ASUS dual-7800 GT ready to ship!

It begs the question....why not two GTXs if the GTs can be clocked that fast?
Can you sli these? drooooooooooooooooooool ( yes i know performance is arguable... but just imagine! no arguing please.... :))
mdameron said:
Can you sli these? drooooooooooooooooooool ( yes i know performance is arguable... but just imagine! no arguing please.... :))

HEHE on the box it said SLI but on the card looks like no SLI slot. Just have to wait and see. If this card is real it killed ATi's party.
interesting idea with the power supply. looks like it just connects to a pci-e power plug on the card. wonder if they are going to sell the Power supply buy itself.
you can't SLI these because out of 16x pci-e bus each SLI card takes 8x/8x, this is the same on a card with two gpu's each one (card) will take 8 lanes, though maybe with gigabyte boards that can somehow do dual 16x pci-e buses some driverhacking and adding an sli bridge might pull off dual dual sli :p
yeah but the new mother boards will have 2 x16 slots(dual nforce 4 chipsets)
That box looks TOTALLY photoshopped. The pictures of the card itself has been around for a while. Also those benchmarks could have easily been done with an actual SLI setup. I don't think it is ready to ship.
Shameless Liar said:
That box looks TOTALLY photoshopped. The pictures of the card itself has been around for a while. Also those benchmarks could have easily been done with an actual SLI setup. I don't think it is ready to ship.

Well ifs its a duel core card its just like running SLI but on just 1 card. Who knows. Just have to wait and see.
ReDgUaRd008 said:
Well ifs its a duel core card its just like running SLI but on just 1 card. Who knows. Just have to wait and see.
I think you missed the point.
Shameless Liar said:
That box looks TOTALLY photoshopped. The pictures of the card itself has been around for a while. Also those benchmarks could have easily been done with an actual SLI setup. I don't think it is ready to ship.

It could be the graphic's for the box...Yes i agree it does look photoshopped...but just put into thought it just could be the 3d render of the box.
Shameless Liar said:
That box looks TOTALLY photoshopped. The pictures of the card itself has been around for a while. Also those benchmarks could have easily been done with an actual SLI setup. I don't think it is ready to ship.
Are we talking about the X1800XT or Crossfire?
Shameless Liar said:
That box looks TOTALLY photoshopped. The pictures of the card itself has been around for a while. Also those benchmarks could have easily been done with an actual SLI setup. I don't think it is ready to ship.

I have to agree... a very easy job done in Photoshop.
Considering you can basically get two 7800 GT's for SLI for about 150 bucks more than one GTX is noteworthy not to mention if clocked higher out of the box to near GTX speeds a dual core card if limitations can be bypassed and ran in sli for a total of 4 GPU's would be rather well like someone said above give you chub. It would at best for us wise cost about the same as a gtx sli setup for a quad gt setup if it was cheap enough I would hope and the benefits? It would be overkill but still haha.
I don't see what's so hard to believe. Gigabyte has been selling a single card 6800 GT "single card SLi" solution. (also a 6600 version.)

Edit: added words and stuff.

Edit Redux: Just noticed they linked the 6800 by Gigabyte in the forum replies to the article. I didn't notice it. Knew about the 6600 because I was looking into the Gigabyte Royal mobo with quad SLi which Monarch had a combo deal on, card and Gigabyte Royal for just under $500.)
I looked into these cards(6600, 6800) possibly for a friend's build.... thought it was strange that there was not a 7800 version but hey it is still a relatively new card. anywho, as I understand it you can only use one card(which is just 2 chips in sli) but it has to be on a gigabyte MoBo AND it has to be an SLi chipset. Stupid if you ask me. What is the point of getting a card that you have to buy a 2x pci-e slot when you only will be able to use one. THey may as well make a custom MoBo JUST for that card. It is a SLIGHTLY cheaper alternative to SLi last I checked but meh.... The heavy heatsinks on the dualcore cards are worth the extra $ for the 2 cards becasue you have to support the card and that gets tricky and case modding and yadda yadda. Its a great idea, I think, but should be made to use in single-slot boards or bridge two of that same card as discussed in this space.
Seeing as no one is sure if you can run these in SLI or not I ask a question. Looking at the card you can see two adapters on the top middle of the card. Do you think they could be use for SLI? Like two ribbon cables to connect the cards?
Like one for the first set of SLId cores and the other for the other two cores.
Just an idea.