Asus p4c800e memory question


Mar 22, 2002
I was wondering if I can have 2 sticks of one brand and 2 sticks of another all the same mhz and have dual channel? or do all 4 sticks have to be the same brand? I can't remember and I don't want to buy an extra stick if it won't work I have 3 512mb so far. I think it works faster in dual channel than the extra memory am I right?
In theory yes, however if not all same brand and speed there can be compatibility issues. I would say you have a 90% chance of being ok and running in dual channel.

I suggest you post in the memory forum giving as much detail about your existing memory sticks (manuf, manuf part number, rated speed and timings) use cpuid-z or sisoft sandra to gather the information if you dont have it handy, look for sticker on the memory too, it might have version information, include everything you can find about your present memory. Include full information about your motherboard version as well. Hopefully someone will know or have the same board with some experience.

Hopefully that 3rd stick is as good as the xms.
the best I can get of the third stick is 2.5 3 3 6 @408mhz With the XMS I can get the 2,2,2,6 at the same mhz. I think I am just going to stick with my gig thanks