Just bought a new intel build due to a psu this would pair nicely with my long delayed upgrade.
Replacing a well loved GTX260 so I'll have enough horsepower to see what this 'antialiasing' thing is really all about.
I will replace an XFX HD5970 with it, then make a video of that cards destruction and upload it wherever you want!
I would use it for my wife's computer I'm building her so I can finally pwn her one on one in cs:s.
I'd be hand-me-downing my old gfx card to the wife, and kicking up my framerates!
id replace my 7790, its not a bad card at all, but its in a much much lower league, then i just need to get myself some better monitors and im in good shape
Increase the graphic settings in my games, and still have more FPS than I do now. \o/

...And be prepared for getting that 34" ultrawide monitor I want...
I will use the card to play modern PC games at high settings.

Good luck to the winner, and thanks to [H] and ASUS for the giveaway.
Will be playing the 2014/15 highlight games with it if I win! My desktop has been neglected for some time, I could do with a high end card again for once!
Very nice! Would replace my prehistoric ATI Radeon HD3850 AGP in a (finally) new build.
It would match my motherboard, router, monitor, and a few other items to my GPU...nothing better than the feeling of a matched set!!
I would have a pants off dance off and load up some Scorched Earth with the ASUS card in my i7 950 system.
Try to pick up where I left off building a new rig when I went into stage 4 heart failure.
It would be so cool to have a new ASUS video card to go with the new LVAD pump they put in me till a new heart hopefully comes soon.
If I won an ASUS Matrix 980 GTX I would find out if my grin could literally reach from ear to ear as I ran every Benchmark and Game I own with all the bells and whistles cranked up including AA!! (How I have missed u AA) I think I wouldn't be able to wipe said grin off my face as the dream of 4K gaming would be an actual feasible reality! This could change everything...

My wife and child would weep at the beauty that could be created with such a technological marvel and finally understand why I love this hobby so much, Mankind would cheer it's dominance over the 28nm process with a ticker tape parade celebrating the genius' of this age that made this all possible and ASUS would have the grandest float in that parade with thousands of these cards in a miraculous SLI setup rendering the entire universe in 3d with VXGI lighting in all its glory, and at the end of the parade we'd make First Contact as we are accepted into a Universal Alliance in recognition of the technological accomplishment demonstrated by the hardware you are generously giving away!!

Win or not, Thank You ASUS and HardOCP for this chance, Good luck and have fun all :D:D:D