ASUS RT-N56U setup


Sep 30, 2003
Hey guys, im having a hell of a time getting this new router set up and working properly. I wont deny, I dont care about all of the super customization for my network. All I really need is something that works well, offers standard password encryption, and has a good coverage distance for WiFi. I am switching from an older dated netgear router, that aside from the very limited wifi range, actually has performed beautifully for the several years that I have had it in service. So, I finally decided to upgrade to this new ASUS RT-N56U router, due to several good reviews and the styling is quite nice as well. So far, I have been able to get everything up and rolling, 4 connected LAN devices, multiple WAN devices, and UPNP through utorrent is working correctly. The only (so far as I can tell) service that I havent been able to get to work is my media server, Nero MediaHome 4, to stream to either of my PS3's. Actually, the media server does not show up at all, on the PS3's. With the netgear I never had to adjust any settings at all, I just plugged everything in, ran Nero MediaHome, and everything worked like a champ. Like I stated earlier, I really dont have any idea what settings even need to be adjusted, within the router itself, and before I start messing around with port forwarding, or the like, I would at least like to know what I am doing. Any network guru's willing to give me hand? I would appreciate it. Thanks.
Well, I have browsed through the entire manual, but since I really dont know what my issue is its quite hard for me to troubleshoot it. I hope that any of you guys can lend me hand as I am unsure what to do next.
wonder why you didn't consider a software issue on nero's side?
That could be because it worked fine with the netgear router without any setting changes? Do you have some insight to offer?
There are not very many settings accessible to the user in the nero media server application for customization. Any reason you chose to answer question with a question yet offer no advice?
Obviously the netgear router is several years older and im sure lacks many of the functions that the RT-N56U offers. The fact that the media server was operational before installing the RT-N56U leads me to believe that it is most likely due to a port, or something else that I am not aware of, being blocked by the RT-N56U. I just dont know what I am looking for, or what needs to opened/configured. Thats the bottom line. I was hoping that someone here can help me out.
Use the virtual server setting to open the port to the PS3, I think it's 5001 or something by default. The ASUS firmware is cooler than DD-WRT in this aspect because it offers a dropdown box of the ip's on the network. Just select the appropriate ones, open 5001, and go from there.
Thanks for the suggestion heaven. Actually, after having messed around with the settings all night long I got to thinking that illli was actually right about the only constant in all of my troubleshooting was that I was working under the assumption that nero was 100 percent operation. Which it was, before the installation of this new router. So I went and grabbed a copy a tversity, since it is free, just to use for troubleshooting and from the moment I installed it, without adjusting any settings, it has worked without issue. I will mess around with nero at a later time to see if I can get it to function properly, since it was free, but as of now the wife is happy using the tversity until I can find a better solution. Thanks again for the assistance.