Asus A8N-SLI Premium (Bios flash problem)


Limp Gawd
Jun 3, 2004
I just tried to flash my Bios to 1006 and 1007 and both times it said the flash was successful but when I rebooted I had a message that said " NTLDR is missing press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart" But doing that just brings me back to the same message. I was able to flash back to 1005 and everything is working again. Any idea what I did wrong? I updated the files that the new bios told me to before flashing so I don't know what went wrong. Any ideas? Thanks!

Did you take the floppy out of the drive after flashing it? Did you go back in and enter the BIOS and make sure the boot settings were correct and that the drives were showing up?

I would start there.
if you have multiple hard drives in your rig ..make sure your booting off the one that has windoze installed on it ..when you flash your bios , (especially from windows) , it resets to bios defaults ..make sure your raid is enabled in bios if you are running a raid array
ThreeDee said:
if you have multiple hard drives in your rig ..make sure your booting off the one that has windoze installed on it ..when you flash your bios , (especially from windows) , it resets to bios defaults ..make sure your raid is enabled in bios if you are running a raid array

That was the point I was going for when I mentioned going into the BIOS as well as checking the drives.
Sir-Fragalot, yes I took the floppy out when it told me to. And yes, I checked the boot order and had to change that so it booted from the HD. Thanks!

ThreeDee, I didn't flash from windows and I'm not using raid. I do have two hard drives and I tried booting from both because I can't tell which one is which, they both have the same name because there the both the same type of hd. And when I re-flashed to 1005 I didn't have to do anything, it just started working again. Also I didn't save the old bios, I had to go next door to my friends house and download it again. duh. :) Thanks!

I guess I could have missed some stupid little setting in the bios setup but I don't know what it would have been. I was starting to get scared so I just flashed back to my old bios to see if it would still work. Needless to say I was very happy that it did. How do I check to see what chip-set drivers I have? That was the drivers it said to update before flashing (which I did) but maybe something went wrong there? Thanks everyone!

Right off the top of my head, it seems as if the BIOS might be translating the drives to something other than LBA mode.

Flash the BIOS to the latest revision, then upon initial POST after flash, reset to BIOS defaults.

After doing so, do not save and exit. Instead, go to the Main screen, highlight the first hard drive and press enter. You should see a screen similar to this:


Make sure that all setting are at Auto. If not, change them to reflect it.

Do the same for the 2nd drive.

The only other situation that I can think of immediately is if you have a 3rd party hard drive partitioning and translation software in place, similar to MaxBlast, which could be causing translation errors with the new BIOS.
AceGoober, I have a feeling your way would have worked but I had already got it to update. I still don't know why this worked but it did. I have two hard drives on different Sata controllers and I just switched the cables around. I had tried doing this in the bios but it didn't work, so I really don't know why the cable thingy work but I'm glad it did! :)

Thanks for your time and input and I'll make a note of your answer for the future. :)
