Asus P5N32-SLI Premium results


Jan 31, 2003
Hisghest FSB SuperPi 1M stable. Higher than what I heard could be done, but still far short of the 975X. Have not tried 350fsb @ 1:1 yet.


Running prime at these settings now.

Misc pic's:


Wow... you got 350 FSB! That is wayyy better then the P5NSLI's 300 FSB. Now I am excited. I should be getting mine on Monday.
I had to up some voltages a bit to get prime stable at 350fsb. I'm now over 9 hours dual prime stable. CPU @ 3.15ghz, 1.375v, 39-44c on stock cooler.
Despite prime stability, the mobo will not hold the 350fsb on reboot. It will only take it after setting initially. Might still be some things I need to tweak though.
When you say it does not hold it... does that mean it reverts back to stock on reboot?
It drops back to 333mhz fsb (1333/800). I have since done some tweaking and have gotten it to hold on reboot at least once. I'm still playing in any case. Its a wicked nice board (features, layout, stability), but those looking to get high fsb for locked cpu's will want to pass this one up to wait for the C55 boards.

I have done 350fsb 1:1 (1400QDR/700DDR) now as well. 366Mhz is a no go at any setting so far, but like I said, still playing.
well, atleast its not a completly horrible board.
333+ isn't so bad, if you have a multiplier high enough to get you the MHz too :)

this paird with a X6800 wouldnt be a bad idea for a crazy gamer, with deep pockets looking for SLI, and mild overclocking.
Yup, I've played with pretty much all of the voltages. Not to say that >350fsb is not doable, just haven't been able to so far in my testing. I'd be interested in hearing any other experiences with the board of couse.
Thats some good news on the 590 chipset. I was thinking of swapping boards but...

I'm at 322 FSB (9x322=2.9) on the P5N32-SLI SE with some minor voltage tweaks. The beta 501 bios seemed to help a lot with stable OC's and this board is fast at these speeds. I guess I'll hold off on changing to the 590 chipset and pick up the new 600 series board around the time the new 8800GTX's are released :)

Thanks for the info!
OK, I got my board, an Intel e6700 and some Corsair 8500C5 RAM. I have been having a lot of issues. I had a heck of a time getting Windows to even install properly. Lots of strange random errors.

Then about 3 hours into messing with it, the board would not and still will not read the Corsair 8500C5 as SLI (EPP) enabled RAM any more. I have tried everything, resetting the BIOS, pulling the battery, flashing it back to an older BIOS. No dice. I cannot decide if this is the board or the memory. One other thing, I put some other Corsair 6400C4 memory in the board and it finds it as SLI enabled-EPP. So I know the feature still works on the board at least. Corsair tech support said it might be the 8500C5 memory that is the problem but then went on to say that this board had a terrible memory controller and that I should not expect any high memory clocks. That sort of worried me. It sort of makes wonder what the point of the whole EPP, SLI memory is. They (Corsair) just recently developed this EPP-SLI tech jointly with nVidia and are saying that the flagship nVidia boards cannot take advantage of it?! Also, if I try to clock the memory to anything much higher then the default 800MHz I will eventually get a system freeze.

Anyway, I did a priority RMA through ZZF and will get new memory tomorrow.

Lastly, the board reads my CPU at insanely low CPU temps. Like 15 to 20 C. I have tested it with an e6300 and even an old LGA775 3.2 GHz P4. On the e6300 it told the CPU was 9C! The program CoreTemp will tell me the actual temp of the cores and that is a much more normal mid 40C range. Still, this makes me wonder if it is my board with the problem. Does anybody else have this issue?

My experience so far... Also, I have managed to get it up to 300FSB so far, but after that the memory really begins to choke out. Will definitely test more this weekend.
I would agree its your 8500C5 memory thats not good. The Corsair guy is correct. Dont expect a good overclock with this mobo. If you get it up over 300fsb you are doing really good. The previous C19 chipset mobos werent getting much beyond 300fsb neither. Thats why DFI and others ditched the C19 mobos and opted to wait for nVidia to finish the C55 chipset. The P5N32 SLI Premium mobo is okay for the non-overclockers but I wouldnt reccomend it to someone who wants to overclock.
It is not a flagship board, its a bandaid board until the 680I is released. Thats when EPP will well "shine" I believe EPP is a bit of old fashioned marketing ,,,,,,,,,but what do i know

Ps, I know that Corsair is respected and used by many people but frankly i have always had issues with Corsair unless i was running in spec. I have never experienced a sinlge compatiblity issue with Mushkin memory.
hey canislupy - what are all the settings and voltages you're using on the BIOS? I got it to work through a few reboots at 350 FSB, but after running prime95 and crashing, it won't boot up anymore. i thought i'd compare numbers with yours :)

I got the new memory... did the same thing. Worked in EPP/SLI mode for about 20 minutes. Rebooted to a black screen. Had to reset the BIOS... now SLI memory chjoice is grayed out. I tried both sets of RAM on a different AMD based 590 board and thwey seem to work well and the BIOS shows that is is "SLI Memory".

(I was afraid I had somehow fried something on the memory)

Also, since I had both sets, I have tried running all 4 sticks... it works in a bad way. Things boot, but run VERY VERY slowly. Windows Vista 64 RC2 just chugs along redrawing the screen very slowly. I tried Memtest with 4 sticks and it takes like 7 hours to make a single pass of tests. With 2 sticks it took like 20 minutes.

This board is just a mess. Also, is anybody else having the temp reading issues for the CPU?
My voltages (besides CPU) are all + 0.1 on average. I found the the VTT being at or near top voltage is what has allowed me the 350MHz fsb.
As for SLI-EPP... why bother? Just set memory timings manually as usual. :rolleyes:

Also... don't know what you mean by temp reading problems? These cpu's don't run so hot unless under load.
I know the SLI/EPP thing isn't all that useful... but it should still work. Also, why did it work but now it doesn't? (Rhetorical question)

As for the temp thing, I mean that it reads my CPU as running at a max temp of 20C. That would be several degrees below ambient. Impossible.

It did this on three different CPU's. On a P4 3.2 CPU it said the temp was 9C!

Anyway, if I run the program "CoreTemp" it shows both my cores running in the mid 40C range. About what I would expect.

I am having OK success with OC'ing as long as I run the memory locked at 800. Which pisses me off since I paid extra fro memory that will run at 1066. Also, the problem with running 4 sticks of memory really worries me as well. I am going to call ASUS tomorrow and then probably ZipZoomFly to see about a replacement. Fun, fun, fun...
4x sticks at 1066 is prob not likely... but I'm new to conroe's and all, having been over at the AMD until Intel finally got thier act together. Have you tried running the CPU at 266fsb and only OC'ing the memory? First make sure your memory settings are okay, then do the CPU, doing both at once will confuse the issues.

I used both the Asus and nVidia monitoring tools and saw correct temps. No problems here.
I have tried OC'ing the memory without OC'ing the CPU... no luck. It will run at 900 for a while but will eventually lock up. Also it will have memory errors in memtest (Usually test 5)

I am OC'ing the CPU (e6700) without upping the memory and that seems to work.

As to the 4 sticks, I am trying to run them at 800 which is what the board finds it as... although maybe i will try it at 667... I will let you know.

Thanks for the input so far. I am glad to know somebody is having a bit of success with the board.
The 4 sticks will not run well... no matter what setting I choose.

I can get the board to OC the CPU up to 1333 or 333FSB. I tried 350, but it does not reboot. When leaving the BIOS.

I must say the Vista Beta runs really smooth with the 1333 or 3.33 GHz.
Whenever I have had trouble with 350fsb, the board reverts to 333fsb, which is much more stable. For 350fsb to be stable and hold on reboots, I have found that you have to tweak your settings (voltages most importantly) precisely.

As for the memory, I am using OCZ Ti Alpha VX2 which is overkill for this board, but runs great with no compatibility issues. Not that I have tried 4 sticks, but coming from AMD, I never expect 4 sticks to perform well. I have found OCZ and Mushkin to be the best from a compatiblity standpoint, I lost faith in Corsair a long time ago, based on my experiences with thier memory. And while I'd like to try out all 4 slots with 4GB or RAM, this Ti Alpha VX2 ain't cheap. :p
what kind of setting did u do on the voltage? did u change sb/nb voltage?

i'm trying to do my first OC so i don't know a lot about it, i can have windows running even @ 380 and no problem on reboot.

The real problem are two message that appears on the screen:

1) Access Violation at address 019849cc in module overclock.dll read of address 000000

2) Bios Error: Item 0x01060001 (cpu ratio) reports unreasonable value: 9

Windows is not crashing, apparently it seems work fine, i cun run prime and pcmark04, but the 2nd error (cpu ratio) appears every few second, so i think something is wrong.

those are result fsb=1400:
file compression 12 mb/s
file encryption 100mb/s
file decompr 96 mb/s
image process 45.054 mpixel
virus scanning 6104.549 mb/s
grammar check failed (ma mi fallisce anche in default)
file decryption 100mb/s
audio conv 5674 kb/s
web page rend 5960 pages
wmv compr 131.850 fps
divx compres 143.835 fps
pixel calc 3D 377.884 fps
graphic 64 lines 1241.248 fps

prime benchmark result @ step 10, 103.647ms
prime run in blend also, i can have it running for 10 minuts (i was boring and i restart the system)

i really think that with ur expertise i can tune this system to works well and hit an FSB around 350, even more (i tried 400mhz one time and windows started without problem).

my system is:
MB: P5n32 SLI 590 Premium
CPU: E6600
RAM: RAM is Apache 1gb unb pc2-6400 cl5 (only 1gb stick)(
VIDEO: EN7300GT Silent/HTD HD 256mb

Air cooling: zelman 9000 (in the future i'll go for liquid, for the moment it's not a problem)

my setting are:
T(CAS) - Auto
T(RCD) - Auto
T(RP) - Auto
T(RAS) - Auto
T(RC) - Auto
Addressing Mode - Auto

SLI Broadcast Aperture - Disabled
LDT Frequency - 3x

FSB - 1400
MEM Speed - 700
NB PCIE - 100
SB PCIE - 100
FSB Turbo - disabled
MEM Turbo - disabled

Vcore Voltage - 1.4
Memory Voltage - 2.1 (but i have same result with 1.8 1.9 2.0)
1.2V HT Voltage - Auto
CPU VTT Voltage - Auto
SB Core Voltage - Auto
NB Core Voltage - Auto
Vcore Over Voltage - disabled
in safe mode i have NO errors appear and:

prime 95 @ step 10 = 98ms
SuperPi 1M = 16.578 s