ASUS P6T Deluxe @ [H]

If you run engineering software or cad software, then this would definitely do the trick. I'm running a Dell Precision 690 with dual xeons and 32gig of memory and let me tell you when I run simulations and analysis work, that memory starts to get used up quick.

Exactly. There are needs for larger memory capacities in workstations but for the home user and even the gamer, that much RAM is overkill at present.
Booted to memtest86 last night. It ran for 18 minutes then it stopped for over 45. I am guessing that's a bad sign. I will try to run it again tonight.

I've never had Corsair memory go bad/be bad...
alamone ... it's not loud at all inside this Antec case with the 120's. I actually can't hear it below my desk.
Exactly. There are needs for larger memory capacities in workstations but for the home user and even the gamer, that much RAM is overkill at present.

Won't argue with you there. But as a matter of course for me, the more ram the better. Remember it's all for the e-peen. :D mine a week ago, finally built, after I got rid of the guilt:confused:(it's a married thing..) - all working perfectly, now:D:D:D!!
1 thing I have found - memory bus voltage needs to be set manually, @least with the OCZ ram. Otherwise, it feels like any other 'early adopter board', bit slow to boot when using a PATA burner - Marvel controller needs some work...but stable far:eek::eek::eek:
Anyway, I'm currently @ 170x20 base clock - around 3.4ghz - and no t-issues yet, heat is ok, am using stock Intel fan - which is why the 3.4 will be it for now..anyway, GL all;););)

How much BIOS tweaking does it take to get it stable? You mentioned setting the voltage manually, what are you at?

If all these sound like n00b questions, they kinda are. I've been out of the performance game for a while. I'd like more than anything to make this puppy stable under loads. If I can steal a few hundred megahertz of performance while I'm in there I'll do it.

If there is a guide or some sort of how-to somewhere, I'll read it.
If anyone has a decent 3.5GHz OC on air that is stable, could you please post your settings with this board? I'm just getting back into OCing and all the guides I have seen for overclocking the i7 are using Gigabyte boards. All I have done to OC so far is increase my BCLK. I have my CPU multiplier at 20x. My CPUv is at 1.2v. All of my other settings are on AUTO. I've reached a point where I can't simply increase my BCLK and get a stable OC. Obviously I need to take some of the settings off of AUTO and start tweaking them. The problem is, I don't know what settings I should start tweaking and what I should adjust them to.
If anyone has a decent 3.5GHz OC on air that is stable, could you please post your settings with this board? I'm just getting back into OCing and all the guides I have seen for overclocking the i7 are using Gigabyte boards. All I have done to OC so far is increase my BCLK. I have my CPU multiplier at 20x. My CPUv is at 1.2v. All of my other settings are on AUTO. I've reached a point where I can't simply increase my BCLK and get a stable OC. Obviously I need to take some of the settings off of AUTO and start tweaking them. The problem is, I don't know what settings I should start tweaking and what I should adjust them to.
As I recall (and apologies if you've seen it), the [H] Nehalem overclocking video covered some about what settings to mess with and what settings to leave alone in the context of this board. That'll probably be my jumping off point for overclocking when I upgrade assuming I go with this board as I plan to.
I have been trying to get my external drives to work with the esata port in Vista 64 with this board and have been unsuccessful. It works when I turn the drives on before I start the computer, but if I am already running the OS and turn on the drive, nothing pops up recognizing the drive.
This is driving me a little crazy. Sure it works with USB but I want the speed of the eSata.

I have a Crosshair motherboard with Vista on it and I know it works with that so it's not a Vista problem.

Anyone else have this issue or a fix for it?
Here's my OC so far. I'm on air. I can't stay stable in Prime at 195FSB so I'm trying to figure out where to go from here to get the last 200MHz so I can hit 4GHz.

I can't get mine to detect the eSATA drive at all. On boot or after...

I'll keep working on it and report back.
eSATA doesn't work for me. After a few reboots, a few shutdowns, nothing but an occasional BSOD on boot. The drive works fine if it's plugged in using USB but not eSATA.

It's a WD Studio Edition 1TB formatted NTFS. Seems to be a lot of people having issues with the eSATA port which sucks.
did everything kyle did in the video, got 3.9ghz just as easy. although i turned off page file and left4dead actaully runs out of memory.....
did everything kyle did in the video, got 3.9ghz just as easy. although i turned off page file and left4dead actaully runs out of memory.....

Core i7 is actually surprisingly easy t overclock.
eSATA doesn't work for me. After a few reboots, a few shutdowns, nothing but an occasional BSOD on boot. The drive works fine if it's plugged in using USB but not eSATA.

It's a WD Studio Edition 1TB formatted NTFS. Seems to be a lot of people having issues with the eSATA port which sucks.

Yup I can't get the eSATA port to work either, I know it works cos it works on my old P5K.
As I'm going through and switching out different WD MyBooks to try and get eSATA working, I now see that the BIOS can't seem to hold on to settings. It likes to change the boot order and forget that I have a RAID array. That causes the system not to boot.

This Asus P6T is beginning to be a pain in the rear. Check that, it IS a pain in the rear.
This Asus P6T is beginning to be a pain in the rear. Check that, it IS a pain in the rear.

...there's some things that I love about this board and some things that make me wonder why I didn't buy the other one that I was considering.

Personally, I'm having a hard time with the onboard audio. Overall, it works but, the front panel header is acting up.

I think they've got a few more BIOS revisions to go. least they've been releasing BIOS updates really quickly though. (still not sure if that's a bad thing or a good thing)
I think they've got a few more BIOS revisions to go. least they've been releasing BIOS updates really quickly though. (still not sure if that's a bad thing or a good thing)

To me it shows that they released a product WAY to early. I hate it when companies do this, it really screws early adopters.
To me it shows that they released a product WAY to early. I hate it when companies do this, it really screws early adopters.
Every company does it so don't be surprised. I've heard this complaint with several of the X58 boards I've been researching for purchase next week. This is why they call it living on the "bleeding-edge". :cool:
To me it shows that they released a product WAY to early. I hate it when companies do this, it really screws early adopters.

Every company does it so don't be surprised. I've heard this complaint with several of the X58 boards I've been researching for purchase next week. This is why they call it living on the "bleeding-edge". :cool:

I think part of the audio issue is bad drivers though. They made a horrible choice going with ADI Soundmax. ...especially since the Soundmax brand just got sold! Hopefully they do something to fix everything though. They've mysteriously released Realtek audio drivers on their site though, which kinda doesn't make sense.

Yeah..."bleeding-edge"! lol Unpaid beta testers is more like it!
I am going to make sure that ASUS sees this thread. Keep the feedback coming, this is what ASUS needs to hear to fix these issues.
anyone else having issues with 12gb of ram???I seem to run into a cold boot issue with 12gb of ram.
So I posted this stuff in my review of the product at NewEgg. I got some sort of auto response from ASUS that said "It appears you're having a BIOS problem. Please call ASUS tech support..."

So I did, and it ended with them telling me I had a Windows Vista problem and to call Microsoft. Okay, I am not a huge MS fan either but the fact is, they make the best OS for these games we're addicted to. Don't create a board and then blame the OS. YOU FIX IT!
I liked SAS being onboard. It gives you a cheap path to using SAS drives if you want and those ports are still usable for SATA. Win/win in my book.
Me too, I don't really understand why they came out with this V2 board if all they changed was removing onboard SAS. The P6T Deluxe is still on their site. So now in the immediate family we now have the P6T, Deluxe, and Deluxe V2. The price differences between the P6T and the Deluxe is not very significant so, with the V2 in the middle probably, I am still asking myself why? There must be some other changes I am not seeing.

I think I am still going with the P6T6 WS Revolution myself.
Dan I know that you run a Tri-SLI rig, did you notice any performance decreases due to the limited bandwith caused by the fact that the lanes are running at 16/8/8?
Dan I know that you run a Tri-SLI rig, did you notice any performance decreases due to the limited bandwith caused by the fact that the lanes are running at 16/8/8?

Currently, I run an Intel D5400XS motherboard which has four full speed PCI-Express 1.0/1.0a compliant PCI-Express x16 slots. So there is no bandwidth castration in regard to me running 3-Way SLI.

I will probably move the Skulltrail setup to server duties and grab a Core i7 940 and at least 6GB of DDR3 memory. Probably a Corsair kit like the ones we use in our reviews. As for the motherboard, I haven't decided on what to go with yet. So far the Rampage II Extreme is in the lead, but I haven't messed with enough LGA1366 motherboards to make any final decisions on.
Probably a Corsair kit like the ones we use in our reviews. As for the motherboard, I haven't decided on what to go with yet. So far the Rampage II Extreme is in the lead, but I haven't messed with enough LGA1366 motherboards to make any final decisions on.
Yeah, I'm buying my i7 hardware next Friday the 2nd. 920 CPU combined with the Corsair Dominator memory (sounds like really sweet memory). My motherboard shortlist at the moment (in order):

  1. P6T6 WS Revolution
  2. Rampage II Extreme
  3. Gigabyte GA-EX58-UDR5
Either one of them, based on my research, will build a solid i7 platform for me and, quite frankly, it is coming down to which layout I like best and aesthetics. It may sound stupid to many but the Revolution is in the lead mainly because it does NOT have some of the legacy crap (PATA and Floppy) that I haven't used in years. I just wish I had some more real world data to go on but I doubt we will see any reviews on it before next Friday. However, the stress testing Kyle has been doing on it has been promising.
Yeah, I'm buying my i7 hardware next Friday the 2nd. 920 CPU combined with the Corsair Dominator memory (sounds like really sweet memory). My motherboard shortlist at the moment (in order):

  1. P6T6 WS Revolution
  2. Rampage II Extreme
  3. Gigabyte GA-EX58-UDR5
Either one of them, based on my research, will build a solid i7 platform for me and, quite frankly, it is coming down to which layout I like best and aesthetics. It may sound stupid to many but the Revolution is in the lead mainly because it does NOT have some of the legacy crap (PATA and Floppy) that I haven't used in years. I just wish I had some more real world data to go on but I doubt we will see any reviews on it before next Friday. However, the stress testing Kyle has been doing on it has been promising.

The EVGA X58 is worth a look as well.
Has anyone managed to get e-SATA working? Does e-SATA work better on the non-deluxe version? I would really appreciate any infos because e-SATA is very important for me.

PS: I am using Windows Server 2008 x64 (like Vista x64) as my OS.

- Daniel
Another essential question arose: Does the soundchip on this board support the output of AC3/DTS multichannel sound? Would be great if anybody knows this or if someone could test this out. Thanks so much.