Assassins Creed 2

I hated this game on the 360 - but then I bought it again after seeing it on the PC. This game just worked for me on the PC, although I have no idea why. One of the few game I ever completed.
Ubisoft is pretty close to joining EA and Valve in elitist/shitty/lazy programming company.
Fuck Ubisoft and everything associated with that company. If AC2 follows Ubi's form with sequels, the "amazing new features" will appear once or twice in the game, leaving the rest to be the wonderfully-animated borefest that the original was.

I am confident the Da Vinci inventions will appear once or twice and you'll be able to use them for one singular purpose only.

Case in point: How many people were psyched for Splinter Cell Double Agent and being able to choose whether to help the terrorists or the NSA, only for it to appear 2-3 times in the game?

Plus it still looks like you can't actually "assassinate" your main targets from the preview videos - he still challenges them to a dual with 10 of their minions in the open...

Hitman series ftw. /thread
Assassin's Creed 2 should be released sometime Q1 2010. March is pretty late, but I'm willing to wait.

Just started playing Assassin's Creed (I know I'm late to the game) and must say its a wonderful game.
Assassin's Creed 2 should be released sometime Q1 2010. March is pretty late, but I'm willing to wait.

Just started playing Assassin's Creed (I know I'm late to the game) and must say its a wonderful game.

That's because you only just started playing.
It's a neat engine.. but honestly, despite it being easy, I had way more fun playing Ubi's PoP reboot than I ever did playing AC.
Assassin's Creed 2 should be released sometime Q1 2010. March is pretty late, but I'm willing to wait.

Just started playing Assassin's Creed (I know I'm late to the game) and must say its a wonderful game.

I'm sure after some quests you will be a member of the 'wtf is this repetitive crap' group.
Assassin's Creed 2 should be released sometime Q1 2010. March is pretty late, but I'm willing to wait.

Just started playing Assassin's Creed (I know I'm late to the game) and must say its a wonderful game.
It's fun until you realize every mission is the same formula. I did like the convos in the cut-scenes though.
Assassin's Creed 2 should be released sometime Q1 2010. March is pretty late, but I'm willing to wait.

Just started playing Assassin's Creed (I know I'm late to the game) and must say its a wonderful game.

You mean you haven't thrown the mouse and keyboard at a wall yet just trying to exit the game?

I bought the original for the PC, but I had annoying lighting glitches that nobody could help me resolve, and then there's the 11 steps and 1:30 required to exit the fucking game.

I'm just not going to jump on this release, not unless I find it in the bargain bin.
AC1 was a borefest, repetitive, dull, insipid, vacuous.....

I have my doubts if AC2 will be any better; Ubisoft's recent output has been atrocious. PoP 2008 & Far Cry 2 to name but two. Coupled with the fact this franchise is console-centric first and foremost.
Apparantly it's a lot more fun that AC1 was, I enjoyed AC1 enough to complete it so maybe this will be quite good. I'm certainly not waiting for it though, it arrives when it arrives, if it's delayed it just means they're tailoring it more for the PC which is something we badly need.

I'm happy to wait 3-4 months for a PC title of a multiplatform game if it means they fix all the stupid shitty little console defects left over in the PC version like fixing the mouse acceleration, getting widescreen done right, get the aspect ratios right, get proper support for AA/AF/Vsync etc.
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It's fun until you realize every mission is the same formula. I did like the convos in the cut-scenes though.

Isn't that the truth, but to be honest the concept behind the game is pretty cool, I just got tired of traveling to every place to do the same mission over and over ;) I still got AC2 for the Xbox, with the hopes the issues have been addressed, though I haven't tried it yet...MW2 has been eating up all my playing time...I think I'm going to have to go to rehab at the rate I'm going with it :p
I'm not sure why people are so keen to point out the repetitiveness of AC1. Given the right motive, you can point out precisely the same thing about virtually every game ever made. I thought AC1 was a superb game, playing through it multiple times on different platforms even.

And as for the comparison to FC2, what the hell were you thinking? FC2 fit into the same category of games as Gothic 3: bought it, played it twice, never touched it again. And keeping company with a game like Gothic 3 is a fucking cockslap.
Don't forget the infamous Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 no CD patch that they stole from RELOADED's hacked version.
It is a bit repetitive, but I still like it. Maybe I have nothing better to do after beating CoD:MW2 in a few days. I'm sure AC2 will be a significant improvement.
You mean you haven't thrown the mouse and keyboard at a wall yet just trying to exit the game?

I bought the original for the PC, but I had annoying lighting glitches that nobody could help me resolve, and then there's the 11 steps and 1:30 required to exit the fucking game.
I find it funny how few people realised that you can exit the game in about 3 seconds by pressing Alt+F4.
yes yes yes and yes, console centric use the 360 reciever on windows and just get the windows version
I'm happy to wait 3-4 months for a PC title of a multiplatform game if it means they fix all the stupid shitty little console defects left over in the PC version like fixing the mouse acceleration, getting widescreen done right, get the aspect ratios right, get proper support for AA/AF/Vsync etc.

Yes, except it's amazing how often that doesn't happen even with these delays.

And frankly, we all know that's not the main reason the PC versions get delayed more often than not and that's annoying to me for what I feel are obvious reasons.

There's really no good reason that AC2 couldn't have come out in time for Christmas on the PC and we all know it.

The thing is already up to 1.6 million sales on the consoles. By the time it comes out on the PC most of the people that were interested in the title will have done so and the holidays sales season will have been missed.

To me, that's just plain stupid but we see it practically all the time now.

Sure, I'm going to wait for the PC version but frankly, I shouldn't have to and I'm tempted to get the PS3 version anyways and start playing because I really want the game badly.

And frankly, there have been plenty of times in the past when the PC version has rightfully been released along side its console bretheren and been just fine.
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