Asus P5B Question

Nov 12, 2007
I've used an Asus P5B Deluxe since late 2006 with an E6600 Core 2 Duo. I recently looked up bios versions for it and found out there is one that allows it to use almost all new CPU's. How is this possible? Some of the CPU's it supports are on 1333FSB. The board only natively supports 800FSB. I would think it would fry itself running at 1333FSB. If i upgraded the bios and got an E8400 (it's supposed to support this) would it work perfectly fine?
Ummm, dude, the P5B supports 1066Mhz FSB CPUs natively as well. Says so right on the Asus page:

The jump from 1066Mhz to 1333Mhz isn't that big. Asus may have just figured out the mobo could support 1333Mhz FSB CPUs natively under testing. It certainly can when overclocked.

But do note that the BIOs update for the 1333Mhz FSB CPUs is still marked as "Beta". So there's a chance that your mobo may have problems with the E8400.
The reason is that from P965 >P35>P45 there really hasn't been HUGE differences. P965 boards are still good, just not quite as good as P35/P45. If you upgraded the BIOS and put in an E8400 it should work fine. I miss my P5B Dlx :(
I have an Asus P5B-Deluxe. Flashed to bios 1232 and have an E8400 in there. Only problem is that when I want to change Vcore, the only option will be 'Auto'. Only after selecting Auto and restarting will I see the full list of Vcore voltages.

However, when I leave Vcore at Auto in the BIOS, CPU-Z sees it as 1.464V, which worries me. Speaking of which... does anyone know how to fix that?
is there anyway you can still hold out for the new stuff to come out at years end?? or do you have the itch to upgrade??
I've got the latest revision of the P5B-Deluxe after my old one died and they sent me a brand new one and it now has a sticker on the box that says "now supports up to 1333 FSB"

It still only says 1066 in the manual, but according to the sticker on mine 1333FSB is now native :) and the latest BIOS supports 1333FSB as well but it is a BETA BIOS
I would then keep it for now then as your machine is decent to hold you off until the new stuff comes out.
So as an update to this thread i started, i downloaded and installed the latest BIOS and bought a shiny new Q9450 which is now running at 3GHz. :D
I'm buying this board from a friend for $100 (non-wifi). He oc'ed a q6600 pretty well on it and im doing the same. This is good to know cause I was thinking of buying the new E8600.