ASUS Motherboard Ships with embedded Linux, Web Browser

Methinks you need to put the Abit IP35-series CD in your drive sometime.
Or boot FreeBSD. Or try a Lenovo Thinkpad T61.

Nothing new here. Nothing even remotely innovative. Just more stupid flash-in-the-pan crap from Asus.
Methinks you need to put the Abit IP35-series CD in your drive sometime.
Or boot FreeBSD. Or try a Lenovo Thinkpad T61.

Nothing new here. Nothing even remotely innovative. Just more stupid flash-in-the-pan crap from Asus.

Hey AreEss, tell us what you really think! Don't hold back now! :p
Hey AreEss, tell us what you really think! Don't hold back now! :p

Too much effort required. Suffice to say, I haven't touched Asus for years. Not since they decided QC came dead last after stability, quality components, reliability, and pretty shinies.
Too much effort required. Suffice to say, I haven't touched Asus for years. Not since they decided QC came dead last after stability, quality components, reliability, and pretty shinies.

I was just posting a news story. Get the stick out of your ass.
Too bad it's a $360 board:rolleyes:

First boards of a new chipset are usually quite expensive anyways. Plus anyone money conscious wouldnt be buying X38, it uses DDR3. That crap is expensive too right now.
Too much effort required. Suffice to say, I haven't touched Asus for years. Not since they decided QC came dead last after stability, quality components, reliability, and pretty shinies.

I've had horrid boards with almost every major vendor, and great ones. I have two ASUS boards right now, the quality in every regard seems fine. The quirks I do experience seem to be more with the chipset, every board I know with this chipset regardless of make has some quirks. The brand I've kind of had bad luck with is Gigabyte, but I know many who have had great Gigabyte boards. And yes, I'm only using them as an example, since it's the one brand I shy away from but ONLY due to personal experience. I VERY much know that such varies with each individual.

Guess my point is that everyone has their most and least favorite brands. Your statement with regards to ASUS IMO can only relate to your personal experience. Mine in general has been different. Me, instead of just saying a blanket "Oh, this brand will be terrible due to a bad board or even two bad boards", I look at all brands when I need a new board and/or when a new chipset comes out. When that happens, I then evaulate every offering, and go from there. And yes, even with my personal experience with Gigabyte, when a few more X38's come out, I'll look at some of their boards and decide IF I want to go to a X38 board, IF I want a P35, and out of that when I pick the chipset, what brand seems to have the best offering.

Me, it's better to be open minded about it then just say "THIS BRAND SUCKS" after one or two bad experiences. I think you'll find every brand has their fans, and every one has their naysayers.