Assassin's Creed: Parity, Ubisoft gimps PS4 version to match XBone

Exactly. It's all about who can throw enough money to make the parity happen. ;) Which is MS in this situation. :D

As for the rest of your post, MS dug this whole they're in themselves. Yes, I do like to throw a jab here and there in their general direction, I'm not denying it. But I will also be the first one to congratulate them if they do something right. I'm not loyal to brands, I just call things like I see them.
I find it funny that someone with several degrees always uses the wrong version of your/you're...

I agree with you that in this case it is an exclusivity window. Both MS and Sony have done this for years, most recently with the Destiny PS4 bundle. Sony was able to control the marketing narrative so much that I have heard from several people online and in real life who did not believe Destiny was also available on the Xbox ONE. Since consoles more often than not can't grab the exclusive title to move hardware, they have to resort to securing exclusivity on content and bundles. I'm sure there are plenty of people like myself who have the want and means to buy every console available, but the majority of gamers can only afford to choose one, and this is a way to entice consumers to your side.

Video gaming is now an 80+ billion dollar a year business. With it branching out to a broader audience it is going to make even more money in the future. It would not surprise me in the least of the company that has a stranglehold on the operating system market in both enterprise and consumer spaces wants to extend that reach into another market that is becoming just as ubiquitous. Control the market, control the money, control the narrative.

That being said... in this case, it's just Ubisoft being Ubisoft. My opinion on this particular matter is they think they can get away with developing one version of the game without cross-platform optimization because of each current platform sharing the same instruction set. By setting the narrative to "current consoles are on par with PC" they can pinch pennies and increase profit margins by banking on an idea that most gamers are not smart enough to question their statements. People and companies with money want nothing more than to make more money.

The last console generation didn't have as many hardware similarities between them as the current one. To get the game running on both a PS3 and 360 it had to be developed and optimized separately. Now that the architecture is nearly the same between PS4 and XB1 it is not necessary to develop an entirely different version. They can save money by developing for the lowest common denominator and then you ensure it can run on every other platform.

Now this makes a lot more sense.. Maybe even more so then my tin-foil hat conclusions on the matter, lol.
I guess I'll chime in here and say I believe this is getting blown out of proportion. If the game releases at 900p on both with no qualifible difference (DF comparison) then yea it's likely that Ubisoft purposefully limited the PS4 version.

My thoughts are it was just someone talking out of his ass and now the company is struggling to PR it's way out of the comment.

And while the X1 might have a stronger CPU, it's also having to deal with more overhead. The CPU boost earlier on before release makes me think it was done to bring its baseline performance up to PS4. Not to put it ahead in my opinion.
Well, looks like there's going to be a Xbone + Unity bundle. I'm thinking there's going to be a new round of accusations coming ("Parity forced so MS would make a Unity bundle", etc).

Someone brought that up. People just need to come off it with their 100% baseless absolutely no proof of anything accusations. When did video game forums turn into unverified swill that we have to put up with from our news medias?
Well, looks like there's going to be a Xbone + Unity bundle. I'm thinking there's going to be a new round of accusations coming ("Parity forced so MS would make a Unity bundle", etc).

those have already occurred

i'll agree with Armenius, I think most big devs are going with a single code base for the PS4 and X1 with very little in specific optimizations, all in the name of chasing profits. I think most vocal of the gaming crowd is demanding to see differences between the two consoles, but I think the average console buyer on the street just wants to play the newest games, and wants them to look better than last gen. differences between 900p and 1080p aren't going to matter as much to them.

but hey, if there is a bowl of Wheaties, someone has to piss in it.