Asus P5E Speedstep not Dropping Voltage


Aug 18, 2008
I recently swapped out motherboards. I went from a Biostar TP45HP to an Asus P5E. On the Biostar I was overclocked to 3.4ghz on my Q6600 with speedstep enabled. With this set up, when my cpu was idle both the multiplier and voltage would drop. This was pretty nice as my voltage wasn't at 1.45 allll the time.

With my new setup on the Asus P5E I'm also running 3.4ghz with speedstep. However, when speedstep kicks in when the cpu goes idle...the multiplier drops but the voltage does not budge. This is pretty annoying. Using less energy when it isnt needed is always good and preferred.

I have speedstep and C1E enabled. Do Asus motherboards override voltage change in speedstep when the FSB is manually set?
Asus motherboards in general do not do that, but your specific model could have an issue. Double check that all your CPU related voltages are set to auto in the bios. If you are still having the issue you might want to try a different bios version.
Set all CPU related voltages to auto? Wouldn't that result in excessively high voltages during non-idle operation?

I've always set the voltages manually when overclocking.
No... when you manually set voltages it forces the motherboard to keep that voltage on the cpu at all times, regardless of whether it is at full load or completely idle. No it will not result in excessively high voltages, with your overclock I wouldn't even think you'd need a voltage bump.