Asus A7V8X-X Drivers?


Limp Gawd
Mar 15, 2004
Yeah i cannot find the drivers for the Asus A7V8X-X mobo. Asus offers them but it doesnt Download. and other sites have them but once again they dont download... anyone know of a site that offers the download?
I cannot remember if that is a NForce board or not but if it is you should go to Nvidia's website and download the Nforce 2 drivers.
skeeder said:
I cannot remember if that is a NForce board or not but if it is you should go to Nvidia's website and download the Nforce 2 drivers.

no it's a Via board, hence the "V" in the middle of the board name. It's a KT400 board.

Just head over here and grab the latest 4-in-1's (hyperions...whatever the heck they call them now).