ASUS Memo Pad VS Samsung Galaxy Note?


Limp Gawd
Feb 1, 2009
Folks, for those who are on top of these great devices, what's your take on the upcoming ASUS memo pad and Samsung Galaxy Note?

Which would you purchase over the other and why? Where do you get your most update info on these devices from?

I want one that would allow additional storage space, like microSD, seems like both are capable of such.

Thanks in advance for your help.
I think both would be fine devices, though based on recent performances, I'd likely pick the Samsung (I like Asus too but I think they really dropped the ball on the latest Transformer Prime tablet). Of course, I find these to be too big for a phone...but they are still nice. I'm not a big fan of using a pen, either, but one doesn't have to use the pen to use the device. If you are the type that likes to send lots of txt messages, one of these should be great!
I like the idea behind the memo but I've been eye balling that galaxy note for a while now, thinking it might be worth that extra line..
I'm going to wait for the Asus transformer TF700T in a couple of months it has a bigger resolution at 1920 x1200 ;)