Assassins Creed 3: American Revolution

So, I never played the AC immediately before this one (Revelations?)... am I going to be seriously lost if I play this? I've played the rest of them, I just got sick of Ezio.

You should at least find some Youtube vids of the main story cutscenes. Some of the most important plot points in the AC series so far come from Revelations.
You should at least find some Youtube vids of the main story cutscenes. Some of the most important plot points in the AC series so far come from Revelations.

I think it was gamespot that made all these cutscene videos. I watched through most of them, or at least skipped around and then read stuff online to get an idea of what's going on with the plot.

I couldn't really get into the other AC games. I think it was partly the graphics. I dunno, going back a ways.

This engine seems so much better though. Especially the models and character faces.
Don't feel bad MavericK96. I am only half through Brotherhood and decided I was sick of Ezio and the Mediteranean as well. I ended up reading the plot details on wikipedia and watching the cutscenes on youtube.

What is this annoying Indian Whistle that plays when you are in the wilderness. I hear it as if it is some kind of annoncement like I found something nearby?

I keep getting notifications of email in the animus. How do I check them?

My very first convoy was under attack but it wasn't showing up on the map. Has this happened to anyone else?

I love the game so far.
Sobek: you exit the Animus to read e-mails in present time with Desmond

I love how each new AC game adds some new wrinkle to keep the game fresh...they could have kept all the same moves and it still would have been good but adding new moves and takedowns improves the overall experience for AC vets...I'm loving the new corner takedown move in combination with the 'whistle' to distract enemies

some of the optional tasks required to get 100% sync are challenging...takes multiple tries to get in particular in Sequence 3 'kill militia without triggering open conflict' was a PITA to time right

no spoilers but the twist early on in the game was really surprising and well done...good job by Ubisoft keeping that a secret
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Man, Sequence 7 the AI seems REALLY buggy as hell.

Having to board two ships without being spotted, The AI would constantly somehow magically see you ledge assassinate someone and then on top of that they'd "Stick" to you, even if you weren't spotted , you can go around the boat and they'd follow you. HAd to do it so many times to get full sync I almost wanted to throw my computer out of the window.

Luckily that's over. I'm just getting tired of all the full sync "dont' let anyone see you" stuff, the combat int he game is a blast and I wanna use it in missions, not just out and about while exploring.

Wish there were more naval missions, those are always fun. Also wish there was a way you could select to keep Conner's hood up or down, I prefer it down. Luckily got the outfit for collecting all the feathers, it's basically his starting outfit that you wear earlier in the game but with adult Conner now.
Man, Sequence 7 the AI seems REALLY buggy as hell.

Having to board two ships without being spotted, The AI would constantly somehow magically see you ledge assassinate someone and then on top of that they'd "Stick" to you, even if you weren't spotted , you can go around the boat and they'd follow you. HAd to do it so many times to get full sync I almost wanted to throw my computer out of the window.

Frustration seems to be the name of the game with a few missions in the AC franchise in general...I finally sat aside time to play AC2 (yes I know...) over the Thanksgiving holiday and yesterday I encountered the "Kill 10 Brutes in 60 Seconds" assassination contract mission. Holy shit. It made me remember two things...1) trying to beat the final mission in Red Faction Guerrilla and 2) wanting to slam things and give the screen double middle fingers like I did in my younger days. :p

Hopefully there aren't too many frustrating parts in this game like you and polonyc2 mention; I hate it when an otherwise epic game becomes frustrating due to some AI bullshit that basically requires luck rather than skill to get past.
Frustration seems to be the name of the game with a few missions in the AC franchise in general...I finally sat aside time to play AC2 (yes I know...) over the Thanksgiving holiday and yesterday I encountered the "Kill 10 Brutes in 60 Seconds" assassination contract mission. Holy shit. It made me remember two things...1) trying to beat the final mission in Red Faction Guerrilla and 2) wanting to slam things and give the screen double middle fingers like I did in my younger days. :p

Hopefully there aren't too many frustrating parts in this game like you and polonyc2 mention; I hate it when an otherwise epic game becomes frustrating due to some AI bullshit that basically requires luck rather than skill to get past.

I remember that 'kill 10 brutes in 60 seconds' was challenging until I discovered the trick was to use smoke bombs...made it really far as AC3, the main missions have not been all that challenging for me up to this point...the parts involving optional 100% sync achievements are the tough part...but they are totally optional and you don't have to complete them
I remember that 'kill 10 brutes in 60 seconds' was challenging until I discovered the trick was to use smoke bombs...made it really far as AC3, the main missions have not been all that challenging for me up to this point...the parts involving optional 100% sync achievements are the tough part...but they are totally optional and you don't have to complete them

Well after multiple tries I finally resorted to Googling it and like you, many people recommended the smoke bombs and got past the mission after 1-2 attempts. Problem is, I didn't have the smoke bombs yet because I chose to knock out the assassination contract missions before finishing up Tuscany. And of course once you start a mission you're stuck in it, even if you quit to the desktop and reload. So I soldiered on...even after recruiting thieves/mercs to help distract the brutes, it still required several tries and luck using the double hidden blade.

And I see where you're coming from but it sounds like I'm like you and would want to do the optional missions for 100% sync, so therein lies the frustration. I never blow through games following the core missions and skipping the extra stuff, which is why it takes me much longer to finish a game than most reviewers state...and also why my backlog takes longer to plow through. Like Q-BZ I like to see everything the world has to offer and relish the details. I could just hammer through it and see everything the second time, but I find that often, the first experience with a great game is somewhat magical and I don't feel right leaving stones unturned. I want to see everything.
Finally starting to get some of the deluxe stuff on Gamefly... Have to download it separately.

Still no Benedict Arnold key though....
Frustration seems to be the name of the game with a few missions in the AC franchise in general...I finally sat aside time to play AC2 (yes I know...) over the Thanksgiving holiday and yesterday I encountered the "Kill 10 Brutes in 60 Seconds" assassination contract mission. Holy shit. It made me remember two things...1) trying to beat the final mission in Red Faction Guerrilla and 2) wanting to slam things and give the screen double middle fingers like I did in my younger days. :p

Hopefully there aren't too many frustrating parts in this game like you and polonyc2 mention; I hate it when an otherwise epic game becomes frustrating due to some AI bullshit that basically requires luck rather than skill to get past.

LOL, I still do the double middle fingers thing. Just something that never changed.

But nowadays, for some reason, I actually keep playing, instead of doing the fingers, and then turning the game off.
Finally starting to get some of the deluxe stuff on Gamefly... Have to download it separately.

Still no Benedict Arnold key though....

Open the gamefly client, click on your AC3 game and there should b ea list now that allows you to download 4 missions + benedict arnold dlc.

I assumed that was included when you redeemed the key though through the in-game dlc.

Because I bought it via gamefly as well and when I put my key in it activated it, I was able to do the mission to get the sawtooth sword, I got my dlc weapons/outfit in seiquence 7 as normal, etc.

Wasn't sure about the benedict arnold stuff though, that seemed to be the only thing I was missing.
LOL, I still do the double middle fingers thing. Just something that never changed.

But nowadays, for some reason, I actually keep playing, instead of doing the fingers, and then turning the game off.

I did the 2x middle finger thing last night while trying to climb an elm tree to synchronize while in the frontier. I kept falling out and desynchronizing. I ended up just quiting. I was tired though so that's my excuse considering I had already done one tree just like it earlier.

Thanks for answering my email notification question. I'd still like to know what that Indian whistle noise is I hear from time to time while exploring. Is it some sort of notification?
I know on the consoles getting 100% sync is an achievement. Other than maybe earning some Ubisoft points, does it do anything on the PC version? I actually got 100% sync on AC2 for the 360 but haven't had the patience to do it with the last few. Sometimes it would take a borderline exploit in the last two, so I never bothered.
Does it affect the plot or anything game-wise at all?
I'm wondering the same, also do the challenges, etc reward anything? I am not one that usually cares about "achievements" or anything, it's just a damn number and doesn't make a difference.

However I do like doing the ones if you get something for it, like the feather collectibles, you get an outfit for doing those (His Indian outfit before he becomes an assassin). Also know doing the homestead missions for Achilles you get his assassin outfit, then there's the Captain Kidd outfit you get if you do all the peg-leg missions (IE get the trinkets, give to peg leg, he gives you a location to find part of the map via the naval map).

Apart from those the other collectibiles/challenges I don't know if they provide anything rather then e-peen points.
I know on the consoles getting 100% sync is an achievement. Other than maybe earning some Ubisoft points, does it do anything on the PC version? I actually got 100% sync on AC2 for the 360 but haven't had the patience to do it with the last few. Sometimes it would take a borderline exploit in the last two, so I never bothered.
Does it affect the plot or anything game-wise at all?

I can't imagine it's worth much past some UPlay points and maybe a Steam trophy.

I'm not going to kill myself over it. I don't think I've gotten 100 percent sync in any AC game yet.
I can't imagine it's worth much past some UPlay points and maybe a Steam trophy.

I'm not going to kill myself over it. I don't think I've gotten 100 percent sync in any AC game yet.

That's what I figured, but I wasn't sure if I was missing something. This one seems to be back in the mold of the first game with TONS of item collection missions. It isn't quite as bad as the 100 flags in every city, but it's definitely a bit much.
The 2nd game was pretty reasonable based upon memory. I might be totally wrong, but I think I sync'd all of the missions but didn't bother getting all of the items since it was just an achievement.
Game kicks ass. Nuff' said. Also just finished Sequence 3 and I'm all :eek: .

I did have some odd glitches and bugs though, starting with when you're on the boat in the beginning, falling through the boat model on stairs. Also flickering is going on at times when the camera collides with an object (like the stage-coach you're on early on) The stage-coach actually disappeared and the prisoners on it were floating. Then there was that whole bug where if I choked someone out, their body model would get horribly warped and elastic like, really fucking weird.

Then again, it's Ubisoft, and I'm no stranger to their shit programming.
I can't imagine it's worth much past some UPlay points and maybe a Steam trophy.

I'm not going to kill myself over it. I don't think I've gotten 100 percent sync in any AC game yet.

I was going to try to 100% Just Cause 2...fuck that noise. Hours and hours and hours and hours of tedium. Don't get me wrong; it's a brilliantly fun game unless you get bogged down trying to be a completionist.

And the 200 pigeons in GTA IV...or the hidden packages in the previous GTA games? I don't think so!

I'm with you guys, no point in spending hours collecting 100% unless there's some massively cool shit that gets unlocked. Screw doing it for an achievement or so the stats screen can read 100%...
I can't imagine it's worth much past some UPlay points and maybe a Steam trophy.

I'm not going to kill myself over it. I don't think I've gotten 100 percent sync in any AC game yet.

I honestly have to give UBI props for UPlay points. It's actually a fairly innovative idea. Achievement points which can be used similarly to purchase DLC. Imagine if MS or Sony added it in future consoles. Sure, the structure of what's considered an achievement would probably have to be significantly redone, but quite honestly, it probably already does ( e.g. achievements for turning on the game). I think if they did implement something like this, MS and Sony could generate a lot of good will and more interest in their games.
I like to do the 100% synch on sequences which are long as it's not too crazy to complete...with the other AC games I've never gotten 100% total synch but usually in the high 80' fun and nothing I'm a completionist and like to explore and do as much as possible in any game I play...the main mission is something I'm never in a rush to finish...I prefer 100% synch to those fetch missions where you collect 100 feathers etc...those I don't go out of my way to finish but story missions I like
I honestly have to give UBI props for UPlay points. It's actually a fairly innovative idea. Achievement points which can be used similarly to purchase DLC.

I think this was the original idea with achivement points/gamer score on the 360.
you can't use the Uplay points to purchase any paid can only use those points to get a limited amount of bonus in-game content- weapon upgrades, extra outfits, wallpapers get those points for completing certain Sequences in the game
Playing this for the last few days, couple of points:

Game looks fantastic. Have it running at 1080p with TXAA and it looks... resplendent. :cool:

Twist was cool.

That said, is anyone else having some major issues with the homestead ledger? Half the time my keyboard becomes totally unresponsive and I can't exit that screen.

Another issue I've had is with the Convoy defense. I get there, start killing stuff and then there's never any progress made. Leave the area and it fails the mission. Confusing to say the least.
The ledger not working on pc is a known bug that hopefully will be fixed soon.

To get around it for now what you have to do is when you get to the ledger to use it, ONLY use your keyboard, do not touch your mouse, once in the ledger use the keyboard only and it should work ok and let you exit it, etc.

So as soon as you get into the house and go up to it, take your hand off your moues, push e, and use the arrow keys on the keyboard, do not touch or move your mouse.

I have played the hell out of the game this past week solid, getting close to the end and wish I wasn't :(.

I've did most of the side stuff, collected all the feathers and things.
Think I found a bug. One of the Frontiersman (I think) challenges in Group 1 is something like "Find 5 Underground locations", which refers of course to Boston's underground. Wander around in there and you can unlock up to 10 fast travel areas etc... I did about half of these with (The first playable character) before the Frontiersman challenges were recorded, and even those I did with (The main playable character) did not seem to be detected! I now have 10/10 Underground Boston complete, but only 1/5 of of Frontiersman challenges come out as valid. Anyone else run into this issue?

Next, has anyone been able to perform a Double Assassination with a Musket in a way that counts for the task? If so, how? Thanks
I've put in about 35 hours and decided I'm going to wait for another round of bug fixes. The bugs are just too numerous and frustrating to ruin my playthrough if there's a patch coming.
Anybody getting the steam installation thing for "Microsoft Redistributable Package 1 of 1" popping up EVERY TIME they launch the game? Before that pops up, I also get a Windows UAC asking me to "allow" steam to, what I'm assuming, run the stupid package installation. Kind of annoying...

Had this issue with another game a while back, but it just kind of went away I think.
havn't really had time to play that much this week but I'm really loving it so far...I'm only up to the hunting tutorial but the hunting aspect is so well the different types of snares, bait and traps you can use...the game is amazing...only negative is that Connor is definitely not as charismatic as Ezio...they really should have given him more of a personality
Anybody getting the steam installation thing for "Microsoft Redistributable Package 1 of 1" popping up EVERY TIME they launch the game? Before that pops up, I also get a Windows UAC asking me to "allow" steam to, what I'm assuming, run the stupid package installation. Kind of annoying...

Had this issue with another game a while back, but it just kind of went away I think.

Yup, I get that every time, too. I've found that pre-loading a game on Steam tends to make that happen more often than not. I have a couple games that do it. I think you can just kill off the redistributables folder to get rid of it, but I haven't bothered.
Not sure about UAC, though. I turned that off.
Think I found a bug. One of the Frontiersman (I think) challenges in Group 1 is something like "Find 5 Underground locations", which refers of course to Boston's underground. Wander around in there and you can unlock up to 10 fast travel areas etc... I did about half of these with (The first playable character) before the Frontiersman challenges were recorded, and even those I did with (The main playable character) did not seem to be detected! I now have 10/10 Underground Boston complete, but only 1/5 of of Frontiersman challenges come out as valid. Anyone else run into this issue?

Are you sure the underground locations don't refer to caves? I've found at least half a dozen or more caves in the frontier.

The ledger not working on pc is a known bug that hopefully will be fixed soon.

To get around it for now what you have to do is when you get to the ledger to use it, ONLY use your keyboard, do not touch your mouse, once in the ledger use the keyboard only and it should work ok and let you exit it, etc.

Haven't had this problem using a 360 controller.
that Nine Men's Morris mini-game is tricky as hell...very hard to win

Yeah - the AI is tricky. They'll play for the draw and if you ever try to be aggressive, they won't let up. Once you get down to 3 pieces, the game is a mess anyway.
Yeah - the AI is tricky. They'll play for the draw and if you ever try to be aggressive, they won't let up. Once you get down to 3 pieces, the game is a mess anyway.'s like I always have to be on the defensive blocking the opponent's future moves...if I get too aggressive and go for the win then the AI gets even more aggressive
Yup, I get that every time, too. I've found that pre-loading a game on Steam tends to make that happen more often than not. I have a couple games that do it. I think you can just kill off the redistributables folder to get rid of it, but I haven't bothered.
Not sure about UAC, though. I turned that off.

Ah ok, see, it's not just me. People thought I was crazy hah (I am, but not about this!).
That's pretty cool. Almost every game comes with the same half dozen redist files & probably take up a fair amount of space along with causing issues (like the ones above).

Wait until you see how much hard drive space gets freed up.'s like I always have to be on the defensive blocking the opponent's future moves...if I get too aggressive and go for the win then the AI gets even more aggressive

If you can get them down to 3 pieces first, played correctly, you should never lose. Once they're at 3 pieces, forget about trying to win immediately (as it will almost be impossible), and focus getting all your pieces onto the same layer. The goal here is that when the AI gets you down to two pieces, you can immediately make your next move to guarantee 2 possibilities, thus winning.
just got to the part where they show you the ledger for the first time...really confusing...they don't explain things well at all...stockpile, convoy etc...a lot of things in the game really require you to figure things out on your own
Wait until you see how much hard drive space gets freed up.

It cleaned up about 5GB for me a few months ago when I first used it. Thats the problem with having ~700GB of Steam games installed.