like stories in a game or something? why dont you go play some more MW2 multiplayer :p

and yes you can abort a mission in the middle of it.. by pressing start and pressing abort memory sequence :p

Ya, I stopped taking the OP seriously after the cut-scenes part. Why in the world would you even be playing a game like this if you just wanted to skip the story the whole time? The only time skipping cut-scenes is a good thing is if you've already seen it, died/failed a mission or something, and have to watch it again. He's also literally the first person I've heard complain about the game. Everyone I know that has played the game has said that the vast majority of the issues from the first game have been addressed in the sequel.