Asus Maximus II Formula P45 Pics!!!

no thx. You'll see... I'll bump this thread when my mods done, then we'll see whos tay sexy...
Drooooling!...Yo baby let get sagging.:p
Mr.Wizzard, what can you do better than the black & red heatsink beside replace it with waterblocks?
LOL it looks like a transformer or something, im just waiting for it to turn into a robot.

prefer my DFI X48 thanks
Go get 'em, Mr.Wizzard! This is the board that I jump back to Intel on! Ooh, baby-baby!

LOL it looks like a transformer or something, im just waiting for it to turn into a robot...

That was my second thought! My first was Nvidia 790i-ish heatsinks.
I don't quite get why there is such a massive heatsink on the southbridge. ICH10 should be cooler running than the current 9 which is perfectly fine being passively cooled. And what is between the pci-x slots that needs cooling? Looks like an old 780i board with that nforce 200 chip to cool.
... And what is between the pci-x slots that needs cooling? Looks like an old 780i board with that nforce 200 chip to cool.

Actually, I believe that would be the EPU chip that Asus has begun to implement to manage energy savings.
;) I have a Maximus Formula Flashed to a Rampage formula... and thats one Hot looking board. does it actually have esata .. I see 8 sata port this time around.
Not bad. It is sexy, but it needs more PCI-Express slots to be truly sexy.
Good thought Dan... I notice that after closer inspection... what do you think of that 16phase power regulation?? thats gunna make for some sweet and stable OC's
Good thought Dan... I notice that after closer inspection... what do you think of that 16phase power regulation?? thats gunna make for some sweet and stable OC's

It depends. 6 phase power can be enough if implemented properly. Not all 8-phase designs are good either. Some of them fall short of good 6-phase implementation. ASUS isn't likely to have done this poorly, but I doubt it will make a huge difference in most respects. Hopefully it will make for truly excellent overclocking but ASUS is always hit or miss on that so we'll see.
Dan, when is this one hitting the [H] review bench? I'm interested to see any improvements in the ICH10R.
... There defently hit or miss, I wouldnt say there as bad as the Nv 680i but I would say there was some bugs that had to be ironed out in the x38 & x48 and we are now seeing the finished product.

All tho this mite be an apple to oranges comparison there still Enthusiast Products and to get me Hard earned cash there going to have too do somthing significant.

I know my Maximus Forumla Se flashed to a Rampage Formula preforms completely different with the EEprom instruction Changed... Can you say software Issue, will this board be any different??. Asus has a Track record or releasing bug pron products, althought I must say I own one and its looks nice :).

I will be defently be reading the Hard Review on this product.
as long as it does away with the 16/4 crossfire implementation of intel's previous midrange chipsets, count me in.
Dan, when is this one hitting the [H] review bench? I'm interested to see any improvements in the ICH10R.

I can't say. I don't have one so the only person who would know some kind of time frame would be Kyle.
I'm sure Asus will shoot one Kyle's way soon enough. Thanks Dan!

as long as it does away with the 16/4 crossfire implementation of intel's previous midrange chipsets, count me in.

I'd read that P45 will be an electrically x8/x8 PCIE 2.0 configuration, which should put up some decent Crossfire numbers.
I wish i could afford a maximus board...that board does look sweet...msg can really sell boards to people by making crazy onboard heatsinks.
looks just like a regular motherboard with a lot of heatsinks and heatpipes on it to me
The X-Fi is an interesting choice, considering Asus is in direct competition with Creative in the discrete audio arena. Also, did anyone else catch the big shiny red Start button, and smaller black Reset button underneath the PCI slot at the bottom of the board? Those are sweet!
I've never like the integrated WiFi. I just don't see it as particularly useful on a desktop board. Plus I've had better experiences with add-in WiFi boards. I don't particularly care for ASUS' software for them either.

I don't care about the wifi at all either, just another useless feature. But the copper heatsinks and pipes look much cooler than that P45 board. If all of Asus's boards are going to look like that, then that is one big company off my list! Can't wait to see what Gigabyte, Abit, DFI, etc have up their sleeve.
The salad days are nearing their end: P45 is making OC'ing an Intel board a tad more difficult, and Nehalem is going to limit Intel OC'ing even further according to some hearsay. Oh, well, one doesn't drive to the top of Mount Rainier, eh? One climbs there. Whatever new challenges P45 holds, enthusiasts will quickly sort them out, otherwise they aren't really enthusiasts at all.
The salad days are nearing their end: P45 is making OC'ing an Intel board a tad more difficult, and Nehalem is going to limit Intel OC'ing even further according to some hearsay. Oh, well, one doesn't drive to the top of Mount Rainier, eh? One climbs there. Whatever new challenges P45 holds, enthusiasts will quickly sort them out, otherwise they aren't really enthusiasts at all.

I've read that only the mainstream LGA1160 nehalems will be locked. All that LGA 1336 stuff will be OCable. Either way, I'm not excited about any of the LGA775 procs or P45/etc... it's only going to be a pinch better than what is out now.

Nehalem will bring a whole load of new stuff, ATI 4800 and nvidia 9900 will also be something interesting to watch.