Assassins Creed is BAD? What?!

From the Xbox360 conference demo, it looked terrible. When is this game supposed to be coming out? There were terrible glitches and the gameplay looked like it didnt really flow at all.
Wow, really??

I thought it looked good. Of course, there's bugs and glitches, but guess what... THE GAME ISN'T COMPLETE YET. C'mon guys, cut the game a little slack.

It has potential, and there's still time for it to iron out the bugs and glitches.
I roll my eyes when I see people expecting massive improvements like a graphical overhaul of the engine in the few months leading up to release, but I saw the demo, the problems were of the sort that /do/ get smoothed out in the late stages. If the animation is done and looking proper, and activating at the right moments, it is indeed just an issue of polishing to make things line up closer. The biggest job of making the animations move realistically is done.

My greatest concern is the counter-hit fight system. It can easily be overly simplified and I'm wondering how it's actually controlled. I don't relish the idea of having killed all but on in a 5 on 1 swordfight, and still having to sit and wait for the last guy to make an attack so I can counter-attack. It would feel like one of those on-rails "Press the A button now!" mini-games. There may be more subtlety that's not being shown here, and I really hope that's the case because the rest of the game looks pretty nice.

I particularly liked the traveling. Had a blast with Crackdown traversing the city, this looks like it'll be even more entertaining just getting from one place to another.
Every hands on I've read says how awesome it is, and the videos tell me the same. So there's a glitch or two, that's SHOCKING.

You're comparing it to that derivative piece of shit Red Steel because there were two bugs that one reviewer noted?

sky = falling
The floating guard is hilarious. :D The fighting system looks like shit. Yes, let's have the guards fight one at a time. Overall, it doesn't look too bad.
Remember that in reality games don't just come into existence as finished and polished titles without something called a development phase.

My apologies if I lost you with my technical explanation

Now I'm going to go yell at the flour and yeast in my pantry for not already becoming bread
I thought the game looked pretty dam good ... maybe it was just the girl presenting it :D
I'm actually looking forward to it, there were glitches, those didn't bother me.
What bugged me is how often people kept getting in your way, that might drive you nuts after a while!

tho, I've met a couple people at ubisoft, and they don't seem to give a flying f--- about the company, they're just there cuz it's their day job and it pays $$$
Those guys were working in non-game development departments, so it may not show anything about how the company operates within.
Although, anytime you meet people like that, it puts a bad taste in your mouth and makes you not want to buy a single thing from them.
this topic = :rolleyes:
I think it's better to be optomistic about games coming out rather than slaming before out.

That "review" was retarded. Game looks pretty good so far and I'm not realy as excited about the game as most people are. I'm on the fence if I'm going to buy it right away or wait, but I don't think it looks bad. Ya I noticed some bugs in their demo but it's also not finished. It's not like they are shipping next week.

although I do have a dislike of ubisoft these days to :p
Remember that in reality games don't just come into existence as finished and polished titles without something called a development phase.

That is exactly it. Ubisoft doesnt do that correctly.
Everything is fixed, except the play mechanic bugs. So you get a real pretty, mediocore title. They're a great publisher, but a crappy dev studio. I dont like buggy games. Reminds me how Tomb Raider broke my first PS2 cause it was so buggy. See, but that was Eidos Interactive back then. Ubisoft has been doing the same shit lately. Every title feels rushed.

I dont like it.
again its only a demo, this has happened to plenty of games at e3. remember the 1st year they were going to show forza? they couldnt even get it to work.
Sounds like someone being overly critical. I have my concerns as well, but most of what was addressed are nominal at worst. Five of the same character model? Not a stranger to that.

Yeah, it sucks we haven't quite gotten any farther, but the level was huge, and open. Sorry, it just seems like a trade off of the technology. The only other thing I am worried about is the combat. Looked like timed button combos. I'm not terribly worried, however. I won't be getting this game for combat, anyway. I just want to climb around the city and assassinate VIPs.
what are you on

I dont trust Ubisoft to fix the bugs.
Does that make more sense to you?

The past few years they have been acting like EA.
Rush job, after rush job, and now this is looking to be infected too.
This is just 'foreshadowing' what might happen. All too familar. I was ALL about Red Steel last E3. Then the buggy showing. Now a buggy showing of AC at this E3.

Not asking for much faith there, they are.

You really dont think they wont rush this for the holidays?
This is July, not May. They dont have as much time as last year.

We'll see. I really want this to be good, but hey, thats up to Ubisoft.
He has a point that ubi soft does really half ass their games especially their pc ports, can anyone name a pc game by ubisoft that came out in the last year?

resident evil 4 - nope
splintercell double agent - nope (longer then a year but i was pissed to find out its unplayable on a g80)
That is exactly it. Ubisoft doesnt do that correctly.
Everything is fixed, except the play mechanic bugs. So you get a real pretty, mediocore title. They're a great publisher, but a crappy dev studio. I dont like buggy games. Reminds me how Tomb Raider broke my first PS2 cause it was so buggy. See, but that was Eidos Interactive back then. Ubisoft has been doing the same shit lately. Every title feels rushed.

I dont like it.

I agree.
resident evil 4 - nope
To be fair, Ubisoft had to deal with code that was provided from the Asian localization team (unrelated to Ubisoft). After release Ubisoft DID go back and get the PC port up to speed visually. They DID go out of their way. Maybe not enough, but that wasn't lazy.

Double Agent was weak, though. True.
That is exactly it. Ubisoft doesnt do that correctly.
Everything is fixed, except the play mechanic bugs. So you get a real pretty, mediocore title. They're a great publisher, but a crappy dev studio. I dont like buggy games. Reminds me how Tomb Raider broke my first PS2 cause it was so buggy. See, but that was Eidos Interactive back then. Ubisoft has been doing the same shit lately. Every title feels rushed.

I dont like it.

That is definitely true, I'd forgotten about the studio's past track record. The acceptable bug threshold from them has been pretty high on many of their games. My expectations have dropped considerably:(
Meh... I read the article and all I see is nitpicky pissing and moaning...

First to tick us off are the hordes of cloned water-jug-on-head women idly milling around at the start. Seriously, in some shots you can see six or seven of exactly the same person.


Then there's the much-lauded crowd-pushy-system. The collisions look anything but smoothly animated, more like robots bumping into one another than people. Or, by contrast, sometimes there's too much reaction, with the otherwise graceful Altair windmilling his arms like a seven-year-old on an icy playground.

A concern, but these types of things can be ironed out before launch. It's a demo...

Later, a man pushed from a roof hangs in mid-air - while erstwhile producer and narrator Jade Raymond makes a sort of squeaky, strangled 'Ooops!' noise. While we're on that, what is it with guards facing the wrong way in these games?

Same as above... If these types of things happening frequently in the full game then I'd shake my head. Like the Medal of Honor games on the original Xbox. That game was horrible for glitches and collision detection issues. I beat the first MoH game on the Xbox in 3 days, and in that time I walked through multiple enemies, walked through a parked train car on some tracks. Fell through a moving train you're in, and had AI teammates walk INTO building walls and get stuck inside the building, and more. I'm not too concerned about one man hanging in air just yet.

I'm holding out hope that it'll be a good game, because I've been interested in it since it was first shown. Hopefully UbiSoft can clean things up. My only real, watching the videos, was the framerate and jerkiness. However, Gears of War ran awful all the way up until the final E3 showing, and they were able to really clean it up before it released... so here's hoping.
i have to say, the chase sequence was pretty cool and the finishing moves were fun to watch.

relax people. some of this stuff can get worked out before the release of the game.
this topic = :rolleyes:
I think it's better to be optomistic about games coming out rather than slaming before out.

I agree, really, its difficult to know what the game will be like until the real reviews come out. Frankly, many of the games that people are excited about may actually end up sucking. Some companies have a really good reputation for putting out good games, but not all games are going to turn out well and some games will suprise you with how good they are. I buy very few games at launch. I think the last one I bought was Forza 2 and before that I can't remember.
assasain's creed seems fun, but ubisoft really been disapointing me lately with their buggy games. graw 1and graw2 (360) and r6 (ps3). graw2 especially for me. i cant play through single player because it freezes the system on a regular basis. on r6, multiplayer crashes and sends you back to the xmb. graw 1 had tons of mp issues w/ lagging out, disconnections, and other shit.

the game looks cool and im still interested, but its def a rental first before i drop 60 on it. ubi's been too inconsistent for me this gen to just buy they're games
the game looks cool and im still interested, but its def a rental first before i drop 60 on it. ubi's been too inconsistent for me this gen to just buy they're games

On a side note, its a amazing to me how picky I've become with games because of that $10 more that they cost than they used to. When they were $50, I wasn't nearly as critical before I bought a game.

I can think of 3 360 games that I would own if they were $50 but even the $55 price of them used from Gamestop is just not acceptable for me.
What do you mean?

I dont know if ubisoft released an update but when double agent came out you couldnt play it on a 8800.

And i was watchin g4 e3 and they were doing the same demo again and everything looks scripted, the same begger ran to the guy. The same ladies were holding the pots and the monks were standing where they were the last time. They decided not to kill the glitch guy and just go around him though.
AS far as people saying the combat looks bad, WTF?

In real life battles you do not WANT four guys fighting against one, because chances are if the enemy blocks/parries an attack your friends nice sharp sword (or whatever weapon they are using) can glance back and guess what? It could easily hit you instead.

Historically speaking in warfare before guns when they had melee combat a lot of the fight was actually made up a lot of guys fighting another guy, then moving on to someone else. Yes people could/did group up, but you didn't have five guys all wildly swinging at one guy, at most you'd want to be on opposite ends of the enemy.
i just watched the e3 footage, and yeah it is a little buggy, but i'm just as impressed now as i was when i saw the first video. if it's as good as i'm hoping, and if halo 3 has single player better than the crap that was halo 2, i'll be getting a 360 in december for sure