Asus Rampage 3 Gene - issue


Nov 23, 2007
So I recently purchased an Asus Rampage 3 Gene... however while attempting to install windows 7, the computer turned itself off.

Need a bit of help as I'm not sure how to handle this.

Further background:

Purchased used.

Attempted to install windows 7... all components attached on top of a cardboard box, so open air.

components list:
i7 950
prolimatech megashadow
gskill ddr3 3x2gb
radeon 6850 1gb
corsair hx650

asus external dvd drive
usb mouse and usb keyboard

everything is stock, no fans attached to the megashadow since I haven't overclocked yet.

the Northbridge (IOH) apparently hits 90 degrees celcius (while also bringing up my cpu temp upto 55 degrees celcius)... while just attempting to install windows... I waited for it to cool down and just went into bios... on idle doing nothing, North bridge heats up 1 degree celcius every 10 seconds (starting from 40 degrees celcius).

I've already removed the crappy TIM that Asus put on it (it was hard) and applied MX-2 or MX-3 thermal paste... rescrewed everything...

Now what else can I do? I spoke to the original owner and he never saw anything above 60 degrees celcius... but that's installed in a case... I never had a problem doing this while installing outside of a case before..actually did it to another computer the weekend before.

What's actually causing this? Could one component possibly be messing up the northbridge and cause it to overheat? ie Processor? GPU?

What options do I have? This doesn't sound normal...

Any and all help is appreciated... I just don't get how it is heating up and failing on me while the previous owner had no issue.

Thanks guys!
Anyone? Seriously any help would be great, I'm at my wits end and can't figure it out.
the northbridge on the rampage gene ii and iii do get hot. i suggest you mount an aftermarket north bridge heat sink on it or get a fanon that. the antec cool spot fan is what most of the rampage ii gene user uses. i myself use a Thermalright HR-05 IFX with a 80mm fan on it. temps are stable @ around 50 celcius.

here is what it looks like

good luck.
I have a rampage gene 2 as well, don't know if it has the same problem that I'm having right now... I just don't get how it's getting hot while idle doing nothing.

I was also planning to install this in a lian li v354, would it fit even with the Thermalright HR-05 IFX? Also, this only covers the northbridge, but what are you using on the other stuff that's covered by the pads connected to the stock northbridge cooler?
I have a rampage gene 2 as well, don't know if it has the same problem that I'm having right now... I just don't get how it's getting hot while idle doing nothing.

I was also planning to install this in a lian li v354, would it fit even with the Thermalright HR-05 IFX? Also, this only covers the northbridge, but what are you using on the other stuff that's covered by the pads connected to the stock northbridge cooler?

iirc, the NB HS has two parts, and you can remove the additonal HS and attach a new HS to the unified HS :) I looked for a HR-05 in the past for my R2GENE, however, I wasn't able to find one, then :(.
Thanks guys. I will look into getting these then. Sad that I need to modify the motherboard just for it to work correctly... ruining the color scheme :(
Although the NB does get hot, I don't think it's the cause of your problem. If just installing Windows cause it to shutdown, it's probably CPU related heat. Probably not good contact between the CPU and heatsink. Take it off and remount it, while doing that, observe if the thermal paste is distributed evenly across the IHS of the CPU. I have the same board and I can actually run hours without any modification to the NB heatsink. If you are afraid of heat on the NB, just use ties to hold a fan blowing across the NB heatsink, usually that's enough.
I've remounted the CPU about 3 times now actually, which is what's confusing the hell out of me. I've never come across this issue before in all the computers I've built. Each time I've pulled it off, the TIM is distributed almost perfectly, surprisingly. What I found weird was that the CPU temp and NB temp in bios would consistently increase while idling on everything stock.

I have a spare i7 processor so I'm going to swap that out and see if this processor is what's causing the problem though. I'll post back once I do. Keep any suggestions coming and thanks for the help everyone. Really appreciate it!
Then again, it could be a bad CPU to begin with. We'll find out once you swap CPU.
Seems to just be the board... swapped it out with my w3550... NB on idle will eventually get to 72 degrees celcius... the i7 950 hit 76 degrees celcius

This is after I lowered both of these chips to 1.2 vcore from their VIDs (1.27 for 950 and 1.29 for xeon)

These are pretty damned high, what the heck :( I recall my older 920/930s having 1.15 or something, what the heck happened to these chips? Even my dell's 920 has a 1.16 VID.

So what now? RMA the board or just deal with it? I bought the thermalright IFX05 northbridge cooler and a bunch of enzotech copper mosfet heatsinks...but not sure how I'll fit an 80mm fan onto the IFX since the graphics card would be right under it.

Sad -__-