Assassin's Creed 2 story and thoughts (possible spoilers)


Fully [H]
Nov 6, 2009
What did you guys think of the story? I thought it was really good, I notice a lot of 2012 references being thrown around these days in the popular media.

Pieces of Eden, I doubt such a thing exists in real life (no i'm not guillible), but I do wonder that if Christianity is right, why there are not more artifacts out there.

I don't think we live in a dream world, it'd be pretty fucked up if the Matrix inspired reality was true.

It's just fun to think about.

I have to say, this game had a far better story and mission structure than the original, Ezio has far more depth to him than Altaiir ever did. Not only that, you got to see his natural progression by playing out his life story. I heard that in AC3, they might bring back Ezio. There's also rumors they might do AC3 in Feudal Japan. That'd be neat, but only if you play as Hanzo Hattori, OR more likely, some guy who trains under him to become an Assassin.

I hope they don't rehash the same story, but I'd have no problem with them offering a good variation of it.

The environments were pretty well done and the acrobatics in the game feel much more smooth than the first game. Also, it has SUBTITLES (my deaf ass needs them), which the first game shockingly left out. I was forced to play the game using some guy's Gamefaq script of the game, he actually word for word had it all there.

I never did finish the game because he fucking stopped halfway, damn his soul.

But anyway, I like how fully fleshed out the story was and how fully realized 15th century Italy was.

I just wish they had not released the DLC and instead just put it in the game for you to enjoy. I don't like microtransactions but I think I will buy these 2 DLC's because they are $3.99 and I paid only $30 new for this game at Best Buy during the sale last week.

I just can't believe it took me this long to play this game!

Also, I did see some PC version Eyeinfinity videos on Youtube of this game, it looks friggin amazing with Eyeinfinity.

I wish they had introduced more "bleed over" from Altaiir, I mean, if the guy is your ancestor, you should have more memories of him than just that one sequence where you chase that guy down to the top of the parapet.

It was cool unlocking his armor and sword though.

The ending made me go what the fuck!

That was some convulted ass shit, but I wonder if I should have seen that coming because outside your Villa, you have those statuettes you need to find, and finding them gives you some money.

I didn't find all the glyphs, I was so impatient that I looked it up on Youtube. That's some messed up stuff, it wouldn't surprise me if it did indeed turn out like that.

I think those 2 "Adam" and "Eve" were the original intelligent beings that were captured somehow and controlled with the Pieces of Eden and were trying to escape but got caught again, wonder if they were killed (unlikely) or enslaved once more (more likely).

Sorry for all the rambling in no particular order, but I wonder what you guys think of it.
game was awesome, story is really good / interesting. I'm looking forward to the next one.
Yeah, I'm looking for some elaboration on what people thought of the story, the ending, and the puzzles in the game pointing towards some kind of "Adam" and "Eve" and Those Who Come Before and what it all means, and there's that media saturation lately with the December 12, 2012 reference.

Also, they are going to make another game with Ezio in it to continue his story, that would be most welcome, I really liked Ezio.
Pieces of Eden, I doubt such a thing exists in real life (no i'm not guillible), but I do wonder that if Christianity is right, why there are not more artifacts out there.

What type of artifacts are you looking for from Christianity? Dude, you have to remember that it began about 2,000 years ago. Thats a long time for people to be stealing and destroying shit.. there was no sense of keeping things for the future like there is today.

Loved the game though!
Well, the game made me think about things like that, of course something like Pieces of Eden don't exist.

Also, in other news, I bought the DLC for Assassin's Creed 2, the Battle for Forli and I'm buying the Bonfire of the Vanities + Templar Locations DLC
Fail, are you legally deaf?

The end was a serious WTF on par with Indiana Jones.Why would something addressed so retro-directly, be burried in such a conviluted manner?

I want to see Assassin's Creed with a Class or talent/perk system.
Fail, are you legally deaf?

The end was a serious WTF on par with Indiana Jones.Why would something addressed so retro-directly, be burried in such a conviluted manner?

I want to see Assassin's Creed with a Class or talent/perk system.

1) indeed

2) Indeed, Indiana Jones, that's a good comparison

3) derr? That'd be a little different and interesting, but why would you need something like that? A true master assassin does not need to limit his methods of killing unless ordered to do so.
What i want to see most in the next assassin's creed game is a new face to face fighting system. It feels like dynasty warriors now and really annoys me. Everyone will just stand in a circle around you and wait for their turn to throw out 1 attack, it needs to be like demons souls where everything is going all out to kill you as fast as possible, actually makes it so you don't want to get in a battle with the guards. To go along with that they need better ways to do assassinations unnoticed. You should be able to sneak up and stab people in the back and dispose of the body and stuff so nobody will ever find out. bring a little more hitman style into the game.
Actually that's a good idea, it'd be hard to implement a well rounded fighting system like that. But it'd be epic if you could parry attacks from behind you and then do a counter kill move, that'd be sweet as hell!

That's a decent idea. I heard they are going to implement multiplayer in the next AC

what they should do is make it co-op through the missions AND design the co-op missions to be done in a cooperative way instead of just making them single player missions with an extra buddy throw in.

You should be able to play on your PS3, 360, or PC on your own screen when you do co-op. That's co-op done right
I think in general the combat should be sped up a little. It's a little annoying when there's 10 guys around you and NO ONE attacks for a good 20 seconds. Counter attacking has always been a little bit of a grey area for me. I'm not a huge fan of the auto kill, but it's so freakin' sweet when he does it. I like how there's so many different animations now due to the plethora of new weapon types.

Blocking in general needs to be toned down for both you and the enemies. Really the only reason countering is so effective is because normal attacking just isn't worth it when the enemy blocks it all and a single counter is an insta kill. At the same time the enemies have a very hard time even hurting you due to the fact that you can just hold down block the whole time. I do like the fact that some brutes can hurt you regardless of blocking... but of course a simple disarm solves that real quick.

The plot was more involved this time around. It felt more personal and less disconnected. The modern day scenes were kind of meh... this type of fighting system is really more suited for the animus than real life. Ezio had a unique personality... whether or not you liked his frat boyish style was another story. They kind of did the same with Prince in the recent PoP series... not too sure how to feel about that. It's good that Ezio did get a quick wake up call when his brothers / father got killed.
Well, think about it

he was carefree and a man's man at first, then his family got killed and he was forced to grow up real quick, that made complete sense.

He started taking his role in things a lot more seriously from that point forward. I think the backstory there and the scenes pre-family killed was to show his personality and how he came to be an assassin.

Made complete sense to me. He's not a psychopath by any means, he's not a heartless cold blooded killer. He finds purpose in every death he causes. And when he kills, he's not really being hateful at the moment of death, as you can tell from the dialogue between him and the people he kills, except for a few instances where he's really mad.

"Fear not the darkness, but welcome it's embrace, requiescat in pace."
3) derr? That'd be a little different and interesting, but why would you need something like that? A true master assassin does not need to limit his methods of killing unless ordered to do so.

To personalize the character of course. You don't limit, you specialize. Truly, an assassins most powerful organ is the brain. Using that organ we play to our strengths, and thus in a game that influences our playstyle.

And what the hell is with Ezio not picking up a bow? Who uses only knives and then a pistol arm thing and not a bow ever?

And the next about a difficulty setting? I was not once challenged in any of the fights. I died to falling more then anything.

And, bigger, crazier jumping puzzles. THAT was my favorite part of the game, hands down!
To personalize the character of course. You don't limit, you specialize. Truly, an assassins most powerful organ is the brain. Using that organ we play to our strengths, and thus in a game that influences our playstyle.

And what the hell is with Ezio not picking up a bow? Who uses only knives and then a pistol arm thing and not a bow ever?

And the next about a difficulty setting? I was not once challenged in any of the fights. I died to falling more then anything.

And, bigger, crazier jumping puzzles. THAT was my favorite part of the game, hands down!

I see where you're coming from, but what kind of assassin grabs a bow and arrow and in the middle of a crowd fires it? wtf

He did have long range weapons, the throwing knives and the concealed gun in his wrist.

I agree with one thing though, those Assassin tombs were extremely well done, it's part of the reason I'm going through them again. I really loved those puzzles, definitely the high point of the game.
I loved the cool Italian setting. You can almost sense a mob feel there. The combat is very easy, even toward the end of the game. Nothing is more ridiculous than picking off 20 guards one by one. All the side mission and extra content do give the game a lot of extra value.
As for the Adam and Eve sequence I saw it completely different than you. It looked to me that they were saying humans were created by that other species in their own images. They were misunderstood by the primitive humans and we thought them Gods. All of the Multi-god theologies are actually the same with different names Hence the Greek and Roman gods almost being identical except the names. (this is not original at all and is almost a combination of Stargate and a few Startrek episodes.)

Adam and Eve looked to be the first humans to steal alien tech (the Apple of knowledge ) and run for their own freedom to make a life not ruled by the Aliens. I think the city we saw was probably called Eden. Since they stole the Apple they were effectively banished from Eden since they now had the knowledge of freedom and could never return to Eden and be happy.