Asus P5K + Sata Port -> Front Panel Esata connection = Sloww!


Jul 19, 2006
I have used a few Asus boards recently (ie.Asus P5W DH, P5K) all flashed to the latest bios but the problem I am having is this:

Why when I plug the external esata connection installed onto the case's esata port to the motherboard's regular sata port OR e-sata port that the speeds on the connected device using that port are soooo sllooooowww (< 5mb/sec) BUT when I hook into the back of the mobo's esata's back panel and enable the JController in Bios then its fine (45-50mb/sec).

Do I need a special esata controller that can hook to the front panel esata port or an expansion connector to the back? Are there esata drivers I am missing? Why would not plugging the case's front panel esata connection into the mobo's regular sata ports do the trick? Really stumped by why esata doesn't work as well as USB2.0 in this regard. Anyone?
do the eSATA ports on the back work OK (motherboard)? If so I would say its your case/cabling or port and not MOBO specific, unless ofcourse another mobo works fine. then your in a dingle dongle :eek:
Both my current P5W DH and the P5K (system I am building for a friend) has this problem. Both Mobos work perfectly with the eSata on the back panel (once the JController is enabled in Bios for obvious reasons). But.. plug them either into the regular sata ports on the mobo or to the esata port (mobo as well) having them connected to the front case panel or an expansion connection in the back slot area and they run brutally slow.

Anyone have this? 2 Asus motherboard completely different and its the same. BackPanel eSata = FAST!!! Mobo-connected eSata or regular Sata to either FrontPanel Case eSata or rear-installed eSata port connector = Brutally slow.
Noone has any ideas on this? Seems Asus wide or is this just a fact of eSata connectors on the front of Case Panels?
Surely I cannot be the only one with this problem? This eSata issue has appeared on 3 different Asus mobos. Is this an industry trend with internal eSata connectors on the board?
do the eSATA ports on the back work OK (motherboard)? If so I would say its your case/cabling or port and not MOBO specific, unless ofcourse another mobo works fine. then your in a dingle dongle :eek:

to the OP
this guy gave you the answer as far as i am concerned.
have you been using the same case each time? if so what case is it?
we need more info. it doesnt sound like an asus problem.
more importantly, it seems like you are the only person with this issue, so its likely the case's cabling.
I tired this on 2 different case types.. One being a Thermaltake Armour (the one with the massive 250m side fan) and a Antec Sonata3 case. Both the connection from the front eSata case cable and the optional expansion bracket that fits on the back which then also connects to the eSata on the board exhibit this slowdown on BOTH mobos for both cases. Unless this is driver-related or something but I find this highly suspicious and until I hear from someone who has direct experience with using either the front eSata case ports or expansion ports on the back (not the official eSata connector direct on the back of the mobo) then its still open season.