Asus P8P67 Pro issue - BIOS will not save when turned off!


Mar 16, 2006
This motherboard worked perfectly fine in my Antec 1200 case, just recently I upgraded to a nice Silverstone FT02 case, got everything installed and fired right up.

However, now I have a problem when I shut down, my BIOS appears to reset itself and I cannot figure out what else to try to do.

I have pulled the motherboard out and tried a different PSU and only 1 460 GTX but still the same issue occurs, also reset the CMOS just in case there was a problem with that as well.

When powered on, everything runs great and no problems but I don't normally leave my system running 24/7 so having to reset my BIOS every time I boot is going to be a hassle.

Any other ideas or is my board shot?
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Tried that as well thinking the same thing, took out the battery from another motherboard but still same results.
The only thing I'd know to try is running the machine outside the case to make sure there's not some kinda weirdo grounding issue with the new case.

Does the BIOS completely reset to default?
Yeah, I pulled the motherboard back out, set it on a wooden top with a different PSU and only plugged in the bare essentials to get it to load Windows.

The BIOS is completely wiped out every single time I power off and then try to turn it on, in fact, I have to switch the PSU off then back on to even get the computer to start.

Then when it does start, it boots up and says something along the lines of, Press F1 to recover BIOS, and the motherboard has the BIOS LED lit indicating an error in the BIOS.

I have the same board and same issue. My solution is never turn off my computer but I would like to sometime. I'm waiting on revised boards but that is a bad solution also. Every sandy motherboard I have had has some booting issue too, strange. Good luck.
man thats some nasty crap
I really feel for you guys - sheesh
sounds like bad bios chip or not getting enough juice
the old bios were eeprom the new are flash
Did you know they are replaceable?
Just pull it out with puller so you dont bend 4 tabs on ea side
Some PSU have shitty rise time on the +5VSB (Voltage sure boot) or dont reach full 5V with big load at boot
Had this prob with DFI P35
getting a new bios chip should be easy, if it didnt fix, then have to try dif PSU - doesnt matter if its 1200watt, its the VSB
Definitely sounds like your mobo. My a8n-sli board did the same thing with the psu, and I would have to hit the switch on and off with my 500 watt seasonic, and I thought the psu was bad. Put the same psu into my p5k board and problem vanished. I think the fact your mobo won't hold the settings is evidence enough of a bad board. Pm Gary Key or OC_Seer, those guys will help you out, but they wont be in until tomorrow.
Yeah I figured my motherboard was shot just hoping there was another reason or something I could fix instead of replacing the motherboard now and then again for the recall.

Though will Asus swap my bad board for another bad board (due to Intel chipset error) and then again for the recall? :confused:
So I have an update for this issue and it is quite sad what happened.

It seems that when I transferring my motherboard from one case to another, the damn CMOS Jumper literally fell off of the motherboard! I have never had this happen in all the years I have toyed with computers. So once another jumper was located and put in place, everything is working again.

So dumb and can't believe that happened but I guess it goes to show that you can't overlook anything.
Thanks for this thread My bios/epu was suffering the same problems then a post on this thread mentioned the jumper - I checked out my P8P67 Pro only to find the jumper was missing and as I had just finished building this rig I checked round the floor and there it was. When fitting it back on I noticed what a sloppy fit it is which explains why it fell off with ease proably when fitting the H60 cooler back bracket.

So thanks for this information as I had been trying to solve this annoying problem for over 3 hours.