ASUS A8N-SLI regular fan replacement


Limp Gawd
Aug 17, 2005
The word on the street is that you can get your faulty fan replaced. How do you do this? Do I need to call someone or pay anything? My fan is acting up.
Not worth getting another one of their fans IMO..

I jumped and got a ThermalTake Spirit just to suffice, suprisingly it's alot more quiet and effective and costs only 17 bucks off
I got mine from my local distributor , try them..........
I couldn't get the stupid form working on the web its totally stupid...

its free, they send it to you in the mail, its pretty small, mine came squashed, but i put it on anyway

its got a thermal pad on it.
have a zalman on it at the moment.....i dont thinik its sitting streight to be honest, and i just want the replacement nylon pins......:)
All the tiny fans installed fail sooner or later(most of the time..sooner),the quality of these micro fans is pathetic.

When will most companies understand and start using larger,passive heatsinks?

Just replace with a chipset cooler that fits,Asus will probably tell you to ship the whole MOBO to them.As they have told me! :rolleyes:
RailGunRiz said:
I jumped and got a ThermalTake Spirit just to suffice, suprisingly it's alot more quiet and effective and costs only 17 bucks off
41dBA at maximum speed?

Get a Zalman passive heatsink, just make sure to point some airflow in it's direction...
I got the ASUS A8N-SLi Deluxe, and just recently it started acting up... no clue why. It was making a very noisy whine. I just simply unplugged the fan and havn't been running the chipset fan. Now its much quieter. Is this a problem? Don't mean to thread steal just seems relevant to the thread topic.
PLUG THAT FAN BACK IN AND YES IT IS A PROBLEM.. I had mine unplugged for about 15min during the fear demo and cod 2 demo and the thing got hotter then hot
Thanks for the reply, I plugged it back in.. so far the noise is bareable but one of these days I know its going to act up again.
_Korruption_ said:
41dBA at maximum speed?

Get a Zalman passive heatsink, just make sure to point some airflow in it's direction...

TBH I can't even hear it. I have it on low and it's not that audible + My motherboard chipset temp stays at like 47C-51C, which I don't have a problem with. My old ASUS fan let it get to 67C.
instead of micro fans, anyone tried a laptop blower type fan?

i really think someone needs to make a decent nforce 4 cooler

the temps on my nf4 are like 40ish according to a little thermometer i have, and windows has started crashing, tellimg me i'm overclocking, and i'm not (anymore)
i emailed asus to see if i could get mine replaced. They never emailed me back.... Those bastards!
I'm looking elsewhere than ASUS for my needs now due to this issue. Every Asus product I've ever owned has had the fan go bad. Video Cards. Mother Boards.

I'm sick of it.


Triz08 said:
i emailed asus to see if i could get mine replaced. They never emailed me back.... Those bastards!
TechLarry said:
I'm looking elsewhere than ASUS for my needs now due to this issue. Every Asus product I've ever owned has had the fan go bad. Video Cards. Mother Boards.

I'm sick of it.
I see it more as an opportunity to implement a passive thermal solution.
buy a fat new heatsinc and fan for th cpu

use stock AMD (70mm) fan and a zalman blue 47 thing - works wonders, and is silent as fuck it only runs at 3000 ish rpm, but being 70mm it is quiet compared to smaller fans
—§urfÅceЗ said:
shit, now i have to watercool the chipset too. damnit.

you dont have to, you can get the zalman, I heard good things about it
i'm guessing everybody here has the square fan, right? mine is a diamond and carved in the sides it says "asus" on two sides and on the other two its heatsink fins. soooo does this make me safe??!
I contacted asus and they sent me the diamond shaped fan and it worked well but the heatsink on the square one has fins on it and looked to be a better heatsink.this was the original one that came on the board.I ordered a 40mm x 20mm sunyon fan ,blows11 cfm and turns 5000 rpm.its quiet and cools very well,I cant hear it run with my case fans running and when i removed the small original fan from the heatsink there are 3 little holes in the base of the heatsink
which bleeds a small amount of air underneath rite by the chipset temps with compunurse are 36-40c.with the new asus diamond replacement fan it was around 50c.this works great for me and only cost 5.00$.
I used artic silver 3 on the nf4 core and ive never seen my temps over 40c at 100% load for 30 minutes.Im very happy with this setup and when i run the computer with case fans stopped and all that is running is the cpu fan and thechipset fan it is whisper quiet,so if anyone is curious try this,its cheap and works well.I think the sunyon fan should last longer than ill have this board.
Im running the k8n4e dlx asus with an a64 3200 754.I never experienced a fan failure but ordered one from asus just in case
Oh if anyone wants to buy my original fan that came out of the heatsink ill let it go
fairly cheap........LOL
I have an A8N-SLI, and it had one of the old style square fans that was extremely noisy. I replaced it with a Zalmn NB47J (with arctic silver 3) and it's working great! FYI, you do not need to take your motherboard out to install it, to remove the old FHS, either use the nail-clipper method mentioned before to snip the black pegs, or do what I did, and take some needle-nose pliers, go from the top, get a good grip on the peg+spring, hold another finger on the motherboard nearby so it doesn't bend, and then yank :) The pegs will pop out without a problem.

It's been running fine ever since, the NB47J gets pretty hot to the touch, so a fan nearby wouldn't hurt, but I don't have one and it's been running stable for two weeks now under heavy gaming loads. It's amazing the difference in volume once you scrap the stock fan.
Triz08 said:
i emailed asus to see if i could get mine replaced. They never emailed me back.... Those bastards!

I've heard the only way to get any action is to call them directly.
In the U.S the number is 1-502-995-0883
