Asus EN6600GT 256MB PCI-Express $141

What do you mean by "template ftw"?

Plus, It's listed as out of stock now.
I ran 2 Sli and it was stellar. Scored 6400 3DM05 if your a bench whore.
Hell, I don't even have more than one PCIe slot so SLI is right out the window (I can always dream...)

Has anyone ever dealt with before? They're not on
He means template as in the site is built from some widely-used ecommerce template. Generally it means the store hasn't been around for long, and probably won't be around for long either.

(This site isn't listed on Resellerratings.)
Thanks for the info, guys.

It sucks that they *might* be a scam, as I ordered this item from them (with CC), so we'll see. If they are a scam, I'll be sur eto kill them for all my [H] compadres.
Is this a darn good deal, or have prices dropped significantly since July? I paid $159 for a 128MB PCI-Express Chaintech 6600GT in the beginning of July.
i looked it up, seems to be somewhere in russia, i'd be very cautious

Domain Name: COPLACE.COM

Dmitriy E. ([email protected])
Gavrilov str.
Tel. +7.9172889885

Creation Date: 24-Jun-2005
Expiration Date: 24-Jun-2006
I looked 'em up too, and informed my CC company. So either they ship me the card as bought, at the price I "paid", and I win; or they try to pull a fast one, in which case I'm protected. In reality, the only thing I'd be out is my effort....and the good price for the card. We'll see. I know that the server on which the site is hosted is physically in Reno, NV. And I know who owns the netblock, and the people who sub-let it from them...and the company that "owns" is in the USA. There's a trail, so I figure what the hell...I have a chance here. If it's a scam, my CC will indemnify me and proceed with their own investigation.
You could of course always have just bought this 6600GT for $129AR. Or the Aopen version for $134 with no rebates. It's not like the 256MB is going to do you much good over 128MB on a 6600GT.

I know this is a deal forum and all - that's not lost on me. But the risk and effort some people go to just to save a few bucks just astounds me sometimes. Sure, if these guys run off with your cash you can get it back from the credit card company, but even the easiest of those companies still make it a pain in the ass to do.