Asus A8V overclocking help needed!


Sep 2, 2004
NOTE: I checked the overclocking guide sticky in the forum and it didn't answer my questions. :)

Overclocking n00b alert…

I’ve upgraded my PC with an Asus A8V Deluxe Rev2 motherboard, an AMD 64 3500+ (90nm Winchester) and 1 GB (2x512) of OCZ EL Platinum Rev2 PC3200 RAM. I’m interested in overclocking, but am completely baffled by the options in the A8V’s BIOS.

I understand the really rudimentary stuff. For instance, with a HTT of 200 MHz and a Multiplier of 11, I get my 2200 MHz clock speed. I understand that my PC3200 RAM is 200 MHz (for a 1:1 ratio with the FSB), which is 400 MHz “effective” because it is DDR. I understand that you can increase the HTT and decrease the multiplier, e.g. a 220 HTT and a multiplier of 10 still gets you 2200 MHz and your ram running at DDR440.

An oddity I noticed is that in CPU-Z, the FSB : DRAM entry is listed as “CPU/11” instead of something like 1:1 or 5:4. I assume that refers to the multiplier, so CPU/11 with a multiplier of 11 is the same as 1:1.

I also understand you can up the vcore and vdimm to increase stability at higher clocks.

Things I don’t understand:

When people talk about “loosening” the timings on their RAM to run at higher speeds (e.g. you up the HTT to 220x11 to get 2.4 GHz, so your RAM is running DDR440), they speak in terms of the usual 4 numbers, e.g. loosening from 2.0-2-2-5 at DDR400 to 3.0-3-3-8 at DDR440 or something like that. These numbers are:

2.0 CAS# latency
2 RAS# to CAS# delay
2 RAS# precharge
5 Cycle Time (Tras)

My problem is that I have no idea how to change these in the BIOS. There are about 12 different parameters you can modify in the BIOS relating to the RAM, but they all use acronyms/abbreviations that I can’t relate to the “timings” everyone is talking about. So I have no idea how to loosen the timings to make the RAM stable at higher clocks, because I have no idea what parameters in the BIOS correspond to the parameters I want to change. And if you leave them to “Auto,” they are just set to 2.0-2-2-5 (I checked in CPU-Z after setting the HTT to 220), regardless of what you set the FSB to, which is of course unstable once you up the HTT frequency.

Also, the Hypertransport Frequency is listed in the BIOS as 1,000 MHz by default. What the heck is this, and do I need to change it?

lol, i have the same issue
im an intel boy and all i had to mess with the fsb, im sooo lost with my a8v