Asus M2NPV-VM has DVI and VGA onboard but can it run both simultaneously?

May 30, 2002
So I'm looking at motherboards for a new computer and I think I've settled on the Asus M2NPV-VM. It has the footprint I want, it has the features I want, PLUS it has dual video outputs right on the board!!! Currently I've got a boring old 15" LCD using VGA but I am hoping to add a 19-20" LCD on DVI and running them as a dual monitor system but I wasn't sure if the board was capable of running both outputs at the same time.

I currently have an MSI board that has all kinds of video outputs but when I built my HTPc with it I discovered it can only run ONE of them at a time. I'm not much of a gamer so the higher end capabilities of the board are of little concern to me (especially considering I'm probably going Linux with this one and most of the new big bad games won't run anyways) I was just hoping for DECENT graphical capabilities and the ability to run two monitors without having to add another piece of hardware into the case heating up my build.

Can anyone shed some light on this before i commit?