Assassin's Creed III -- World Gameplay Premiere [UK]


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Jul 16, 2010
Assassin's Creed III is the opening chapter of two new stories: one of Connor, the newest Assassin, and one of a new nation, both in an epic fight for land and freedom. In this gameplay world premiere, travel through the early American city of Boston, battle man and beast alike as you explore the vast open frontier, and witness to the intensity and excitement of the Battle of Bunker Hill -- one of the most famous battles of all time.
Cool. I like the way the combat looks and seems to flow in the trailer. I hope it moves like that in the actual game. The trailer doesn't do much other than show the combat though. I wish they would've spent some more time on the world, story, and Connor himself.
I lost interest in AC games after 2 but this one looks really promising. Cant wait to give it a play.
I lost interest in AC games after 2 but this one looks really promising. Cant wait to give it a play.

I enjoyed Brotherhood more than 2 but Revelations wasn't all that great. I hope that 3 does the best of every AC.
I enjoyed Brotherhood more than 2 but Revelations wasn't all that great. I hope that 3 does the best of every AC.

I think it will.

Revelations was decent but frankly felt obligatory and unecessary for the most part.

If we get the same kind of leap forward here that part 2 was over part 1 then I think we're all going to be very happy with this.
I think it will.

Revelations was decent but frankly felt obligatory and unecessary for the most part.

If we get the same kind of leap forward here that part 2 was over part 1 then I think we're all going to be very happy with this.

In light of that thought, I had a humorous one regarding the ability to call in assassins but instead of them you could call down eagles, falcons, or hawks to eliminate targets. :D
Most exciting part was when he jumped into the window and entered the interior. I wonder how many buildings will have modeled interiors like that.
Eh...Looks okay but honestly looks like more of the same. Hopefully the story is good.
Eh...Looks okay but honestly looks like more of the same. Hopefully the story is good.

The combat looks significantly improved. Connor flows from animation to animation smoothly, the attacks seem much more varied, the action looks a hell of a lot smoother.
Eh...Looks okay but honestly looks like more of the same. Hopefully the story is good.

More of the same slightly broken, slightly frustrating combat and traversal mechanics. They always LOOK good in the trailer, but they really don't feel good anymore. Playing Revelations right after Arkham City made me realize just how shitty its combat and city traversal mechanics really are, and I won't buy that things are improved based off of how they look in a trailer.
More of the same slightly broken, slightly frustrating combat and traversal mechanics. They always LOOK good in the trailer, but they really don't feel good anymore. Playing Revelations right after Arkham City made me realize just how shitty its combat and city traversal mechanics really are, and I won't buy that things are improved based off of how they look in a trailer.

As big of an AC fan as I am, I have to agree with you here.

I, too, had just spent time in Arkham City and then went to Revelations. Big difference.

Regardless of anything else, for me, Arkham City is the new standard for any kind of third person action adventure type game.
As big of an AC fan as I am, I have to agree with you here.

I, too, had just spent time in Arkham City and then went to Revelations. Big difference.

Regardless of anything else, for me, Arkham City is the new standard for any kind of third person action adventure type game.

I really enjoy the story of the AC games, and the period settings are well realized and executed. But the gameplay mechanics are just clunky and frustrating. The running, climbing and jumping feels slow and imprecise. It's serviceable, but it could be much better. The combat has always been a basket of farts though. They give you so many moves, weapons and gadgets that are completely useless and vestigial, the pacing of it has always felt wrong with enemies not being nearly hostile or challenging enough. ACR was the first one where I really started to get frustrated by all of it.
The combat looks significantly improved. .
Do you still get surrounded by 10 man, only to be attacked by them one at the time? :rolleyes:

I've only played AC2, but as much as I enjoyed the game, I almost stopped playing the game for that very reason.
More of the same slightly broken, slightly frustrating combat and traversal mechanics. They always LOOK good in the trailer, but they really don't feel good anymore. Playing Revelations right after Arkham City made me realize just how shitty its combat and city traversal mechanics really are, and I won't buy that things are improved based off of how they look in a trailer.

Arkham City's combat pretty much makes every other game's combat look and feel terrible.
the timing of the bear with the narrative makes me lol


then he starts fighting a fucking BEAR.

so who are the bears siding with? are they just a neutral party caught up in the tempestuous annals of war -- or do they hold within their order, the key to a far more nefarious plot? ASS CREED 3.
I really enjoy the story of the AC games, and the period settings are well realized and executed. But the gameplay mechanics are just clunky and frustrating. The running, climbing and jumping feels slow and imprecise. It's serviceable, but it could be much better. The combat has always been a basket of farts though. They give you so many moves, weapons and gadgets that are completely useless and vestigial, the pacing of it has always felt wrong with enemies not being nearly hostile or challenging enough. ACR was the first one where I really started to get frustrated by all of it.

Same here. I would have felt the same way even if I hadn't played Arkham City but certainly coming off that? Wow.

The controls need to be tightened and refined a bit for part 3 regardless of whether someone is using KBM or a controller.

I really wish they'd use Arkham City as a new base template for any of these kinds of games and simply add the necessary specific wrinkles needed for whatever game is being made. Just use the entire engine. I'm all for it.

Do you still get surrounded by 10 man, only to be attacked by them one at the time? :rolleyes:

I've only played AC2, but as much as I enjoyed the game, I almost stopped playing the game for that very reason.

That problem actually improved a "little bit" in Brotherhood and Revelations but not by much. It needs to be gone in part 3. If I'm stupid enough to get in a big brawl, then I need to see again what I see in a game like Batman Arkham City and some other games: All the enemies come after me and try to overwhelm me and I get what I get.

I'll try not be a broken record, but Arkham City is a name people are going to see me play fast and loose with in any number of "third person action adventure" gaming threads from now on because it really has set the new standard.

Arkham City's combat pretty much makes every other game's combat look and feel terrible.

Pretty much.

I'm all for other devs "borrowing" elements from that game. Imitation is the best form of flattery or whatever. I don't care. That game is the best one at what it does.

Even if someone doesn't give a rats ass about comics or Batman has to come away being impressed and spoiled by that game. Everyone needs to play it if they haven't yet. They'll never be the same afterwards.
I'm really tempted to pick up the Collector's Edition for this game. Getting a cool looking flag, a belt buckle and a figurine sounds pretty nice to me.

Anyone else thinking about it, or have already pre-ordered it? Or am I the only person here?
I'd go for that flag. LOL I'm sure it's made in China, though.

Weak that the limited edition is only available for console.
I'd go for that flag. LOL I'm sure it's made in China, though.

Weak that the limited edition is only available for console.

A PC Gamer would steal it 95% of the time so that's why.
A PC Gamer would steal it 95% of the time so that's why.


Yves just needs to never talk to the press again. Stupid.

For me personally, this game has a chance of making my GOTY shortlist if everything lives up to what I think it will.
Does anyone think the Wii U version will be significantly better than the current gen versions?
His costume still looks really out of place.

Most people won't care after a few minutes at most. I know I won't. ;)

Does anyone think the Wii U version will be significantly better than the current gen versions?

Considering the hardware isn't even equal to a PS3 or 360 last I checked: No.
Most people won't care after a few minutes at most. I know I won't. ;)

Considering the hardware isn't even equal to a PS3 or 360 last I checked: No.

there is absolutely NO proof behind that statement whatsoever.

the wii u isn't about graphical prowess. its about innovation.
I'd go for that flag. LOL I'm sure it's made in China, though.

Weak that the limited edition is only available for console.

The flag is probably made stateside if it is a US flag. One of the few things that must be made here by law.
there is absolutely NO proof behind that statement whatsoever.

You're right. It's changed since the last time I was keeping tabs on it.

The Wii U has been described as just as powerful to more powerful than the PS3 and Xbox 360.

Hope this is true.

the wii u isn't about graphical prowess. its about innovation.

In what way exactly? This is a word and concept I rarely use myself.

That's either marketing speak or fanboy speak. ;)

I'll believe that when I actually see it.
You're right. It's changed since the last time I was keeping tabs on it.

Hope this is true.

In what way exactly? This is a word and concept I rarely use myself.

That's either marketing speak or fanboy speak. ;)

I'll believe that when I actually see it.

the gamepad adds a crazy dynamic to gameplay that has never been done.. adding some realism to games. I think ZombiU does it the best

my favorite is the use of peripheral vision, when he types on the keypad his vision is blurred, but he still knows things are approaching.. idk that seems like a pretty new and original idea to me!

i think they really set a new precedent for real life motion in games with the wii. the real motion for zelda sounded so awesome. only reason i didnt play it was because i dont own a wii and i always felt like the games were being held back by the system.
the gamepad adds a crazy dynamic to gameplay that has never been done.. adding some realism to games. I think ZombiU does it the best

my favorite is the use of peripheral vision, when he types on the keypad his vision is blurred, but he still knows things are approaching.. idk that seems like a pretty new and original idea to me!

i think they really set a new precedent for real life motion in games with the wii. the real motion for zelda sounded so awesome. only reason i didnt play it was because i dont own a wii and i always felt like the games were being held back by the system.

I hope it's a good system although frankly it needs to be a GREAT system...and I'm not talking about hardware...I'm talking about something with a bunch of games people just have to have. :)

I hope it all comes together like the way you're spelling out here.

I'm rooting for Nintendo, believe me. I grew up in the 80s. That's all that should need to be said. ;)

The ;) with the fanboy comment meant I wasn't calling you or anyone else a fanboy. Just so you didn't get the wrong idea.

I'm a bit of dormant Nintendo fanboy myself, come to think of it. :) You can't be a gamer who grew up in the 80s and not be to some degree or another. ;)
I hope it's a good system although frankly it needs to be a GREAT system...and I'm not talking about hardware...I'm talking about something with a bunch of games people just have to have. :)

I hope it all comes together like the way you're spelling out here.

I'm rooting for Nintendo, believe me. I grew up in the 80s. That's all that should need to be said. ;)

The ;) with the fanboy comment meant I wasn't calling you or anyone else a fanboy. Just so you didn't get the wrong idea.

I'm a bit of dormant Nintendo fanboy myself, come to think of it. :) You can't be a gamer who grew up in the 80s and not be to some degree or another. ;)

yeah dude. honestly you are probably closer to my brothers age. but somebody gave us a NES and he was supposed to babysit us and he stayed up all night playing Zelda. I remember the system being amazing and we adored it. we had a 64 and a gamecube. can you believe we had a sega over the SNES ... lame. hahaha.

honestly i love what nintendo was. but i was among the 'hardcore' that was very disinterested in the wii.. and i never bought one. although we did play smash bros everyday after school for a year ( High school ) at a buddies house. but youre right only one game that really appealed to me, thats pretty terrible.

the wii u videos have gotten me really excited. especially if the developers embrace the gamepad. im praying for an NHL 13 so i can make line changes etc on it! I agree I am really hoping this one succeeds
yeah dude. honestly you are probably closer to my brothers age. but somebody gave us a NES and he was supposed to babysit us and he stayed up all night playing Zelda. I remember the system being amazing and we adored it. we had a 64 and a gamecube. can you believe we had a sega over the SNES ... lame. hahaha.

I had all of those. :)

honestly i love what nintendo was. but i was among the 'hardcore' that was very disinterested in the wii.. and i never bought one. although we did play smash bros everyday after school for a year ( High school ) at a buddies house. but youre right only one game that really appealed to me, thats pretty terrible.

IMO the best balance they ever had was on the SNES. Amazing system and there was plenty of good-great games for EVERY kind of gamer on that thing. That's what they need to do again.

The most important thing: The first party Nintendo titles were EXCEPTIONAL all time classics on the SNES. A lot of people still talk about and play a lot of those games as all time references.

People buy Nintendo systems to play Nintendo games ultimately.

Nintendo needs to do what they do best without holding back: Make exceptional gaming software and not have a long dearth between releases. Obviously it takes time to make great games I understand that.

The SNES just had it all and did it all right on all fronts as far Nintendo went. Exceptional first and third party support. Some of the best games I've ever played in my life to this day were on the SNES.

the wii u videos have gotten me really excited. especially if the developers embrace the gamepad. im praying for an NHL 13 so i can make line changes etc on it! I agree I am really hoping this one succeeds

Same here. I'm watching it. :) I haven't ruled out an impulse preorder myself although my funds through the rest of the year for gaming are already in that red tilt area with games so it's a longshot for me.

This thread is horribly OT. Let me try and fix that.

As far as consoles go, the Wii-U version MIGHT be a little better than the PS3 and 360 versions but that's speculation.
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